2016-07-28 34 views


我已經使用Accord.NET的支持向量機,通過在他們的文檔頁面上的例子如this one成功。但是,使用KernelSupportVectorMachineOneclassSupportVectorLearning進行訓練時,訓練過程會導致較大的錯誤值和不正確的分類

下面的模擬示例顯示了我的意思。它生成一個密集的訓練點集,然後訓練一個支持向量機將點歸類爲集羣內的離羣點或離羣點。訓練簇僅有0.6 0.6平方以原點爲中心,訓練點被以0.1的間隔隔開:

static void Main(string[] args) 
    // Model and training parameters 
    double kernelSigma = 0.1; 
    double teacherNu = 0.5; 
    double teacherTolerance = 0.01; 

    // Generate input point cloud, a 0.6 x 0.6 square centered at 0,0. 
    double[][] trainingInputs = new double[49][]; 
    int inputIdx = 0; 
    for (double x = -0.3; x <= 0.31; x += 0.1) { 
     for (double y = -0.3; y <= 0.31; y += 0.1) { 
      trainingInputs[inputIdx] = new double[] { x, y }; 

    // Generate inlier and outlier test points. 
    double[][] outliers = 
     new double[] { 1E6, 1E6 }, // Very far outlier 
     new double[] { 0, 1E6 }, // Very far outlier 
     new double[] { 100, -100 }, // Far outlier 
     new double[] { 0, -100 }, // Far outlier 
     new double[] { -10, -10 }, // Still far outlier 
     new double[] { 0, -10 }, // Still far outlier 
    double[][] inliers = 
     new double[] { 0, 0 },  // Middle of cluster 
     new double[] { .15, .15 }, // Halfway to corner of cluster 
     new double[] { -0.1, 0 }, // Comfortably inside cluster 
     new double[] { 0.25, 0 } // Near inside edge of cluster 

    // Construct the kernel, model, and trainer, then train. 
    Console.WriteLine($"Training model with parameters:"); 
    Console.WriteLine($" kernelSigma = {kernelSigma.ToString("#.##")}"); 
    Console.WriteLine($" teacherNu={teacherNu.ToString("#.##")}"); 
    Console.WriteLine($" teacherTolerance={teacherTolerance}"); 

    var kernel = new Gaussian(kernelSigma); 
    var svm = new KernelSupportVectorMachine(kernel, inputs: 1); 
    var teacher = new OneclassSupportVectorLearning(svm, trainingInputs) 
     Nu = teacherNu, 
     Tolerance = teacherTolerance 
    double error = teacher.Run(); 

    Console.WriteLine($"Training complete - error is {error.ToString("#.##")}"); 

    // Test trained classifier. 
    Console.WriteLine("Testing outliers:"); 
    foreach (double[] outlier in outliers) { 
     WriteResultDetail(svm, outlier); 
    Console.WriteLine("Testing inliers:"); 
    foreach (double[] inlier in inliers) { 
     WriteResultDetail(svm, inlier); 

private static void WriteResultDetail(KernelSupportVectorMachine svm, double[] coordinate) 
    string prettyCoord = $"{{ {string.Join(", ", coordinate)} }}".PadRight(20); 
    Console.Write($"Classifying: {prettyCoord} Result: "); 

    // Classify coordinate, print results. 
    double result = svm.Compute(coordinate); 
    if (Math.Sign(result) == 1) { 
    else { 
    Console.Write($" ({result.ToString("#.##")})\n"); 


Training model with parameters: 
    kernelSigma = .1 

Training complete - error is 222.4 

Testing outliers: 
Classifying: { 1000000, 1000000 } Result: Inlier (2.28) 
Classifying: { 0, 1000000 }  Result: Inlier (2.28) 
Classifying: { 100, -100 }  Result: Inlier (2.28) 
Classifying: { 0, -100 }   Result: Inlier (2.28) 
Classifying: { -10, -10 }   Result: Inlier (2.28) 
Classifying: { 0, -10 }   Result: Inlier (2.28) 

Testing inliers: 
Classifying: { 0, 0 }    Result: Inlier (4.58) 
Classifying: { 0.15, 0.15 }  Result: Inlier (4.51) 
Classifying: { -0.1, 0 }   Result: Inlier (4.55) 
Classifying: { 0.25, 0 }   Result: Inlier (4.64) 

括號中的數字是SVM爲該座標給出的分數。使用Accord.NET的SVM(通常情況下),負分是一個類,正分是另一個類。在這裏,一切都有一個積極的分數。 Inliers被正確分類,但異常值(即使是非常遠的值)也被歸類爲內值。



Training model with parameters: 
    kernelSigma = .3 

Training complete - error is 1945.67 

Testing outliers: 
Classifying: { 1000000, 1000000 } Result: Inlier (20.96) 
Classifying: { 0, 1000000 }  Result: Inlier (20.96) 
Classifying: { 100, -100 }  Result: Inlier (20.96) 
Classifying: { 0, -100 }   Result: Inlier (20.96) 
Classifying: { -10, -10 }   Result: Inlier (20.96) 
Classifying: { 0, -10 }   Result: Inlier (20.96) 

Testing inliers: 
Classifying: { 0, 0 }    Result: Inlier (44.52) 
Classifying: { 0.15, 0.15 }  Result: Inlier (41.62) 
Classifying: { -0.1, 0 }   Result: Inlier (43.85) 
Classifying: { 0.25, 0 }   Result: Inlier (40.53) 


這些模型肯定會得到某些東西退出訓練 - 內線和外線之間的分數是不同的。但是爲什麼這個簡單的方案不會給出正負符號的結果,因爲它們應該是不同的?

PS。 Here is a similar program測試許多訓練和模型參數的組合,和here is its output。同樣,所有事情都會導致積極的分類評分,高誤差值和錯誤分類的異常值。


請在項目的問題跟蹤器中打開一個問題 – Cesar


此問題已在v3.7.0中得到解決。 – Cesar



已在Accord.NET 3.7.0版中解決了issue raised in the question。 A unit test with an example similar to yours也已添加到提交be81aab


謝謝@Cesar!很高興看到該項目仍在維持。 – kdbanman


嗨@kdbanman,非常感謝在Stackoverflow中報告問題 - 但直到前幾天我纔看到它,所以是的,它需要一些時間來修復它。如果您仍然在項目中使用該框架,請立即通過https://github.com/accord-net/framework/issues直接在項目問題跟蹤器中提交問題報告。我希望這個框架對你仍然有用! – Cesar
