2013-10-17 89 views



在過去的幾天裏,我試圖確定我在一個房間裏的位置。我使用三個信標的相對距離(準確度),並將每個信標都放在我的房間中。 我得到三個圓圈並計算6個交點。 當弧度(準確度)太低時,我會人爲增加此值。然後我看看6點(交點)中哪一點最近。 (最近的三個點) 用這些點我得到一個三角形,並用此計算中間點。




,但我有我的目的C. 實施這個麻煩,但我百思不得其解。我如何在Objective C中導入或獲取它。 我找到了一些庫(C,C++),但我不確定這些庫中的哪一個庫是最好的庫。

對我來說最好的解決方案是一個Objectice C數學庫,它可以用這些點計算(x1,x2,x3, - ,y1,y2,y3,---,r1,r2,r3)。

Graphic of my calculation now


你有沒有這個運氣? –


我也會對第一種解決方案感興趣,因爲我想嘗試一下導遊應用程序的可能性。準確性對我來說並不是最重要的。無論如何你可以分享邏輯,甚至是一些計算代碼? –


您是否介意分享您在發佈的圖形中如何實現iPad應用程序?我設法提出了基於wikipedia Trilateration文章(http://en.m.wikipedia)的算法。org/wiki/Trilateration),但我目前正在試圖找到在iOS中映射我的座標的最佳方式。 – Yazid





P1 = (3,0) r1 = 6.4031 
P2 = (9,0) r2 = 4.1231 
P3 = (4,8) r3 = 5.6568 


//P1,P2,P3 is the point and 2-dimension vector 
NSMutableArray *P1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0]; 
[P1 addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:3]]; 
[P1 addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:0]]; 

NSMutableArray *P2 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0]; 
[P2 addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:9]]; 
[P2 addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:0]]; 

NSMutableArray *P3 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0]; 
[P3 addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:4]]; 
[P3 addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:8]]; 

//this is the distance between all the points and the unknown point 
double DistA = 6.4031; 
double DistB = 4.1231; 
double DistC = 5.6568; 

// ex = (P2 - P1)/(numpy.linalg.norm(P2 - P1)) 
NSMutableArray *ex = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0]; 
double temp = 0; 
for (int i = 0; i < [P1 count]; i++) { 
    double t1 = [[P2 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t2 = [[P1 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t = t1 - t2; 
    temp += (t*t); 
for (int i = 0; i < [P1 count]; i++) { 
    double t1 = [[P2 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t2 = [[P1 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double exx = (t1 - t2)/sqrt(temp); 
    [ex addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:exx]]; 

// i = dot(ex, P3 - P1) 
NSMutableArray *p3p1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0]; 
for (int i = 0; i < [P3 count]; i++) { 
    double t1 = [[P3 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t2 = [[P1 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t3 = t1 - t2; 
    [p3p1 addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:t3]]; 

double ival = 0; 
for (int i = 0; i < [ex count]; i++) { 
    double t1 = [[ex objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t2 = [[p3p1 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    ival += (t1*t2); 

// ey = (P3 - P1 - i*ex)/(numpy.linalg.norm(P3 - P1 - i*ex)) 
NSMutableArray *ey = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0]; 
double p3p1i = 0; 
for (int i = 0; i < [P3 count]; i++) { 
    double t1 = [[P3 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t2 = [[P1 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t3 = [[ex objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue] * ival; 
    double t = t1 - t2 -t3; 
    p3p1i += (t*t); 
for (int i = 0; i < [P3 count]; i++) { 
    double t1 = [[P3 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t2 = [[P1 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t3 = [[ex objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue] * ival; 
    double eyy = (t1 - t2 - t3)/sqrt(p3p1i); 
    [ey addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:eyy]]; 

// ez = numpy.cross(ex,ey) 
// if 2-dimensional vector then ez = 0 
NSMutableArray *ez = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0]; 
double ezx; 
double ezy; 
double ezz; 
if ([P1 count] !=3){ 
    ezx = 0; 
    ezy = 0; 
    ezz = 0; 

    ezx = ([[ex objectAtIndex:1] doubleValue]*[[ey objectAtIndex:2]doubleValue]) - ([[ex objectAtIndex:2]doubleValue]*[[ey objectAtIndex:1]doubleValue]); 
    ezy = ([[ex objectAtIndex:2] doubleValue]*[[ey objectAtIndex:0]doubleValue]) - ([[ex objectAtIndex:0]doubleValue]*[[ey objectAtIndex:2]doubleValue]); 
    ezz = ([[ex objectAtIndex:0] doubleValue]*[[ey objectAtIndex:1]doubleValue]) - ([[ex objectAtIndex:1]doubleValue]*[[ey objectAtIndex:0]doubleValue]); 


[ez addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:ezx]]; 
[ez addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:ezy]]; 
[ez addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:ezz]]; 

// d = numpy.linalg.norm(P2 - P1) 
double d = sqrt(temp); 

// j = dot(ey, P3 - P1) 
double jval = 0; 
for (int i = 0; i < [ey count]; i++) { 
    double t1 = [[ey objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t2 = [[p3p1 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    jval += (t1*t2); 

// x = (pow(DistA,2) - pow(DistB,2) + pow(d,2))/(2*d) 
double xval = (pow(DistA,2) - pow(DistB,2) + pow(d,2))/(2*d); 

// y = ((pow(DistA,2) - pow(DistC,2) + pow(i,2) + pow(j,2))/(2*j)) - ((i/j)*x) 
double yval = ((pow(DistA,2) - pow(DistC,2) + pow(ival,2) + pow(jval,2))/(2*jval)) - ((ival/jval)*xval); 

// z = sqrt(pow(DistA,2) - pow(x,2) - pow(y,2)) 
// if 2-dimensional vector then z = 0 
double zval; 
if ([P1 count] !=3){ 
    zval = 0; 
    zval = sqrt(pow(DistA,2) - pow(xval,2) - pow(yval,2)); 

// triPt = P1 + x*ex + y*ey + z*ez 
NSMutableArray *triPt = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0]; 
for (int i = 0; i < [P1 count]; i++) { 
    double t1 = [[P1 objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue]; 
    double t2 = [[ex objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue] * xval; 
    double t3 = [[ey objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue] * yval; 
    double t4 = [[ez objectAtIndex:i] doubleValue] * zval; 
    double triptx = t1+t2+t3+t4; 
    [triPt addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:triptx]]; 

NSLog(@"ex %@",ex); 
NSLog(@"i %f",ival); 
NSLog(@"ey %@",ey); 
NSLog(@"d %f",d); 
NSLog(@"j %f",jval); 
NSLog(@"x %f",xval); 
NSLog(@"y %f",yval); 
NSLog(@"y %f",yval); 
NSLog(@"final result %@",triPt); 



P1 = (2,0) r1 = 5.831 
P2 = (8,0) r2 = 5.831 
P3 = (8,10) r3 = 5.831 

手動結果是(5,5),以及使用該代碼的結果是(5,5)。 所以,我相信代碼是正確的。


工程就像一個魅力!非常感謝! – Mathijs


不錯的解決方案,但它僅適用於3分不再。這不是OP要求的。 – luxcem


這是2D的,不準確。您需要使用3D座標並找到3個或更多球體的攔截來計算您在建築物中的位置。這樣做需要非常複雜的數學運算。如果位於人體高度之上,iBeacons的效果最好。 3D考慮非常重要。 – coolcool1994