有機體是Base類 螞蟻派生類
Organism::Organism(){//default constructor
occupy = false;
mark = '_';
Organism::Organism(int){//constructor called on by the Ant constructor
occupy = true;
char Organism::getMark(){//Used to make sure the Ant constructor is properly called
return mark;
virtual void yell(){//virtual function
cout << "organism" << endl;
Ant::Ant() : Organism(){}//not really used
Ant::Ant(int) : Organism(5){//initialize the Ant object
void yell(){//override the virtual function
cout << "ant" << endl;
Organism **grid = new Organism*[20];
char c;
ifstream input("data.txt");//file contains data
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
grid[i] = new Organism[20];//initialize the 2d array
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++){
input >> c;//the file has *, X, O as marks
if (c == '*'){
grid[i][j] = Organism();//call on the default constructor to mark it as _
else if (c == 'X'){
grid[i][j] = Doodle(5);
else if (c == 'O'){
grid[i][j] = Ant(5);
//out of the loop
cout << grid[1][0].getMark() << endl;//outputs 'O', meaning it called on the ant constructor
grid[1][0].yell();//outputs organism, it is not calling on the Ant definition of the function yell()
有一個*指針矩陣*到基類型?是否有你不使用['std :: vector'](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector)的原因? –
我真的不喜歡矢量,然後我必須使用其他功能,將不得不移動,摧毀和滋生其他物體。我猜想以後會嘗試向量。 –
使用[C++標準庫](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp),包括其[containers](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container)和[算法] (http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm)將使您的C++程序員從長遠來看變得更加輕鬆愉快。 –