2013-10-11 44 views


// hashmap to hold the result 
HashMap<Integer, Collection<Node>> result = new HashMap<Integer, Collection<Node>>(); 
// for each node in the list 
for (Node n : nodes) { 
    // find node's neighbors 
    // find node's degree 
    // placeholder 
    Integer degree = n.getDegree(); 
    // if that degree is already present as a key in result 
    if (result.containsKey(degree)) { 
     // add n to the list of nodes that has that degree value 
     boolean add = result.get(degree).add(n); 
     // check 
     if (!add) { 
      // raise exception 
      throw new ExtensionException("ERROR: failed to add node to list of nodes with degree " + degree); 
     // if that degree is not already present in result 
    } else { 
     // create a new empty collection of nodes 
     List<Node> newList = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
     // add n as the first element in the new collection 
     boolean add = newList.add(n); 
     // check 
     if (add) { 
      // add degree to the key and the collection of nodes with such degree 
      result.put(degree, newList); 
     } else { 
      // raise exception 
      throw new ExtensionException("ERROR: failed to add node to list of nodes with degree " + degree); 



最好的問候, 西蒙娜



你在做什麼本質上是正確的,但它可以更高效: *圖形已經有一定程度的()方法 *節點並不需要存儲的鄰居或程度;圖表爲你做這個 *你可以使用番石榴多地圖 *


非常感謝你的時間!好的,只是用Guava MultiMap進行搜索,它看起來像R中的一個數據幀,因爲我的關鍵是行,並且我放入的任何條目都像一個新列,因此每個關鍵字都映射到我映射到的所有節點現在收藏 ......我明白了嗎? – user299791


這就是這個想法。更簡單和更像Java的思考方式是Multimap 本質上是Map >的別名。它根據需要照顧創建集合等。 –
