#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
//Declares variables
double fishTank = 500;
int hours = 0;
int addWater;
//asks user for input.
printf("Please enter additional water to be added per hour:");
scanf("%d", &addWater);
//while fishtank is greater then or equal to 100 it will run this loop
while (fishTank >= 100) {
fishTank = fishTank - (fishTank * .1) + addWater;
printf("The tank still has %f gallons remaining\n", fishTank);
//increments hours by 1
hours = hours + 1;
//if hours drops below 24 it will print this output
if (hours < 24) {
printf("Out of water at hour %d when remaining gallons were %f\n", hours, fishTank);
//if hours is greater then 24 by the time the loop ends it will print this.
else if (hours >= 24) {
printf("Get out the BBQ and lets eat fish.\n");
return 0;