我建議使用Statement.executeUpdate方法,因爲它返回一個整數。因此,在執行此刪除查詢之後,如果確實刪除了任何記錄(在這種情況下,由於您使用的是LIMIT = 1,您會希望此方法返回1),因此您也將獲得有關信息。我還建議一旦你不需要它就關閉語句,這裏是框架實現:
private void performDelete(Connection conn, String deleteQuery, int expectedResult) throws SQLException {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
int result = -1;
try {
result = stmt.executeUpdate(deleteQuery);
if(result != expectedResult) {
//Here you can check the result. Perhaps you don't need this part
throw new IllegalStateException("Develete query did not return expected value");
} catch(SQLException e) {
//Good practice if you use loggers - log it here and rethrow upper.
//Or perhaps you don't need to bother in upper layer if the operation
//was successful or not - in such case, just log it and thats it.
throw e;
} finally {
//This should be always used in conjunction with ReultSets.
//It is not 100% necessary here, but it will not hurt
什麼是`db`和`update`做了什麼,我不知道,但我確定如果您閱讀以下內容:http://oreilly.com/catalog/javadata/chapter/ch04.html,並正確編寫您的查詢,您將獲得期望的結果。 – AlexanderMP 2011-02-13 12:06:24