在Verilog中處理固定精度的最簡單方法是引入一個比例因子並分配足夠大的寄存器來保存最大值。例如,如果您知道數字的最大值將是40,並且小數點右側的精度的三位數字是正確的,則可以將16位的寄存器使用1000的縮放因子。 Verilog處理無符號數字,所以如果值可能是負數,就必須在聲明中加上「簽名」。 Verilog的可能是:
`define NUMBER_ROWS 100
`define NUMBER_COLS 50
`define MAX_ROW (`NUMBER_ROWS-1)
`define MAX_COL (`NUMBER_COLS-1)
module moveMemory();
reg clk;
reg [15:0] y2shape [`MAX_ROW:0][`MAX_COL:0];
reg [15:0] yfftshift [`NUMBER_ROWS * `NUMBER_COLS:0];
integer rowNumber, colNumber;
always @(posedge clk)
for (rowNumber = 0; rowNumber < `NUMBER_ROWS; rowNumber = rowNumber + 1)
for (colNumber = 0; colNumber < `NUMBER_COLS; colNumber = colNumber + 1)
y2shape[rowNumber][colNumber] <= yfftshift[rowNumber * `NUMBER_COLS + colNumber];
//測試代碼 整數loadCount,rowShowNumber,colShowNumber; 初始 開始 //初始化陣列與一些數據 爲(loadCount = 0; loadCount <(NUMBER_ROWS *
NUMBER_COLS); loadCount = loadCount + 1) yfftshift [loadCount] < = loadCount; clk < = 0;
// Clock the block
clk <= 1;
// Display the results
$display("Y2SHAPE has these values at time ", $time);
for (rowShowNumber = 0; rowShowNumber < `NUMBER_ROWS; rowShowNumber = rowShowNumber + 1)
for (colShowNumber = 0; colShowNumber < `NUMBER_COLS; colShowNumber = colShowNumber + 1)
$display("y2shape[%0d][%0d] is %d ", rowShowNumber, colShowNumber, y2shape[rowShowNumber][colShowNumber]);
仿真結果爲一個number_rows = 10,NUMBER_COLS = 5
Y2SHAPE has these values at time 2
y2shape[0][0] is 0
y2shape[0][1] is 1
y2shape[0][2] is 2
y2shape[0][3] is 3
y2shape[0][4] is 4
y2shape[9][2] is 47
y2shape[9][3] is 48
y2shape[9][4] is 49
檢查[此](http://www.asic-world.com/verilog/memory_fsm1.html)教程找到基本知識。 – Qiu
我經歷了那個教程,但我無法在這裏使用這個概念。 – jagadish
@jagadish,請分享您迄今爲止撰寫的Verilog。 – Greg