2016-02-04 17 views

我跑的ModelSim 10.3d,我有這樣的代碼包中的:的ModelSim不編譯重載函數和未定義的範圍類型

package core_params_types is 
    type array_1d_logic is array (natural range <>) of std_logic; 
type array_1d_logic_vector is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector (natural range <>); 
type array_2d_logic is array (natural range <>, natural range <>) of std_logic; 
type array_2d_logic_vector is array (natural range <>, natural range <>) of std_logic_vector (natural range <>); 

function or_reduce_2d_logic(a : array_2d_logic; i : integer) return std_logic; 
function or_reduce_2d_logic_vector(a : array_2d_logic_vector; i : integer) return std_logic_vector; 

function bitwise_cmp(a : std_logic_vector; b : std_logic_vector) return std_logic; 
function bitwise_cmp(a : std_logic; b : std_logic) return std_logic; 

function full_adder(a : std_logic_vector; b : std_logic_vector; ci : std_logic) return std_logic_vector; 

function sign_extend(a : std_logic_vector; b : integer) return std_logic_vector; 
function sign_extend(a : std_logic; b : integer) return std_logic_vector; 
function logic_extend(a : std_logic_vector; b : integer) return std_logic_vector; 
function logic_extend(a : std_logic; b : integer) return std_logic_vector; 


-- Loading package STANDARD 
# -- Loading package TEXTIO 
# -- Loading package std_logic_1164 
# -- Loading package NUMERIC_STD 
# -- Loading package MATH_REAL 
# -- Loading package ATTRIBUTES 
# -- Loading package std_logic_misc 
# -- Compiling package core_params_types 
# ** Error: core_params_types.vhd(40): near "<>": syntax error 
# ** Error: core_params_types.vhd(42): near "<>": syntax error 
# ** Error: core_params_types.vhd(45): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "array_2d_logic_vector". 
# ** Error: core_params_types.vhd(48): (vcom-1295) Function "bitwise_cmp" has already been defined in this region. 
# ** =====> Prior declaration of "bitwise_cmp" is at core_params_types.vhd(47). 
# ** Error: core_params_types.vhd(53): (vcom-1295) Function "sign_extend" has already been defined in this region. 
# ** =====> Prior declaration of "sign_extend" is at core_params_types.vhd(52). 
# ** Error: core_params_types.vhd(55): (vcom-1295) Function "logic_extend" has already been defined in this region. 
# ** =====> Prior declaration of "logic_extend" is at core_params_types.vhd(54). 
# ** Error: core_params_types.vhd(310): VHDL Compiler exiting 


transcript on 
if {[file exists rtl_work]} { 
    vdel -lib rtl_work -all 
vlib rtl_work 
vmap work rtl_work 

vcom -2008 -work work {core_params_types.vhd} 
vcom -2008 -work work {alu.vhd} 

vcom -2008 -work work {tb_alu.vhd} 
vcom -2008 -work work {alu.vhd} 

vsim -t 1ps -L altera -L lpm -L sgate -L altera_mf -L altera_lnsim -L cyclonev -L rtl_work -L work -voptargs="+acc" tb_alu 

add wave * 
view structure 
view signals 
run -all 

我從Quartus運行ModelSim仿真,其中c ompiles代碼沒有錯誤,並生成一個電路。 ModelSim說這些功能已經定義好了。這是正確的,但他們有不同的類型,所以他們應該超載。 ModelSim也不理解數組類型的聲明。




type array_1d_logic_vector is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector (natural range <>); 

無效。您不聲明元素類型的索引類型。 相反嘗試:

type array_1d_logic_vector is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector; 


variable foo: array_1d_logic_vector(0 to 1)(7 downto 0); 

當元件亞型約束爲7 DOWNTO 0和陣列約束是0到1

參見IEEE Std 1076-2008 5.3.2陣列類型5.3.2.1通用第6段:






(你也可以提供一個實際的Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example,它確實知道發生了什麼事)。


你好。問題是不正確的類型聲明。一旦我修復了這個問題(以及其他一些小問題),它就會編譯並運行測試平臺。謝謝。 – Raul
