我正在尋找一種基於一組多邊形頂點將填充的多邊形「繪製」爲numpy數組的方法。我寧願儘可能少地使用外部庫。例如:我有一個20x20的numpy數組,我希望區域由點(3,12),(8,18),(13,14),(11,6)和(4, 6)填充1.0而陣列的其餘部分包含0.0在numpy數組中生成填充的多邊形
我正在尋找一種基於一組多邊形頂點將填充的多邊形「繪製」爲numpy數組的方法。我寧願儘可能少地使用外部庫。例如:我有一個20x20的numpy數組,我希望區域由點(3,12),(8,18),(13,14),(11,6)和(4, 6)填充1.0而陣列的其餘部分包含0.0在numpy數組中生成填充的多邊形
import numpy as np
def check(p1, p2, base_array):
Uses the line defined by p1 and p2 to check array of
input indices against interpolated value
Returns boolean array, with True inside and False outside of shape
idxs = np.indices(base_array.shape) # Create 3D array of indices
p1 = p1.astype(float)
p2 = p2.astype(float)
# Calculate max column idx for each row idx based on interpolated line between two points
max_col_idx = (idxs[0] - p1[0])/(p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p2[1] - p1[1]) + p1[1]
sign = np.sign(p2[0] - p1[0])
return idxs[1] * sign <= max_col_idx * sign
def create_polygon(shape, vertices):
Creates np.array with dimensions defined by shape
Fills polygon defined by vertices with ones, all other values zero"""
base_array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) # Initialize your array of zeros
fill = np.ones(base_array.shape) * True # Initialize boolean array defining shape fill
# Create check array for each edge segment, combine into fill array
for k in range(vertices.shape[0]):
fill = np.all([fill, check(vertices[k-1], vertices[k], base_array)], axis=0)
# Set all values inside polygon to one
base_array[fill] = 1
return base_array
# (Row, Col) Vertices of Polygon (Defined Clockwise)
vertices = np.array([
polygon_array = create_polygon([20,20], vertices)
# This section prints numbers at each vertex for visual check, just comment out
# to print an array of only zeros and ones
for n, vertex in enumerate(vertices):
polygon_array[vertex[0],vertex[1]] = 10*(n+1)
# Simple routine to print the final array
for row in polygon_array.tolist():
for c in row:
print '{:4.1f}'.format(c),
print ''
哦,謝謝!我正在努力與cv2多邊形,這種解決方案甚至更快! –
人妖,看看這是你的問題的重複(考慮到答案允許任意多邊形):http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12638790/drawing-a-rectangle-inside-a -2d-numpy-array –
@將 - 實際上不是繪圖或GUI。只需填充一個和零的數組。 – Christian
[這是一種使用matplotlib的方法](http://stackoverflow.com/a/21567205/1461210)(特別是我生成'mask'的部分) –