2015-11-27 38 views


Run 0,0.268728911877 
Run 1,0.0108088823035 
Run 2,0.0108088823035 
Run 3,0.0108088823035 
Run 4,0.0108088823035 
Run 5,0.0108088823035 
Run 6,0.0108088823035 
Run 7,0.0108088823035 
Run 8,0.0108088823035 
Run 9,0.0108088823035 
Run 10,0.0108088823035 
Run 11,0.0108088823035 
Run 12,0.0108088823035 
Run 13,0.0108088823035 
Run 14,0.0108088823035 


import tensorflow as tf 
import numpy as np 
from numpy import genfromtxt 
import sklearn 
import pandas as pd 
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split 
import sklearn 
# function buildWalMartData takes in a csv file, converts to numpy   array, splits into training 
# and testing, then saves the file to specified target directory 
def buildWalmartData(): 
    df = pd.read_csv('/Users/analyticsmachine/Desktop/Kaggle/WallMart_Kaggle/Data/full_train_complete.csv') 
    df = df.drop('Unnamed: 0', 1) # 1 specifies axis to remove 
    df_data = np.array(df.drop('TripType', 1).values) # convert to numpy array 
    df_label = np.array(df['TripType'].values) # convert to numpy array 
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df_data, df_label, test_size=0.25, random_state=50) 
    f = open('/Users/analyticsmachine/Desktop/Kaggle/WallMart_Kaggle/Data/wm-training.csv', 'w') 
    for i,j in enumerate(X_train): 
     k = np.append(np.array(y_train[i]), j) 
     f.write(','.join([str(s) for s in k]) + '\n') 
    f = open('/Users/analyticsmachine/Desktop/Kaggle/WallMart_Kaggle/Data/wm-testing.csv', 'w') 
    for i,j in enumerate(X_test): 
     k=np.append(np.array(y_test[i]), j) 
     f.write(','.join([str(s) for s in k]) + '\n') 
# function convertOnehot takes in data and converts to tensorflow oneHot 
# The corresponding labels in Wallmat TripType are numbers between 1 and 38, describing 
# which trip is taken. We have already converted the labels to a one-hot vector, which is a 
# vector that is 0 in most dimensions, and 1 in a single dimension. In this case, the nth triptype 
# will be represented as a vector which is 1 in the nth dimensions. 
def convertOneHot(data): 
    y = np.array([int(i[0]) for i in data]) 
    y_onehot = [0]*len(y) 
    for i,j in enumerate(y): 
     y_onehot[i][j] = 1 
    return (y, y_onehot) 

# import training data 
data = genfromtxt('/Users/analyticsmachine/Desktop/Kaggle/WallMart_Kaggle/Data/wm-training.csv', delimiter=',') 

# import testing data 
test_data = genfromtxt('/Users/analyticsmachine/Desktop/Kaggle/WallMart_Kaggle/Data/wm-testing.csv', delimiter=',') 

x_train = np.array([i[1::] for i in data]) 

# example output for x_train: 
#array([[ 7.06940000e+04, 5.00000000e+00, 7.91005185e+09, 
#   1.00000000e+00, 8.00000000e+00, 2.15000000e+02], 
#  [ 1.54653000e+05, 4.00000000e+00, 5.20001225e+09, 
#   1.00000000e+00, 5.00000000e+00, 4.60700000e+03], 
#  [ 1.86178000e+05, 3.00000000e+00, 4.32136106e+09, 
#   -1.00000000e+00, 5.00000000e+01, 1.90000000e+03], 

y_train, y_train_onehot = convertOneHot(data) 

x_test = np.array([ i[1::] for i in test_data]) 
y_test, y_test_onehot = convertOneHot(test_data) 
# exmaple y_test output 
#array([ 5, 32, 24, ..., 31, 28, 5]) 

# and example y_test_onehot: 
# 0, 
# 0, 
# 0, 
# 0, 
# 0, 
# 0, 
# 1, 
# 0, 
# 0, 
# 0, 
# 0, 
# 0] 

# A is the number of features, 6 in the wallmart data 
# B=38, which is the number of trip types 
A = data.shape[1]-1 
B = len(y_train_onehot[0]) 
tf_in = tf.placeholder('float', [None, A]) # features 
tf_weight = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([A,B])) 
tf_bias = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([B])) 
tf_softmax = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(tf_in, tf_weight) + tf_bias) 

# training via backpropogation 
tf_softmax_correct = tf.placeholder('float', [None, B]) 
tf_cross_entropy = - tf.reduce_sum(tf_softmax_correct*tf.log(tf_softmax)) 

# training using tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer 
tf_train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01).minimize(tf_cross_entropy) 

# add accuracy nodes 
tf_correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(tf_softmax,1),  tf.argmax(tf_softmax_correct, 1)) 
tf_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf_correct_prediction, 'float')) 

# initialize and run 
init = tf.initialize_all_variables() 
sess = tf.Session() 

# running the training 
for i in range(20): 
    sess.run(tf_train_step, feed_dict={tf_in: x_train, tf_softmax_correct: y_train_onehot}) 
    # print accuracy 
    result = sess.run(tf_accuracy, feed_dict={tf_in: x_test, tf_softmax_correct: y_test_onehot}) 
    print "run {},{}".format(i,result) 



這個問題看起來真的很寬泛,如果有人能夠幫助你,我會很驚訝。 – Ross


看看colah和我的答案http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33641799/why-does-tensorflow-example-fail-when-increasing-batch-size 幫助你。 – dga



如果您只是想爲Kaggle比賽快速啓動並運行,我建議您先嚐試使用TFLearn中的examples。 embedding_ops是一個熱門的例子,用於早期停止,自定義衰減,更重要的是,您遇到的多類分類/迴歸。一旦你對TensorFlow更加熟悉,你可以很容易地插入TensorFlow代碼來構建你想要的自定義模型(也有這方面的例子)。


,雖然沒有回答他的問題..應該是一個評論.. – Eliethesaiyan