所以我一直被困在內存問題上好幾天了。 我有一個使用C++運行的多線程程序。我初始化一個雙*指針。 從我讀過的和以前的編程經驗中,指針被初始化爲垃圾。如果將它初始化爲0或者如果爲程序分配的內存太多,它將爲空。對我來說,我的指針初始化,沒有分配,給了我一個空指針。 我寫的解析器函數是假設返回一個指向解析信息數組的指針。當我調用函數時,由編譯器將C++指針初始化爲空
double* data;
data = Parser.ReadCoordinates(&storageFilename[0]);
*** glibc detected *** /home/user/kinect/openni/Platform/Linux/Bin/x64-Debug/Sample-NiHandTracker: free(): corrupted unsorted chunks: 0x0000000001387f90 ***
*** glibc detected *** /home/user/kinect/openni/Platform/Linux/Bin/x64-Debug/Sample-NiHandTracker: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0000000001392670 ***
雙* csvParser :: ReadCoordinates(字符*文件名){
int x; //counter
int size=0; //
char* data;
int i = 0; //counter
FILE *fp=fopen(filename, "r");
if (fp == NULL){
perror ("Error opening file");
while ((x = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) { //Returns the character currently pointed by the internal file position indicator
size++; //Number of characters in the csv file
rewind(fp); //Sets the position indicator to the beginning of the file
printf("size is %d.\n", size); //print
data = new char[23]; //Each line is 23 bytes (characters) long
size = (size/23) * 2; //number of x, y coordinates
coord = new double[size]; //allocate memory for an array of coordinates, need to be freed somewhere
num_coord = size; //num_coord is public
//fgets (data, size, fp);
//printf("data is %c.\n", *data);
for(x=0; x<size; x++){
fgets (data, size, fp);
coord[i] = atof(&data[0]); //convert string to double
coord[i+1] = atof(&data[11]); //convert string to double
i = i+2;
delete[] data;
fclose (fp);
return coord;
請發表更多的代碼。例如。 Parser.ReadCoordinates做什麼來分配內存...... – 2013-03-02 21:42:26
要麼在'valgrind'下運行你的程序,要麼發佈足夠的代碼讓我們複製這個問題。 – 2013-03-02 21:42:40
哇謝謝大家如此快速的迴應。我明白是什麼原因導致內存錯誤。但是,我不知道爲什麼我會收到錯誤。我已經添加了解析器代碼。但是,我不認爲我可以附加所有的代碼,因爲文件太多。 – user2127579 2013-03-02 23:57:45