public abstract class Parent {
interface Interface1 {
//Specifications of methods that all child nested classes must have
interface Interface2 {
//Specifications of methods that all child nested classes must have
public abstract Interface2 func(Interface1 obj);
public class Child extends Parent {
private static class Impl1 implements Interface1 {
//Implementations of methods in Interface1 as they pertain to Child
private static class Impl2 implements Interface2 {
//Implementations of methods in Interface2 as they pertain to Child
public Interface2 func(Interface1 obj) {
//Should only have to use methods declared in Interface1
//Thus should have no need to cast obj.
//Will return an instance of Impl2
return null;
謝謝! 。嵌套類的定義在所有孩子中是不同的。所以我無法將它們作爲獨立的靜態類。你能想出一種方法來改進設計嗎? – mc20
鑑於這一點,設計問題是爲什麼你需要父項中的抽象方法?假設我有'Parent p = ...',我不知道它的類型,我可以用正確的參數調用'p.func(...)'嗎?如果不是抽象方法沒有意義的話 – Mshnik