2011-05-09 151 views











public static IEnumerable<Vector2> IntersectPixels(
        Matrix transformA, int widthA, int heightA, Color[] dataA, 
        Matrix transformB, int widthB, int heightB, Color[] dataB) 
    // Calculate a matrix which transforms from A's local space into 
    // world space and then into B's local space 
    Matrix transformAToB = transformA * Matrix.Invert(transformB); 

    // When a point moves in A's local space, it moves in B's local space with a 
    // fixed direction and distance proportional to the movement in A. 
    // This algorithm steps through A one pixel at a time along A's X and Y axes 
    // Calculate the analogous steps in B: 
    Vector2 stepX = Vector2.TransformNormal(Vector2.UnitX, transformAToB); 
    Vector2 stepY = Vector2.TransformNormal(Vector2.UnitY, transformAToB); 

    // Calculate the top left corner of A in B's local space 
    // This variable will be reused to keep track of the start of each row 
    Vector2 yPosInB = Vector2.Transform(Vector2.Zero, transformAToB); 

    // For each row of pixels in A 
    for(int yA = 0; yA < heightA; yA++) 
     // Start at the beginning of the row 
     Vector2 posInB = yPosInB; 

     // For each pixel in this row 
     for(int xA = 0; xA < widthA; xA++) 
      // Round to the nearest pixel 
      int xB = (int)Math.Round(posInB.X); 
      int yB = (int)Math.Round(posInB.Y); 

      // If the pixel lies within the bounds of B 
      if(0 <= xB && xB < widthB && 
       0 <= yB && yB < heightB) 
       // Get the colors of the overlapping pixels 
       Color colorA = dataA[xA + yA * widthA]; 
       Color colorB = dataB[xB + yB * widthB]; 

       // If both pixels are not completely transparent, 
       if(colorA.A != 0 && colorB.A != 0) 
        // then an intersection has been found 
        yield return Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(xA, yA),transformA); 

      // Move to the next pixel in the row 
      posInB += stepX; 

     // Move to the next row 
     yPosInB += stepY; 

    // No intersection found 



編輯: 下面是一些小的變化到MSDN樣本所以每個接觸點繪製一個綠色像素。


//Contact points are cleared and re-added each update 
List<Vector2> contactPoints = new List<Vector2>(); 
//Texture for contact display 
Texture2D pixelTex; 


pixelTex = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); 
pixelTex.SetData<Color>(new[] { Color.White }); 


// Update each block 
personHit = false; 
for(int i = 0; i < blocks.Count; i++) 
    // Animate this block falling 
    blocks[i].Position += new Vector2(0.0f, BlockFallSpeed); 
    blocks[i].Rotation += BlockRotateSpeed; 

    // Build the block's transform 
    Matrix blockTransform = 
     Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-blockOrigin, 0.0f)) * 
     // Matrix.CreateScale(block.Scale) * would go here 
     Matrix.CreateRotationZ(blocks[i].Rotation) * 
     Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(blocks[i].Position, 0.0f)); 

    // Calculate the bounding rectangle of this block in world space 
    Rectangle blockRectangle = CalculateBoundingRectangle(
       new Rectangle(0, 0, blockTexture.Width, blockTexture.Height), 

    // The per-pixel check is expensive, so check the bounding rectangles 
    // first to prevent testing pixels when collisions are impossible. 
     contactPoints.AddRange(IntersectPixels(personTransform, personTexture.Width, 
          personTexture.Height, personTextureData, 
          blockTransform, blockTexture.Width, 
          blockTexture.Height, blockTextureData)); 
     // Check collision with person 
     if(contactPoints.Count != 0) 
      personHit = true; 

    // Remove this block if it have fallen off the screen 
    if(blocks[i].Position.Y > 
     Window.ClientBounds.Height + blockOrigin.Length()) 

     // When removing a block, the next block will have the same index 
     // as the current block. Decrement i to prevent skipping a block. 


添加到Draw() spriteBatch.End()之前

foreach(Vector2 p in contactPoints) 
    spriteBatch.Draw(pixelTex, new Rectangle((int)p.X, (int)p.Y, 1, 1), Color.FromNonPremultiplied(120, 255, 100, 255)); 

謝謝您的回覆,但我有困難的時候將這種變化。首先,我不熟悉「收益率」以及爲什麼會在這種情況下使用它。 (已查找它,但在MSDN上,但我很難理解它)此外,在這種情況下返回什麼,以及我將如何處理它。在我調用函數作爲if語句的「參數」之前。但我不認爲這將在這種情況下工作。 – APalmer 2011-05-11 04:40:23


我使用了收益率,因爲可能有多個聯繫點。結果是IEnumerable,所以你可以在結果上使用'foreach'或者使用Linq的ToArray,ToList擴展方法。您可以將點添加到列表中並返回,但是根據需要使用yield獲取,所以使用Linq可以使用'IntersectPixels(...)。Any()'作爲返回bool的原始方法的替代品。檢查編輯的例子。 – Kris 2011-05-11 18:19:19


先生,你是我的英雄。我相信我欠你一個火雞三明治。 – APalmer 2011-05-14 23:09:26