color grass = color(20, 255, 20); //Grass tiles lay within wall tiles. These are usually images, but here they are colours for simplicity
color wall = color(150, 150, 150);
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
void draw() {
int rectWidth = 30;
float scale = 2; //Used to grow the shapes larger
float gap = rectWidth * scale; //The gap between each "tile", to allow tile s to fit next to each other
int rows = 4, cols = 4; //How many rows and columns there are in the grid
translate(300, 200);
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
/* x and y calculations */
float cartesianX = col * gap; //The standard cartesian x and y points. These place the tiles next to each other on the cartesian plane
float cartesianY = row * gap;
float isometricX = (cartesianX - cartesianY); //The isometric x and y points. The equations calculate it from the cartesian ones
float isometricY = (cartesianX + cartesianY)/2;
/* transformations and placement */
pushMatrix(); //Pushes the transform and rotate matrix onto a stack, allowing it to be reset after each loop
translate(isometricX, isometricY); //Translate to the point that the tile needs to be placed.
scale(scale, scale/2); //Scale the tile, making it twice as wide as it is high
rotate(radians(45)); //Rotate the tile into place
//Work out what colour to set the box to
if (row == 0 || col == 0 || row == rows -1 || col == cols - 1) fill(wall);
else fill(grass);
rect(0, 0, rectWidth, rectWidth);
您的修補程序確實會將瓷磚貼在一起,但我注意到它們現在重疊而不是未觸及。我認爲對於正確的等軸測視圖,它們必須直接相鄰並且不重疊。 這裏是我的意思的一個例子: [Isometric Overlap](http://i.imgur.com/ULA21Kx.png)。 有沒有解決這個問題?此外,是否有任何方法可以製作代碼,以便我可以更改比例尺並讓瓷磚一起移動,以便我可以試驗我想要的樣子? 另外,我只是想非常感謝你編輯我的帖子,這是非常感謝:) –
@AlexHockley沒問題。如果'gap = rectWidth'太靠近了,你可以嘗試添加一個緩衝區:'gap = rectWidth + 12'似乎工作得很好。不知道這個幻數是從哪裏來的,但我從來沒有見過以這種方式完成的等距視圖。不是說你做錯了!至於規模,我猜你需要將你的魔術數字放在規模之外。也許'12 * scale'將是第一個愚蠢的嘗試。如果您有更多問題,我很樂意提供幫助,但如果您將它們作爲新問題發佈,可能會更容易,因爲Stack Overflow評論(故意)是可怕的。 –
即使它比我計劃的更手動一點,該修復工作得很好。非常感謝您,如果我再次陷入困境,我會按照您的建議發佈新問題。 –