在我的C#應用​​程序中,我有一個插件機制,可以根據配置XML文件中指定的不同路徑加載插件DLL。我的應用程序是本地化的。主程序集(* .exe)以標準.NET方式(例如,.\en\en-US\main.resources.dll; .\de\de_DE\main.resources.dll等)爲exe旁邊的本地化語言提供了附屬程序集。c#插件DLL本地化資源的路徑





乾杯, 菲利克斯


這種方法適用於我們。我只是想知道你的satellite-assemblies在子文件夾中,我只看到過這樣的'。\ de-DE \ Assembly.resources.dll'等。 –


糟糕,你可能是對的。我只有一個「de」資源,但我一直認爲它是「de-DE」的子文件夾。無論如何,你使用插件/外部DLL在不同的文件夾比可執行文件? – Felix


是插件位於可執行文件的子文件夾中。 '.'是指應用程序的目錄,那麼結構如下。 '。\ Plugins \ PluginX.dll'及其資源存儲就像'。\ Plugins \ de-DE \ PluginX.resources.dll','。\ Plugins \ us-GB \ PluginX.resources.dll'等等。 。 –







我不認爲這回答了這個問題。如果有,請詳細說明。 –


@亨克,它已更新。 – Tigran


我仍然懷疑這適用於資源DLL。 –



從.NET 4.0開始,有一個解決此問題的方法,因爲衛星程序集現在傳遞給AssemblyResolve處理程序。如果你已經有一個插件系統,可以從遠程目錄加載程序集,你可能已經有了一個程序集解析處理程序,你只需要擴展它就可以對衛星資源程序集使用不同的搜索行爲。如果你沒有一個,那麼這個實現就不是微不足道的,因爲你基本上對所有的程序集搜索行爲負責。我會發布完整的代碼以獲得工作解決方案,無論您採用何種方式進行覆蓋。首先,你需要的地方勾你的AssemblyResolve處理程序,如:

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += ResolveAssemblyReference; 


string _processAssemblyDirectoryPath; 
List<string> _assemblySearchPaths; 


static Assembly LoadAssembly(string assemblyPath) 
    // If the target assembly is already loaded, return the existing assembly instance. 
    Assembly[] loadedAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); 
    Assembly targetAssembly = loadedAssemblies.FirstOrDefault((x) => !x.IsDynamic && String.Equals(x.Location, assemblyPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); 
    if (targetAssembly != null) 
     return targetAssembly; 

    // Attempt to load the target assembly 
    return Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyPath); 

最後,你需要的所有重要事件AssemblyResolve HANDL呃,看起來有點像這樣:

Assembly ResolveAssemblyReference(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) 
    // Obtain information about the requested assembly 
    AssemblyName targetAssemblyName = new AssemblyName(args.Name); 
    string targetAssemblyFileName = targetAssemblyName.Name + ".dll"; 

    // Handle satellite assembly load requests. Note that prior to .NET 4.0, satellite assemblies didn't get 
    // passed to AssemblyResolve handlers. When this was changed, there is a specific guarantee that if null is 
    // returned, normal load procedures will be followed for the satellite assembly, IE, it will be located and 
    // loaded in the same manner as if this event handler wasn't registered. This isn't sufficient for us 
    // though, as the normal load behaviour doesn't correctly locate satellite assemblies where the owning 
    // assembly has been loaded using Assembly.LoadFile where the assembly is located in a different folder to 
    // the process assembly. We handle that here by performing the satellite assembly search process ourselves. 
    // Also note that satellite assemblies are formally documented as requiring the file name extension of 
    // ".resources.dll", so detecting satellite assembly load requests by comparing with this known string is a 
    // valid approach. 
    if (targetAssemblyFileName.EndsWith(".resources.dll")) 
     // Retrieve the owning assembly which is requesting the satellite assembly 
     string owningAssemblyName = targetAssemblyFileName.Replace(".resources.dll", ".dll"); 
     Assembly owningAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault((x) => x.Location.EndsWith(owningAssemblyName)); 
     if (owningAssembly == null) 
      return null; 

     // Retrieve the directory containing the owning assembly 
     string owningAssemblyDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(owningAssembly.Location); 

     // Search for the required satellite assembly in resource subdirectories, and load it if found. 
     CultureInfo searchCulture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; 
     while (searchCulture != CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) 
      string resourceAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(owningAssemblyDirectory, searchCulture.Name, targetAssemblyFileName); 
      if (File.Exists(resourceAssemblyPath)) 
       Assembly resourceAssembly = LoadAssembly(resourceAssemblyPath); 
       if (resourceAssembly != null) 
        return resourceAssembly; 
      searchCulture = searchCulture.Parent; 
     return null; 

    // If the target assembly exists in the same directory as the requesting assembly, attempt to load it now. 
    string requestingAssemblyPath = (args.RequestingAssembly != null) ? args.RequestingAssembly.Location : String.Empty; 
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(requestingAssemblyPath)) 
     string callingAssemblyDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(requestingAssemblyPath); 
     string targetAssemblyInCallingDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(callingAssemblyDirectory, targetAssemblyFileName); 
     if (File.Exists(targetAssemblyInCallingDirectoryPath)) 
       return LoadAssembly(targetAssemblyInCallingDirectoryPath); 
      catch (Exception ex) 
       // Log an error 
       return null; 

    // If the target assembly exists in the same directory as the process executable, attempt to load it now. 
    string processDirectory = _processAssemblyDirectoryPath; 
    string targetAssemblyInProcessDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(processDirectory, targetAssemblyFileName); 
    if (File.Exists(targetAssemblyInProcessDirectoryPath)) 
      return LoadAssembly(targetAssemblyInProcessDirectoryPath); 
     catch (Exception ex) 
      // Log an error 
      return null; 

    // Build a list of all assemblies with the requested name in the defined list of assembly search paths 
    Dictionary<string, AssemblyName> assemblyVersionInfo = new Dictionary<string, AssemblyName>(); 
    foreach (string assemblyDir in _assemblySearchPaths) 
     // If the target assembly doesn't exist in this path, skip it. 
     string assemblyPath = Path.Combine(assemblyDir, targetAssemblyFileName); 
     if (!File.Exists(assemblyPath)) 

     // Attempt to retrieve detailed information on the name and version of the target assembly 
     AssemblyName matchAssemblyName; 
      matchAssemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(assemblyPath); 
     catch (Exception) 

     // Add this assembly to the list of possible target assemblies 
     assemblyVersionInfo.Add(assemblyPath, matchAssemblyName); 

    // Look for an exact match of the target version 
    string matchAssemblyPath = assemblyVersionInfo.Where((x) => x.Value == targetAssemblyName).Select((x) => x.Key).FirstOrDefault(); 
    if (matchAssemblyPath == null) 
     // If no exact target version match exists, look for the highest available version. 
     Dictionary<string, AssemblyName> assemblyVersionInfoOrdered = assemblyVersionInfo.OrderByDescending((x) => x.Value.Version).ToDictionary((x) => x.Key, (x) => x.Value); 
     matchAssemblyPath = assemblyVersionInfoOrdered.Select((x) => x.Key).FirstOrDefault(); 

    // If no matching assembly was found, log an error, and abort any further processing. 
    if (matchAssemblyPath == null) 
     return null; 

    // If the target assembly is already loaded, return the existing assembly instance. 
    Assembly loadedAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault((x) => String.Equals(x.Location, matchAssemblyPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); 
    if (loadedAssembly != null) 
     return loadedAssembly; 

    // Attempt to load the target assembly 
     return LoadAssembly(matchAssemblyPath); 
    catch (Exception ex) 
     // Log an error 
    return null; 
