2016-04-29 41 views


min: 13.21 y0 + 27.46 y1 + 35.66 y2 + 89.21 y3 + 60.69 y4; 

y0 + y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 >= 50000; 

y0 <= 69148; 
y1 <= 25460; 
y2 <= 34020; 
y3 <= 69873; 
y4 <= 737299; 

/* Spezification */ 
(-0.275 y0 + 0.15 y1 + 0.15 y2 + 0.236 y3 + 0.14745 y4)/(-0.175 y0 + 0.05 y1 + 0.05 y2 + 0.136 y3 + 0.04745 y4) >= 0; 





(-0.275 y0 + 0.15 y1 + 0.15 y2 + 0.236 y3 + 0.14745 y4)/(-0.175 y0 + 0.05 y1 + 0.05 y2 + 0.136 y3 + 0.04745 y4) >= 0; 

爲了符號簡單起見,我將定義A = (-0.275 y0 + 0.15 y1 + 0.15 y2 + 0.236 y3 + 0.14745 y4)B = (-0.175 y0 + 0.05 y1 + 0.05 y2 + 0.136 y3 + 0.04745 y4)。因此,您的約束是:

A/B >= 0 


  1. A >= 0B >= 0
  2. A <= 0B <= 0

這引入非凸在你的公式中,因爲要點(A, B) = (4, 4)(A, B) = (-2, -6)都是可行的,但他們的中點(A, B) = (1, -1)是不可行的。因爲你的可行集合是非凸的,所以實際上不可能用你所做的代碼中的所有連續變量使用線性程序來模擬你的情況。

您將需要在您的公式中引入二進制變量來模擬此非凸性。對此進行建模的一種自然方法是使得二進制變量z等於1,如果A >= 0B >= 0並且使得z等於0如果A <= 0B <= 0。然後,你可以介紹以下的限制(這裏M是一個大的正數):

A <= Mz 
B <= Mz 
A >= M(z-1) 
B >= M(z-1) 
z binary 

如果z=0,則約束給我們-M <= A <= 0-M <= B <= 0,而如果z=1,則約束給我們0 <= A <= M0 <= B <= M。如果選擇的值爲M足夠大,則會捕獲您的情況。


你好josliber,感謝你的幫助。我有問題得到一個運行的例子。我試試這個。 [code] A = -0.275 y0 + 0.15 y1 + 0.15 y2 + 0.236 y3 + 0.14745 y4; B = -0.175 y0 + 0.05 y1 + 0.05 y2 + 0.136 y3 + 0。04745 y4; A <= Mz; B <= Mz; A> = M(z-1); B> = M(z-1); z二進制; [/ code]但我得到解析錯誤。我不明白詳細的邏輯... – ABSimon


@ABSimon'M'應該用一個很大的數字來代替,比如1000000. – josliber


Hello josliber,我還需要在括號中放置「A> = 1000000(z-1) 「和」B> = 1000000(z-1)「。我想我會得到「A> = 1000000 Z - 1000000」和「B> = 1000000 Z - 1000000」。總的來說,我有解決方法「A <= 1000000 z; B <= 1000000 z; A> = 1000000 z - 1000000; B> = 1000000 z - 1000000; bin z;」而不是「A/B> = 0」?謝謝!我認爲這是一個很大的幫助vor每個lp_solve初學者:) – ABSimon


您的解決方案制定得很好,並且lpsolve解決得很好。但結果可能不是你所期望的。例如,我得到:z = 0和x187 = 0(A = B = 0)。 事情是,A和B是隻取決於x187的表達式,所以你應該簡化分割表達式!選擇的大M應該更小?

Model name: 'model build from GLP-Solve' - run #1  
Objective: Minimize(R0) 

Model size:  12 constraints,  53 variables,   311 non-zeros. 
Sets:         0 GUB,     0 SOS. 

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2. 
The primal and dual simplex pricing strategy set to 'Devex'. 

Relaxed solution  276710632.306 after   23 iter is B&B base. 

Feasible solution  276710632.306 after   23 iter,   0 nodes (gap 0.0%) 

Optimal solution  276710632.306 after   23 iter,   0 nodes (gap 0.0%). 

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0 

MEMO: lp_solve version for 64 bit OS, with 64 bit REAL variables. 
     In the total iteration count 23, 17 (73.9%) were bound flips. 
     There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density. 
     ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization. 
     The largest [LUSOL v2.2.1.0] fact(B) had 13 NZ entries, 1.0x largest basis. 
     The maximum B&B level was 1, 0.5x MIP order, 1 at the optimal solution. 
     The constraint matrix inf-norm is 1e+06, with a dynamic range of 6.39386e+08. 
     Time to load data was 0.001 seconds, presolve used 0.000 seconds, 
     ... 0.000 seconds in simplex solver, in total 0.001 seconds. 


Model name: 'model build from GLP-Solve' - run #1  
Objective: Minimize(R0) 

Model size:  6 constraints,  50 variables,   299 non-zeros. 
Sets:         0 GUB,     0 SOS. 

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2. 
The primal and dual simplex pricing strategy set to 'Devex'. 

Optimal solution  276710632.306 after   22 iter. 

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0 

MEMO: lp_solve version for 64 bit OS, with 64 bit REAL variables. 
     In the total iteration count 22, 17 (77.3%) were bound flips. 
     There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density. 
     ... on average 5.0 major pivots per refactorization. 
     The largest [LUSOL v2.2.1.0] fact(B) had 7 NZ entries, 1.0x largest basis. 
     The constraint matrix inf-norm is 1, with a dynamic range of 639.386. 
     Time to load data was 0.002 seconds, presolve used 0.001 seconds, 
     ... 0.001 seconds in simplex solver, in total 0.004 seconds. 

謝謝。用「A> = -1000; B> = -1000;」 A和B將被計算。 但是解決方案仍然不會對結果產生任何影響。 理論上可以用這樣的東西來重新劃分一個分區嗎? A> = - 1000; B> = - 1000; A <= 1000 z; B <= 1000 z; A> = 1000 z-1000; B> = 1000 z-1000; bin z; 我將不勝感激任何幫助。 – ABSimon