2016-07-29 82 views

我有一個像這樣的表,我通過適度返工this數據+ SQL來顯示白天,但我想添加空天以及與在右手邊運行理貨。爆炸一個SQL表,並插入一行,每天不存在

║ day  ║ num1 ║ num2 ║ tally ║ 
║ 2016-06-10 ║ 9.99 ║   ║ 9.99 ║ 
║ 2016-06-12 ║ 136.00 ║ 9.99 ║ 145.99 ║ 
║ 2016-06-14 ║  ║ 145.99 ║ 145.99 ║ 
║ 2016-06-18 ║ 9.99 ║ 145.99 ║ 155.98 ║ 
║ 2016-06-19 ║ 210.00 ║ 145.99 ║ 365.98 ║ 
║ 2016-06-22 ║ 50.00 ║ 9.99 ║ 279.98 ║ 
║ 2016-06-28 ║ 69.99 ║ 59.99 ║ 349.97 ║ 


║ day  ║ num1 ║ num2 ║ tally ║ 
║ 2016-06-10 ║ 9.99 ║   ║ 9.99 ║ 
║ 2016-06-11 ║  ║   ║ 9.99 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-12 ║ 136.00 ║ 9.99 ║ 145.99 ║ 
║ 2016-06-13 ║  ║   ║ 145.99 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-14 ║  ║ 145.99 ║ 145.99 ║ 
║ 2016-06-15 ║  ║   ║ 145.99 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-16 ║  ║   ║ 145.99 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-17 ║  ║   ║ 145.99 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-18 ║ 9.99 ║ 145.99 ║ 155.98 ║ 
║ 2016-06-19 ║ 210.00 ║ 145.99 ║ 365.98 ║ 
║ 2016-06-20 ║  ║   ║ 365.98 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-21 ║  ║   ║ 365.98 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-22 ║ 50.00 ║ 9.99 ║ 279.98 ║ 
║ 2016-06-23 ║  ║   ║ 279.98 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-24 ║  ║   ║ 279.98 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-25 ║  ║   ║ 279.98 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-26 ║  ║   ║ 279.98 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-27 ║  ║   ║ 279.98 ║ <- new row with previous value 
║ 2016-06-28 ║ 69.99 ║ 59.99 ║ 349.97 ║ 

數據庫是否有這對於每一日的記錄日曆類型的表? –


@DanBracuk是的,這是第一個表,但它只創建一個記錄存在時的行。我需要一堆空白的日期行,即使所有其他值對於該行都是空白的,也會帶來理貨值。 – eveo




with all_dates as (
    SELECT day 
    FROM generate_series 
     '1 day'::interval) day 
), partitioned_data as (
    select d.day, t.num1, t.num2, t.tally, 
     sum(case when t.tally is not null then 1 else 0 end) over (order by d.day) as partition_id 
    from all_dates d 
    left join tbl t 
     on t.day = d.day 
select t.day, t.num1, t.num2, 
     first_value(t.tally) over (partition by t.partition_id) as tally 
    from partitioned_data t 
order by t.day 

這很好用,謝謝。剩下的問題是獲取範圍的開始日期和結束日期,我想從「invoices」表中獲取該範圍的起始日期和結束日期,列「start」具有開始日期,列「end」具有結束日期。我想找到'start'列的最小值和'end'列的最大值,並將這些列用於範圍。 – eveo


編輯,nvm我明白了!儘管我認爲這有點複雜 – eveo



create table the_data(day date, num1 numeric, num2 numeric, tally numeric); 
insert into the_data values 
('2016-06-10', 9.99, null, 9.99), 
('2016-06-12', 136.00, 9.99, 145.99), 
('2016-06-14', null, 145.99, 145.99), 
('2016-06-18', 9.99, 145.99, 155.98), 
('2016-06-19', 210.00, 145.99, 365.98), 
('2016-06-22', 50.00, 9.99, 279.98), 
('2016-06-28', 69.99, 59.99, 349.97); 


with the_data as ( 
    select d::date as day, num1, num2, tally 
    from generate_series('2016-06-10'::date, '2016-06-28', '1d') d 
    left join the_data on d = day 
select distinct on (a.day) a.day, a.num1, a.num2, b.tally 
from the_data a 
join the_data b 
on a.day >= b.day and b.tally is not null 
order by a.day, b.day desc; 

    day  | num1 | num2 | tally 
2016-06-10 | 9.99 |  | 9.99 
2016-06-11 |  |  | 9.99 
2016-06-12 | 136.00 | 9.99 | 145.99 
2016-06-13 |  |  | 145.99 
2016-06-14 |  | 145.99 | 145.99 
2016-06-15 |  |  | 145.99 
2016-06-16 |  |  | 145.99 
2016-06-17 |  |  | 145.99 
2016-06-18 | 9.99 | 145.99 | 155.98 
2016-06-19 | 210.00 | 145.99 | 365.98 
2016-06-20 |  |  | 365.98 
2016-06-21 |  |  | 365.98 
2016-06-22 | 50.00 | 9.99 | 279.98 
2016-06-23 |  |  | 279.98 
2016-06-24 |  |  | 279.98 
2016-06-25 |  |  | 279.98 
2016-06-26 |  |  | 279.98 
2016-06-27 |  |  | 279.98 
2016-06-28 | 69.99 | 59.99 | 349.97 
(19 rows) 

感謝您爲我的示例創建表查詢。 – eveo


OP與回答者之間溝通的最佳方式是以文本格式提供數據結構和樣本數據,以便重現結果和可能的錯誤。不幸的是,大多數OP沒有意識到這一點。 – klin


是的,我試圖搞砸SQLFiddle,結果弄了半個小時就搞不定它了。 – eveo