2016-05-31 28 views


我已經創建了一個非常簡單的六角形網格系統。我想在網格內選擇任何六邊形。所有的六邊形都正確顯示,只是當我點擊網格時,選擇了一個不正確的六邊形。它的行爲,就像鼠標位置不正確一樣,或者可能是六角形的位置數據不正確(?)。 但是他們如何正確定位?

////////// [ Hexagon ] //////////////////// 
function Hexagon(options){ 
\t if(options !== "undefined"){ 
\t \t this.attributes = { 
\t \t \t type : options.type || 0, //// 0 is cell , 1 player /// Default : 0 //// 
\t \t \t id: options.id, 
\t \t \t color : this.getColor(), 
\t \t \t coords: [], //// [ r, q ] /// row/col /// 
\t \t \t points: [], 
\t \t \t pos: options.pos, 
\t \t \t size: options.size 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t this.states = { 
\t \t \t selected: false 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t //// make short-cuts to frequently used attributes //// 
\t \t this.pos = this.attributes.pos; 
\t \t this.coords = this.attributes.coords; 
\t \t this.size = this.attributes.size; 
\t \t this.points = this.attributes.points; 
\t \t 
\t \t ///// caclulate top_left, bottom and center points //// 
\t \t this.TopLeftPoint = [ this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ]; 
\t \t this.BottomRightPoint = [ this.pos[0] + this.size.w, this.pos[1] + this.size.h ]; 
\t \t this.MidPoint = [ this.pos[0] + (this.size.w/2), this.pos[1] + (this.size.h/2) ]; 
\t \t 
\t \t ///////// generate points /////// 
\t \t this.generate(); 
\t } 

Hexagon.prototype = { 
\t constructor : Hexagon, 
\t changeState: function(st_name, st_value){ 
\t \t if(this.checkState(st_name)) { 
\t \t \t this.states[st_name] = st_value; 
\t \t } 
\t }, 
\t checkState: function(st_name){ 
\t \t if(typeof this.states[st_name] !== "undefined") { 
\t \t \t return this.states[st_name]; 
\t \t } 
\t \t return false; 
\t }, 
\t isInHexBounds : function(p){ /*Point*/ 
\t \t if(this.TopLeftPoint[0] < p[0] && this.TopLeftPoint[1] < p[1] && p[0] < this.BottomRightPoint[0] && p[1] < this.BottomRightPoint[0]){ 
\t \t \t return true; 
\t \t } 
\t \t return false; 
\t }, 
\t contains: function(p) { 
\t \t var isIn = false; 
\t \t if(this.isInHexBounds(p)){ 
\t \t \t var i, j = 0; 
\t \t \t for (i = 0, j = this.points.length - 1; i < this.points.length; j = i++){ 
\t \t \t \t var iP = this.points[i]; 
\t \t \t \t var jP = this.points[j]; 
\t \t \t \t if (
\t \t \t \t \t (((iP[1] <= p[1]) && (p[1] < jP[1])) || ((jP[1] <= p[1]) && (p[1] < iP[1]))) && (p[0] < (jP[0] - iP[0]) * (p[1] - iP[1])/(jP[1] - iP[1]) + iP[0]) 
\t \t \t \t){ 
\t \t \t \t \t isIn = !isIn; 
\t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t \t return isIn; 
\t }, 
\t getColor: function(){ 
\t \t switch(this.type){ 
\t \t \t case 0: 
\t \t \t \t return "blue"; 
\t \t \t case 1: 
\t \t \t \t return "red"; 
\t \t \t default: 
\t \t \t \t return "yellow"; 
\t \t } 
\t }, 
\t trigger: function(e_name){ 
\t \t this.events[ e_name ].call(this); 
\t }, 
\t events: { 
\t \t "select" : function(){ 
\t \t \t if(! this.checkState("selected")){ 
\t \t \t \t this.changeState("selected", true); 
\t \t \t \t //console.log(this.coords) 
\t \t \t \t this.type = 1; 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t }, 
\t setType: function(type){ 
\t \t this.attributes.type = type; 
\t }, 
\t generate: function(){///// generate hexagon points ////// 
\t \t var x1 = (this.size.w - this.size.s)/2; 
\t \t var y1 = (this.size.h/2); 
\t \t this.points.push( 
\t \t \t [ x1 + this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ], 
\t \t \t [ x1 + this.size.s + this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ], 
\t \t \t [ this.size.w + this.pos[0], y1 + this.pos[1] ], 
\t \t \t [ x1 + this.size.s + this.pos[0], this.size.h + this.pos[1] ], 
\t \t \t [ x1 + this.pos[0], this.size.h + this.pos[1] ], 
\t \t \t [ this.pos[0], y1 + this.pos[1] ] 
\t \t); 
\t }, 
\t draw : function(ctx){ 
\t \t if(this.type > 0){ 
\t \t \t ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5; 
\t \t \t ctx.fillStyle = this.color; 
\t \t \t ctx.fill(); 
\t \t \t ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; 
\t \t }else{ 
\t \t \t ctx.strokeStyle = "grey"; 
\t \t } 
\t \t 
\t \t //ctx.rect(this.BottomRightPoint[0],this.BottomRightPoint[1],4,4); 
\t \t //ctx.stroke(); 
\t \t 
\t \t ctx.lineWidth = 1; 
\t \t ctx.beginPath(); 
\t \t ctx.moveTo(this.points[0][0], this.points[0][1]); 
\t \t for(var c=1; c < this.points.length; c++){ 
\t \t \t ctx.lineTo(this.points[c][0], this.points[c][1]); 
\t \t } 
\t \t ctx.closePath(); 
\t \t ctx.stroke(); 
\t \t 
\t \t this.draw_coords(ctx); 
\t }, 
\t draw_coords: function(ctx){ 
\t \t ctx.font="10px Georgia"; 
\t \t ctx.textAlign = "center"; 
\t \t ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; 
\t \t ctx.fillStyle = "blue"; 
\t \t ctx.fillText(this.coords[0]+" , "+this.coords[1], this.MidPoint[0], this.MidPoint[1]); 
\t } 


///////// [ Grid ] ///////////////////// 
function Grid(options){ 
\t if(typeof options !== "undefined"){ 
\t \t this.size = { 
\t \t \t width: options.size[0], 
\t \t \t height: options.size[1] 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t //this.mouse_pos = []; 
\t \t 
\t \t this.pos = options.pos; //// position within the canvas /// [ x , y ] //// 
\t \t this.ctx = options.ctx; 
\t \t this.ctx_pos = options.ctx_pos; //// position of canvas element /// [ left, top] /// 
\t \t this.hex_size = this.calculate_hex_size(options.hex_def); 
\t \t this.hexagons = []; //// [ row, col ] ///// just a temporary array //// 
\t \t this.grid2D = []; ///// includes all hexagons to be drawn /// 
\t } 
\t this.generate(); 
\t this.animate(); 
\t this.enable_mouse_events(); 

Grid.prototype = { 
\t constructor : Grid, 
\t generate : function(){ 
\t \t var hex_pos_x = 0.0, hex_pos_y = 0.0, row = 0, col = 0, offset = 0.0, h = null, h_id = 0; 
\t \t while((hex_pos_y + this.hex_size.h) <= this.size.height){ 
\t \t \t col = 0; //// reset col 
\t \t \t offset = 0.0; //// reset offset 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t if((row % 2) == 1){ 
\t \t \t \t offset = ((this.hex_size.w - this.hex_size.s) /2) + this.hex_size.s ; 
\t \t \t \t col = 1; 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t hex_pos_x = offset; 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t while((hex_pos_x + this.hex_size.w) <= this.size.width){ 
\t \t \t \t h = new Hexagon({ pos : [ hex_pos_x, hex_pos_y ], size: this.hex_size , id: row+""+col, type: 0 }); 
\t \t \t \t h.coords[0] = col; //// set coord X /// 
\t \t \t \t 
\t \t \t \t this.grid2D.push(h); 
\t \t \t \t if(! this.hexagons[col]){ 
\t \t \t \t \t this.hexagons[col] = []; 
\t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t \t this.hexagons[col].push(h); 
\t \t 
\t \t \t \t col += 2; 
\t \t \t \t hex_pos_x += (this.hex_size.w + this.hex_size.s); 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t row++; 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t hex_pos_y += (this.hex_size.h/2); 
\t \t } 
\t \t 
\t \t ////finally go through our list of hexagons by their x co-ordinate to assign the y co-ordinate 
\t \t var coordX = 0, coordY = 0, h_l = this.hexagons.length, hex_arr = []; 
\t \t for( ; coordX < h_l; coordX++){ 
\t \t \t hex_arr = this.hexagons[ coordX ]; 
\t \t \t coordY = Math.floor((coordX/2) + (coordX % 2)); 
\t \t \t for(var h = 0, size = hex_arr.length; h < size; h++){ 
\t \t \t \t hex_arr[h].coords[1] = coordY++; 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t }, 
\t getHexAt: function(p){ //// point [ x, y ] 
\t \t for (var h = 0, h_l = this.grid2D.length; h < h_l; h++){ 
\t \t \t if (this.grid2D[h].contains(p)){ 
\t \t \t \t return this.grid2D[h]; 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t \t return null; 
\t }, 
\t animate: function(){ 
\t \t var self = this; 
\t \t window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){ 
\t \t \t self.animate(); 
\t \t }); 
\t \t self.draw(); 
\t }, 

\t draw : function(){ 
\t \t this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.size.width, this.size.height); 
\t \t for(var h = 0, h_l = this.grid2D.length; h < h_l; h++){ 
\t \t \t this.grid2D[h].draw(this.ctx); 
\t \t } 
\t }, 

\t calculate_hex_size : function(hex_def){ 
\t \t return { 
\t \t \t w: hex_def.radius * 2, 
\t \t \t m: hex_def.margin, 
\t \t \t h: (Math.sqrt(3)/2) * (hex_def.radius * 2), 
\t \t \t r: hex_def.radius, 
\t \t \t s: hex_def.radius 
\t \t } 
\t }, 
\t enable_mouse_events: function(){ 
\t \t var self = this; 
\t \t var mouse_pos = []; 
\t \t var cur_hex = null; 
\t \t window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e){ 
\t \t \t mouse_pos = [ (e.clientX - self.ctx_pos[0]), (e.clientY - self.ctx_pos[1])]; 
\t \t \t //self.mouse_pos = mouse_pos; 
\t \t }); 
\t \t 
\t \t window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e){ 
\t \t \t if(mouse_pos.length > 0){ 
\t \t \t \t cur_hex = self.getHexAt(mouse_pos); 
\t \t \t \t if(cur_hex != null){ 
\t \t \t \t \t cur_hex.trigger("select"); 
\t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t }); 
\t } 

\t var c_el = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
\t var ctx = c_el.getContext("2d"); 
\t var nGrid = new Grid({ 
\t \t /// size : [ c_el.width, c_el.height ], /// [rows/cols ] //// 20 px x 10 px/// 
\t \t size : [ 70 , 70 ], 
\t \t pos: [ 20, 20 ], /// [X, Y] //// 
\t \t hex_def: { 
\t \t \t radius: 20, 
\t \t \t margin: 0 
\t \t }, 
\t \t ctx : ctx, 
\t \t ctx_pos: [ c_el.getBoundingClientRect().left, c_el.getBoundingClientRect().top ] 
\t });
<body stye="width: 100%; height: 100%" > 
\t <canvas id="myCanvas" width="750px" height="405px" style="margin:0; padding:0; border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas> 





////////// [ Hexagon ] //////////////////// 
function Hexagon(options){ 
\t if(options !== "undefined"){ 
\t \t this.attributes = { 
\t \t \t type : options.type || 0, //// 0 is cell , 1 player /// Default : 0 //// 
\t \t \t id: options.id, 
\t \t \t color : this.getColor(), 
\t \t \t coords: [], //// [ r, q ] /// row/col /// 
\t \t \t points: [], 
\t \t \t pos: options.pos, 
\t \t \t size: options.size 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t this.states = { 
\t \t \t selected: false 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t //// make short-cuts to frequently used attributes //// 
\t \t this.pos = this.attributes.pos; 
\t \t this.coords = this.attributes.coords; 
\t \t this.size = this.attributes.size; 
\t \t this.points = this.attributes.points; 
\t \t 
\t \t ///// caclulate top_left, bottom and center points //// 
\t \t this.TopLeftPoint = [ this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ]; 
\t \t this.BottomRightPoint = [ this.pos[0] + this.size.w, this.pos[1] + this.size.h ]; 
\t \t this.MidPoint = [ this.pos[0] + (this.size.w/2), this.pos[1] + (this.size.h/2) ]; 
\t \t 
\t \t ///////// generate points /////// 
\t \t this.generate(); 
\t } 

Hexagon.prototype = { 
\t constructor : Hexagon, 
\t changeState: function(st_name, st_value){ 
\t \t if(this.checkState(st_name)) { 
\t \t \t this.states[st_name] = st_value; 
\t \t } 
\t }, 
\t checkState: function(st_name){ 
\t \t if(typeof this.states[st_name] !== "undefined") { 
\t \t \t return this.states[st_name]; 
\t \t } 
\t \t return false; 
\t }, 
\t isInHexBounds : function(p){ /*Point*/ 
\t \t if(this.TopLeftPoint[0] < p[0] && this.TopLeftPoint[1] < p[1] && p[0] < this.BottomRightPoint[0] && p[1] < this.BottomRightPoint[1]){ 
\t \t \t return true; 
\t \t } 
\t \t return false; 
\t }, 
\t contains: function(p) { 
\t \t var isIn = false; 
\t \t if(this.isInHexBounds(p)){ 
\t \t \t var i, j = 0; 
\t \t \t for (i = 0, j = this.points.length - 1; i < this.points.length; j = i++){ 
\t \t \t \t var iP = this.points[i]; 
\t \t \t \t var jP = this.points[j]; 
\t \t \t \t if (
\t \t \t \t \t (((iP[1] <= p[1]) && (p[1] < jP[1])) || ((jP[1] <= p[1]) && (p[1] < iP[1]))) && (p[0] < (jP[0] - iP[0]) * (p[1] - iP[1])/(jP[1] - iP[1]) + iP[0]) 
\t \t \t \t){ 
\t \t \t \t \t isIn = !isIn; 
\t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t \t return isIn; 
\t }, 
\t getColor: function(){ 
\t \t switch(this.type){ 
\t \t \t case 0: 
\t \t \t \t return "blue"; 
\t \t \t case 1: 
\t \t \t \t return "red"; 
\t \t \t default: 
\t \t \t \t return "yellow"; 
\t \t } 
\t }, 
\t trigger: function(e_name){ 
\t \t this.events[ e_name ].call(this); 
\t }, 
\t events: { 
\t \t "select" : function(){ 
\t \t \t if(! this.checkState("selected")){ 
\t \t \t \t this.changeState("selected", true); 
\t \t \t \t //console.log(this.coords) 
\t \t \t \t this.type = 1; 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t }, 
\t setType: function(type){ 
\t \t this.attributes.type = type; 
\t }, 
\t generate: function(){///// generate hexagon points ////// 
\t \t var x1 = (this.size.w - this.size.s)/2; 
\t \t var y1 = (this.size.h/2); 
\t \t this.points.push( 
\t \t \t [ x1 + this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ], 
\t \t \t [ x1 + this.size.s + this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ], 
\t \t \t [ this.size.w + this.pos[0], y1 + this.pos[1] ], 
\t \t \t [ x1 + this.size.s + this.pos[0], this.size.h + this.pos[1] ], 
\t \t \t [ x1 + this.pos[0], this.size.h + this.pos[1] ], 
\t \t \t [ this.pos[0], y1 + this.pos[1] ] 
\t \t); 
\t }, 
\t draw : function(ctx){ 
\t \t 
\t \t ctx.lineWidth = 1; 
\t \t ctx.beginPath(); 
\t \t ctx.moveTo(this.points[0][0], this.points[0][1]); 
\t \t for(var c=1; c < this.points.length; c++){ 
\t \t \t ctx.lineTo(this.points[c][0], this.points[c][1]); 
\t \t } 
\t \t ctx.closePath(); 
\t \t ctx.stroke(); 
     \t if(this.type > 0){ 
\t \t \t ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5; 
\t \t \t ctx.fillStyle = this.color; 
\t \t \t ctx.fill(); 
\t \t \t ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; 
\t \t }else{ 
\t \t \t ctx.strokeStyle = "grey"; 
\t \t } 
\t \t this.draw_coords(ctx); 
\t }, 
\t draw_coords: function(ctx){ 
\t \t ctx.font="10px Georgia"; 
\t \t ctx.textAlign = "center"; 
\t \t ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; 
\t \t ctx.fillStyle = "blue"; 
\t \t ctx.fillText(this.coords[0]+" , "+this.coords[1], this.MidPoint[0], this.MidPoint[1]); 
\t } 


///////// [ Grid ] ///////////////////// 
function Grid(options){ 
\t if(typeof options !== "undefined"){ 
\t \t this.size = { 
\t \t \t width: options.size[0], 
\t \t \t height: options.size[1] 
\t \t }; 
\t \t 
\t \t //this.mouse_pos = []; 
\t \t 
\t \t this.pos = options.pos; //// position within the canvas /// [ x , y ] //// 
\t \t this.ctx = options.ctx; 
\t \t this.ctx_pos = options.ctx_pos; //// position of canvas element /// [ left, top] /// 
\t \t this.hex_size = this.calculate_hex_size(options.hex_def); 
\t \t this.hexagons = []; //// [ row, col ] ///// just a temporary array //// 
\t \t this.grid2D = []; ///// includes all hexagons to be drawn /// 
\t } 
\t this.generate(); 
\t this.animate(); 
\t this.enable_mouse_events(); 

Grid.prototype = { 
\t constructor : Grid, 
\t generate : function(){ 
\t \t var hex_pos_x = 0.0, hex_pos_y = 0.0, row = 0, col = 0, offset = 0.0, h = null, h_id = 0; 
\t \t while((hex_pos_y + this.hex_size.h) <= this.size.height){ 
\t \t \t col = 0; //// reset col 
\t \t \t offset = 0.0; //// reset offset 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t if((row % 2) == 1){ 
\t \t \t \t offset = ((this.hex_size.w - this.hex_size.s) /2) + this.hex_size.s ; 
\t \t \t \t col = 1; 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t hex_pos_x = offset; 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t while((hex_pos_x + this.hex_size.w) <= this.size.width){ 
\t \t \t \t h = new Hexagon({ pos : [ hex_pos_x, hex_pos_y ], size: this.hex_size , id: row+""+col, type: 0 }); 
\t \t \t \t h.coords[0] = col; //// set coord X /// 
\t \t \t \t 
\t \t \t \t this.grid2D.push(h); 
\t \t \t \t if(! this.hexagons[col]){ 
\t \t \t \t \t this.hexagons[col] = []; 
\t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t \t this.hexagons[col].push(h); 
\t \t 
\t \t \t \t col += 2; 
\t \t \t \t hex_pos_x += (this.hex_size.w + this.hex_size.s); 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t row++; 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t hex_pos_y += (this.hex_size.h/2); 
\t \t } 
\t \t 
\t \t ////finally go through our list of hexagons by their x co-ordinate to assign the y co-ordinate 
\t \t var coordX = 0, coordY = 0, h_l = this.hexagons.length, hex_arr = []; 
\t \t for( ; coordX < h_l; coordX++){ 
\t \t \t hex_arr = this.hexagons[ coordX ]; 
\t \t \t coordY = Math.floor((coordX/2) + (coordX % 2)); 
\t \t \t for(var h = 0, size = hex_arr.length; h < size; h++){ 
\t \t \t \t hex_arr[h].coords[1] = coordY++; 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t }, 
\t getHexAt: function(p){ //// point [ x, y ] 
\t \t for (var h = 0, h_l = this.grid2D.length; h < h_l; h++){ 
\t \t \t if (this.grid2D[h].contains(p)){ 
\t \t \t \t return this.grid2D[h]; 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t \t return null; 
\t }, 
\t animate: function(){ 
\t \t var self = this; 
\t \t window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){ 
\t \t \t self.animate(); 
\t \t }); 
\t \t self.draw(); 
\t }, 

\t draw : function(){ 
\t \t this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.size.width, this.size.height); 
\t \t for(var h = 0, h_l = this.grid2D.length; h < h_l; h++){ 
\t \t \t this.grid2D[h].draw(this.ctx); 
\t \t } 
\t }, 

\t calculate_hex_size : function(hex_def){ 
\t \t return { 
\t \t \t w: hex_def.radius * 2, 
\t \t \t m: hex_def.margin, 
\t \t \t h: (Math.sqrt(3)/2) * (hex_def.radius * 2), 
\t \t \t r: hex_def.radius, 
\t \t \t s: hex_def.radius 
\t \t } 
\t }, 
\t enable_mouse_events: function(){ 
\t \t var self = this; 
\t \t var mouse_pos = []; 
\t \t var cur_hex = null; 
\t \t window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e){ 
\t \t \t mouse_pos = [ (e.clientX - self.ctx_pos[0]), (e.clientY - self.ctx_pos[1])]; 
\t \t \t //self.mouse_pos = mouse_pos; 
\t \t }); 
\t \t 
\t \t window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e){ 
\t \t \t if(mouse_pos.length > 0){ 
\t \t \t \t cur_hex = self.getHexAt(mouse_pos); 
\t \t \t \t if(cur_hex != null){ 
\t \t \t \t \t cur_hex.trigger("select"); 
\t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t }); 
\t } 

\t var c_el = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); 
\t var ctx = c_el.getContext("2d"); 
\t var nGrid = new Grid({ 
\t \t /// size : [ c_el.width, c_el.height ], /// [rows/cols ] //// 20 px x 10 px/// 
\t \t size : [ 70 , 70 ], 
\t \t pos: [ 20, 20 ], /// [X, Y] //// 
\t \t hex_def: { 
\t \t \t radius: 20, 
\t \t \t margin: 0 
\t \t }, 
\t \t ctx : ctx, 
\t \t ctx_pos: [ c_el.getBoundingClientRect().left, c_el.getBoundingClientRect().top ] 
\t }); 
\t <body stye="width: 100%; height: 100%" > 
\t <canvas id="myCanvas" width="750px" height="405px" style="margin:0; padding:0; border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas> 