square = [[251, 184], #point 1
[22, 192], #point 2
[41, 350], #point 3
[244, 346]] #point 4
,現在我必須給這些座標來NAO機器人以畫在白板上。問題是,移動NAO機器人的手臂,下面的示例代碼extracted from here由艾爾帕蘭給予(我在這裏貼上只代碼的部分是重要的,你明白的):
effector = "LArm"
space = motion.FRAME_ROBOT
axisMask = almath.AXIS_MASK_VEL # just control position
isAbsolute = False # Since we are in relative, the current position is zero
currentPos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# Define the changes relative to the current position
dx = 0.03 # translation axis X (meters)
dy = 0.03 # translation axis Y (meters)
dz = 0.00 # translation axis Z (meters)
dwx = 0.00 # rotation axis X (radians)
dwy = 0.00 # rotation axis Y (radians)
dwz = 0.00 # rotation axis Z (radians)
targetPos = [dx, dy, dz, dwx, dwy, dwz]
# Go to the target and back again
path = [targetPos, currentPos]
times = [2.0, 4.0] # seconds
1 pixel (px) = 1/3779.52755905511 meter [m]
那麼,看來我有一個維度添加到座標,以獲得(X,Y ,z)座標。
(251, 184) pixels coordinates = (0.066, 0.047) meters coordinates
(22, 192) pixels coordinates = (0.035, 0.011) meters coordinates
currentPos = [0.066, 0.047, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
dx = 0.035 # translation axis X (meters)
dy = 0.011 # translation axis Y (meters)
dz = 0.00 # translation axis Z (meters)
dwx = 0.00 # rotation axis X (radians)
dwy = 0.00 # rotation axis Y (radians)
dwz = 0.00 # rotation axis Z (radians)
相對於機器人協調系統,哪個平面是您的白板?在這個協調系統中,什麼地方是你的白板座標系統的起源? – Hyperboreus
白板可以位於機器人(站立)的前方或桌子上。 –