2016-02-29 27 views

我想要獲取屬於user_id的所有帳戶的歷史記錄中的第一筆交易。例如,在user_id = 12656的情況下,account_id = 1553的較早交易可以是064d1777-3783,但在帳戶1554的情況下,最舊的tx是0cb4cfb2-44a2使用組與訂單通過不起作用

這是表 「命令」

║ user_id ║ account_id ║ order_id ║ status ║ test ║ 
║ 12656 ║ 1553  ║ 1234  ║ CAPTURED ║ false ║ 
║ 12656 ║ 1554  ║ 5678  ║ CAPTURED ║ false ║ 
║ 12656 ║ 1554  ║ 91011 ║ PENDING ║ false ║ 
║ 12659 ║ 1556  ║ 176344 ║ PENDING ║ true ║ 
║ 12660 ║ 1557  ║ 261677 ║ CAPTURED ║ false ║ 
║ 12661 ║ 1558  ║ 347010 ║ CAPTURED ║ true ║ 
║ 12662 ║ 1559  ║ 432343 ║ CAPTURED ║ false ║ 
║ 12663 ║ 1560  ║ 517676 ║ CAPTURED ║ false ║ 

相同的表 「交易」

║ user_id ║ account_id ║ order_id ║ transaction_id ║ creation_date   ║ 
║ 12656 ║ 1553  ║ 1234  ║ 064d1777-3783 ║ 2012-10-03 00:54:35.042 ║ 
║ 12656 ║ 1554  ║ 5678  ║ 0cb4cfb2-44a2 ║ 2012-05-06 06:33:13.171 ║ 
║ 12656 ║ 1554  ║ 91011 ║ 164494f1-3226 ║ 2012-05-29 00:49:27.611 ║ 
║ 12659 ║ 1556  ║ 176344 ║ 064d1777-3784 ║ 2012-07-25 05:32:48.056 ║ 
║ 12660 ║ 1557  ║ 261677 ║ 0cb4cfb2-44a3 ║ 2012-04-11 00:42:17.176 ║ 
║ 12661 ║ 1558  ║ 347010 ║ 164494f1-3227 ║ 2012-05-16 08:01:38.666 ║ 
║ 12662 ║ 1559  ║ 432343 ║ 064d1777-3785 ║ 2012-04-11 00:48:38.499 ║ 
║ 12663 ║ 1560  ║ 517676 ║ 0cb4cfb2-44a4 ║ 2012-05-06 06:39:33.44 ║ 


SELECT order.account_id, order.user_id, tx.transaction_id, MIN(tx.creation_date) AS first_transaction 
FROM transaction AS tx 
INNER JOIN order AS order ON tx.order_id = order.order_id 
WHERE order.test = 'false' 
AND order.status = 'CAPTURED' 
GROUP BY order.account_id, order.user_id, tx.transaction_id 




使用distinct on

SELECT DISTINCT ON (o.account_id, o.user_id) o.account_id, o.user_id, 
     tx.transaction_id, tx.creation_date AS first_transaction 
FROM transaction tx INNER JOIN 
    order o 
    ON tx.order_id = o.order_id 
WHERE o.test = 'false' AND o.status = 'CAPTURED' 
ORDER BY o.account_id, o.user_id, tx.creation_date ; 

謝謝您的快速響應。爲什麼這是必要的? –


@JuanDavid。 。 。您需要使用來自第一筆交易的信息爲每個「account_id」/「user_id」創建一行。 「明確的」完全是這樣的,正確的「按......排序」條款。 –