可以使這些連接 例如:
module my_moduleA (inA, outA)
input inA;
output reg outA; //If you want to assign something to out inside an always block, it has to be output reg, otherwise you will have to use assign out from an always block.
//Put your logic here
module my_moduleB (inB, outB)
input inB;
output reg outB; //If you want to assign something to out inside an always block, it has to be output reg, otherwise you will have to use assign out from an always block.
//Put your logic here
//Instantiation of module A
my_moduleA instance( //Here is the connection made between module A and B
.inA (inB),
.outA (outB));
2013-10-11 22:32:47
我剛剛編輯我的帖子,更多的澄清。你的迴應是否適用於我所尋找的? –
是的,只是在這種情況下,我建議您使用模塊A中的電線進行連接。 – DOS