2014-12-06 13 views


\version "2.18.2" 

\header { 
    title = "Minimart" 
    subtitle = "Derived from Traditional Balkan Song: Rumelaj" 
    poet = "Text by Mike iLL" 

melody = \relative c'' { 
    \clef treble 
    \key g \minor 
    \time 4/4 
    \repeat volta 2 { c4. b8 c b c(a) | r8 bes4 a8 bes(a) g r8 | 
    g a bes c d(c) bes c | g a4 a8 a4 a8 r8 | } 

\repeat volta 2 { d8 cis d c d c d(c) | d cis d c d(c) bes(a) | 
    g bes b b b b c(b) | r a4 a8 bes(a) a8 r | } 

text = \lyricmode { 
    There's a mi -- ni -- mart | on the cor -- ner | 
    At the mi -- ni -- mart is a | moon -- pie, I'm rea -- dy. 

    \set stanza = #"1. " 
    Need I need I need a high | Pen -- ny pen -- ny pen -- ny 
    Need I need I need a high | God al -- migh -- ty. 

second_stanza = \lyricmode { 
    There's a mi -- ni -- mart | on the cor -- ner | 
    At the mi -- ni -- mart is a | moon -- pie, I'm rea -- dy. 
    \set stanza = #"2. " 
    Lift me lift me lift me high | Hea -- ven Hea -- ven Hea -- ven | 
    Lift me lift me lift me high | God al -- migh -- ty. 

harmonies = \chordmode { 
    d1:7 | g1:m | g2:m/f g2:m/ees | d1:7 
    d1:7 |  | g1:m | d1:7 | 

\score { 
    \new ChordNames { 
     \set chordChanges = ##t 
    \new Voice = "one" { \melody } 
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text 
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \second_stanza 
    \layout { } 
    \midi { } 



,如果您有任何關於LilyPond的更多的問題,請隨時加入LilyPond郵件列表,這通常是解決您的問題的最佳和更快的方式:https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user – 2014-12-07 01:34:59


@Jongware感謝您的評論。因爲那裏有一個lilypond標籤,難道不是說lilypond特定的問題是關於主題的嗎?這種方法如何與像Less或Applescript這樣的模塊特定問題相關? – MikeiLL 2014-12-08 03:31:23


我完全同意邁克在這一個,這是關於莉莉龐德的語法,因此是關於主題。 – 2014-12-08 05:40:52




this is an example 
    {this will be in the top} 
    \new Lyrics {and this in the bottom} 
only a single lyrics line once again from here on 


\version "2.18.2" 

\header { 
    title = "Minimart" 
    subtitle = "Derived from Traditional Balkan Song: Rumelaj" 
    poet = "Text by Mike iLL" 

melody = \relative c'' { 
    \clef treble 
    \key g \minor 
    \time 4/4 
    \repeat volta 2 { c4. b8 c b c(a) | r8 bes4 a8 bes(a) g r8 | 
    g a bes c d(c) bes c | g a4 a8 a4 a8 r8 | } 

\repeat volta 2 { d8 cis d c d c d(c) | d cis d c d(c) bes(a) | 
    g bes b b b b c(b) | r a4 a8 bes(a) a8 r | } 

text = \lyricmode { 
    There's a mi -- ni -- mart on the cor -- ner 
    At the mi -- ni -- mart is a moon -- pie, I'm rea -- dy. 
     \set stanza = #"1. " 
     Need I need I need a high Pen -- ny pen -- ny pen -- ny 
     Need I need I need a high God al -- migh -- ty. 
    \new Lyrics { 
     \set associatedVoice = "melody" 
     \set stanza = #"2. " 
     Lift me lift me lift me high Hea -- ven Hea -- ven Hea -- ven 
     Lift me lift me lift me high God al -- migh -- ty. 

harmonies = \chordmode { 
    d1:7 | g1:m | g2:m/f g2:m/ees | d1:7 
    d1:7 |  | g1:m | d1:7 | 

\score { 
    \new ChordNames { 
     \set chordChanges = ##t 
    \new Voice = "one" { \melody } 
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text 
    \layout { } 
    \midi { } 