2011-05-17 51 views

我有一個問題,我的主要方法,whenevr我運行它我的代碼不能編譯,因爲這個問題: 「Exception in thread」main「java.lang.NullPointerException at UI .ConnectFourFrame.refreshUI(ConnectFourFrame.java:96) 在UI.ConnectFourFrame。(ConnectFourFrame.java:43) 在main.main(main.java:11)​​」問題與我的主要方法在我的connect4遊戲


package Game; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 

public class ConnectFourBoard { 

    // This constant is used to indicate the width and height, in cells, 
    // of the board. Since we want an 8x8 board, we'll set it to 8. 
    private static final int WIDTH = 7; 
    private static final int HEIGHT = 6; 
    private ConnectFourCell[][] currentPlayer; 

    // The current state the Othello board is defined with these two 
    // fields: a two-dimensional array holding the state of each cell, 
    // and a boolean value indicating whether it's the black player's 
    // turn (true) or the white player's turn (false). 
    private ConnectFourCell[][] cells; 
    private boolean isBlueTurn; 

    // Since the board is a model and it needs to notify views of changes, 
    // it will employ the standard "listener" mechanism of tracking a list 
    // of listeners and firing "events" (by calling methods on those 
    // listeners) when things change. 
    private ArrayList<ConnectFourListener> listeners; 

    public ConnectFourBoard() 
     // Arrays, in Java, are objects, which means that variables of 
     // array types (like cells, which has type OthelloCell[][]) are 
     // really references that say where an array lives. By default, 
     // references point to null. So we'll need to create an actual 
     // two-dimensional array for "cells" to point to. 
     cells = new ConnectFourCell[WIDTH][HEIGHT]; 
     listeners = new ArrayList<ConnectFourListener>(); 

    public void reset(){ 
     for (int i = 0; i<WIDTH ; i++){ 
      for (int j = 0; j<HEIGHT; j++){ 

       cells[i][j] = ConnectFourCell.NONE; 

     isBlueTurn = true; 

    public void addConnectFourListener(ConnectFourListener listener) 

    public void removeConnectFourListener(ConnectFourListener listener) 
     if (listeners.contains(listener)) 

    // These are fairly standard "fire event" methods that we've been building 
    // all quarter, one corresponding to each method in the listener interface. 

    private void fireBoardChanged() 
     for (ConnectFourListener listener : listeners) 

    private void fireGameOver() 
     for (ConnectFourListener listener : listeners) 

    // isBlackTurn() returns true if it's the black player's turn, and false 
    // if it's the white player's turn. 
    public boolean isBlueTurn() 
     return isBlueTurn; 

    public int getWidth() 
     return WIDTH; 


    public int getHeight(){ 

     return HEIGHT; 
    // getBlackScore() calculates the score for the black player. 
    public int getBlackScore() 
     return getScore(ConnectFourCell.BLUE); 

    // getWhiteScore() calculates the score for the white player. 
    public int getWhiteScore() 
     return getScore(ConnectFourCell.RED); 

    // getScore() runs through all the cells on the board and counts the 
    // number of cells that have a particular value (e.g., BLACK or WHITE). 
    // This method uses the naive approach of counting them each time 
    // it's called; it might be better to keep track of this score as we 
    // go, updating it as tiles are added and flipped. 
    private int getScore(ConnectFourCell cellValue) 
     int score = 0; 

     for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) 
      for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++) 
       if (cells[i][j] == cellValue) 

     return score; 

    // getWhiteScore() calculates the score for the white player. 
    public int getRedScore() 
     return getScore(ConnectFourCell.RED); 

    public int getBlueScore() { 
     // TODO Auto-generated method stub 
     return getScore(ConnectFourCell.BLUE); 

    public ConnectFourCell getCell(int x, int y) 
     if (!isValidCell(x, y)) 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
       "(" + x + ", " + y + ") is not a valid cell"); 

     return cells[x][y]; 
    * The drop method. 
    * Drop a checker into the specified HEIGHT, 
    * and return the WIDTH that the checker lands on. 
    int drop(int HEIGHT) { 
    if (hasWon()) { 
    return -1; 

    for (; WIDTH<6 && HEIGHT != 0; WIDTH++) { }; 

    if (WIDTH==6) { 
    // if the WIDTH is 6, it went through all 6 WIDTHs 
    // of the cells, and couldn't find an empty one. 
    // Therefore, return false to indicate that this 
    // drop operation failed. 
    return -1; 
    // fill the WIDTH of that HEIGHT with a checker. 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = currentPlayer[HEIGHT][WIDTH]; 
    // alternate the players 
    //currentPlayer = (currentPlayer%2)+1; 
    return WIDTH; 
    * The toString method 
    * Returns a String representation of this 
    * Connect Four (TM) game. 
    public String toString() { 
    String returnString = ""; 
    for (int WIDTH=5; WIDTH>=0; WIDTH--) { 
    for (int HEIGHT=0; HEIGHT<7; HEIGHT++) { 
    returnString = returnString + cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH]; 
    returnString = returnString + "\n"; 
    return returnString; 
    * The hasWon method. 
    * This method returns true if one of the 
    * players has won the game. 
    public boolean hasWon() { 
    boolean status = false; 
    // check for a horizontal win 
    for (int WIDTH=0; WIDTH<6; WIDTH++) { 
    for (int HEIGHT=0; HEIGHT<4; HEIGHT++) { 
    if (!(cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == ConnectFourCell.NONE) && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+1][WIDTH] && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+2][WIDTH] && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+3][WIDTH]) { 
    status = true; 
    // check for a vertical win 
    for (int WIDTH=0; WIDTH<3; WIDTH++) { 
    for (int HEIGHT=0; HEIGHT<7; HEIGHT++) { 
    if (!(cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == ConnectFourCell.NONE) && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH+1] && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH+2] && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH+3]) { 
    status = true; 
    // check for a diagonal win (positive slope) 
    for (int WIDTH=0; WIDTH<3; WIDTH++) { 
    for (int HEIGHT=0; HEIGHT<4; HEIGHT++) { 
     if (!(cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == ConnectFourCell.NONE) && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+1][WIDTH+1] && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+2][WIDTH+2] && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+3][WIDTH+3]) { 
    status = true; 
    // check for a diagonal win (negative slope) 
    for (int WIDTH=3; WIDTH<6; WIDTH++) { 
    for (int HEIGHT=0; HEIGHT<4; HEIGHT++) { 
     if (!(cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == ConnectFourCell.NONE) && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+1][WIDTH-1] && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+2][WIDTH-2] && 
    cells[HEIGHT][WIDTH] == cells[HEIGHT+3][WIDTH-3]) { 
    status = true; 
    return status; 

    private boolean isValidCell(int x, int y) 
     return x >= 0 && x < WIDTH 
       && x>= 0 && x<HEIGHT 
       && y >= 0 && y < WIDTH 
       && y>= 0 && y<HEIGHT; 

package UI; 

import java.awt.*; 

import javax.swing.*; 

import UI.ConnectFourBoardPanel; 

import Game.ConnectFourBoard; 
import Game.ConnectFourListener; 

public class ConnectFourFrame extends JFrame implements ConnectFourListener { 

    // Variables 

    private ConnectFourBoard board; 

    private JLabel scoreLabel; 
    private ConnectFourBoardPanel boardPanel; 
    private JLabel statusLabel; 

    public ConnectFourFrame() 
     // The frame builds its own model. 
     ConnectFourBoard board = new ConnectFourBoard(); 

     // We want the frame to receive notifications from the board as its 
     // state changes. 

     setTitle("Informatics 45 Spring 2011: ConnectFour Game"); 
     setSize(700, 700); 


    private void buildUI() 
     GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout(); 

     Font labelFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 18); 

     scoreLabel = new JLabel(); 
      new GridBagConstraints(
       0, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, 
       new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10), 0, 0)); 

     boardPanel = new ConnectFourBoardPanel(board); 
      new GridBagConstraints(
       0, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 
       new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10), 0, 0)); 

     statusLabel = new JLabel(); 
      new GridBagConstraints(
       0, 2, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, 
       new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10), 0, 0)); 

    private void refreshUI() 
     // Refreshing the UI means to change the text in each of the 
     // two labels (the score and the status) and also to ask the 
     // board to repaint itself. 

      "Blue: " + board.getBlueScore() + 
      "   Red: " + board.getRedScore()); 

      (board.isBlueTurn() ? "Blue's" : "Red's") 
      + " turn"); 


    // These are the ConnectFourBoardListener event-handling methods. 

    public void boardChanged() 
     // When the board changes, we'll refresh the entire UI. (There 
     // are times when this approach is too inefficient, but it will 
     // work fine for our relatively simple UI.) 


    public void gameOver() 
     // When the game is over, we'll pop up a message box showing the final 
     // score, then, after the user dismisses the message box, dispose of 
     // this window and end the program. 

      "Game over!\nFinal score: " + scoreLabel.getText(), 
      "Game Over", 



你能給我們更多的代碼。今晚我無事可做。但是,嚴重的是,您已經發布了大量代碼供我們審閱,並且我建議您嘗試進行一些調試以找出問題。此外,如果你得到一個異常,那麼你的代碼**是**編譯與你所說的相反。此外,你聲明你的問題是你的主要方法,並且在發佈所有這些代碼後,你決定使用哪種方法*而不是*給我們? – 2011-05-17 00:43:58


同意;做一些工作來隔離問題。 – Joe 2011-05-17 00:48:55


我猜你正在努力改善這一研究:http://www.connectfour.net/Files/connect4.pdf – Kevin 2011-05-17 01:01:14




ConnectFourBoard board = new ConnectFourBoard(); 


board = new ConnectFourBoard(); 

如果你是對的,那麼我很深刻的印象。 1+無論付出多少努力。 – 2011-05-17 00:49:36


@Hovercraft - 嘿,它不*那*難。我自己獨立地得出了相同的結論。這只是一個消除堆棧跟蹤表明拋出異常的方法中不可能的NPE原因的問題。 (但是+1!) – 2011-05-17 01:33:22

