2010-08-17 39 views


    import flash.display.*; 
    import flash.events.*; 
    public class OBJECT_bullet_1 extends Sprite 
     public var X:int = 0; public var Y:int = 0; 
     public var Y_SPEED:int = 5; 
     public var DEPTH:int = 9; 
     public var CONTAINER:Sprite = new Sprite(); 
     public function CREATE(CONTAINER:Sprite,X:int,Y:int):void 
      this.X = X;  this.Y = Y; 
     public function STEP(event:Event):void 
      Y -= Y_SPEED; 
      if (Y < 20) {Y = 300; CONTAINER.removeChild(this); CONTAINER.stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,STEP); CONTAINER.(delete this); CONTAINER = null; return;} 
     public function DRAW():void 
      this.graphics.drawRect(X - 2,Y - 2,4,4); 

我關心的是在STEP功能時,它會檢查如果Y < 20.你會發現,它確實幾件事情後記部分。我是否正確刪除它?如果有,我正在做什麼來刪除它,我不需要?


你超出了必要的範圍;但是,你對if語句進行格式化的方式讓我想要打個小寶寶。 – Aaron 2010-08-17 03:13:21



對兩個問題都可以。爲確保刪除對象,您只需刪除對它的所有引用。子代碼和事件回調是上述代碼唯一知道的,並且您已經注意將它們都刪除。廢除自己的容器參考是不必要的,因爲無論你認爲CONTAINER.(delete this)是什麼。


// You should avoid using the default package. Using the default package 
// can make it difficult later on if you start having naming conflicts. 
package com.stackoverflow.example { 

    import flash.display.Sprite; 
    import flash.events.Event; 
    import flash.geom.Point; 
    import flash.utils.getTimer; 

    // Class names are spelled in CamelCase by convention. Also, note 
    // that "Object" has a special meaning in AS3 so you should avoid 
    // using it to refer to anything else. I used here "Entity" instead. 
    public class EntityBullet1 extends Sprite { 
     // ALLCAPS when used are reserved for static const names. 
     // A good use of static consts is to store "magic numbers". 
     public static const DEFAULT_COLOR:uint  = 0xCCCC00; 
     public static const DEFAULT_SPEED_X:Number = 0; 
     public static const DEFAULT_SPEED_Y:Number = -100; 
     public static const DEFAULT_SIZE:Number = 4; 

     // I'm calculating the time between frames for smoother movement. 
     public var lastTime:int; 
     public var color:uint = DEFAULT_COLOR; 
     public var size:int = DEFAULT_SIZE; 

     // Instead of separate x and y vars, you can use the Point class. 
     public var pos:Point; 
     public var speed:Point; 

     // Instead of a "create" method do all creation inside the constructor! 
     public function EntityBullet1(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0) { 
      pos = new Point(x, y); 
      speed = new Point(DEFAULT_SPEED_X, DEFAULT_SPEED_Y); 

      // You don't need the parent container to access the ENTER_FRAME 
      // event. Every DisplayObject has its own. Much simpler. 
      addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, firstStep); 

     public function draw():void { 
      // Keep all drawing inside the draw function. Previously, 
      // clear() was being called inside the step method. 
      graphics.drawRect(pos.x - size/2, pos.y - size/2, size, size); 

     // On the first frame, the field "lastTime" is still uninitialized. 
     // This method initializes it to the current time and hands off 
     // future events to the proper step() method. 
     public function firstStep(event:Event):void { 
      removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, firstStep); 
      addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, step); 
      lastTime = getTimer(); 

     public function step(event:Event):void { 
      // To move at a fixed rate regardless of how fast the framerate is, 
      // you need to calculate the time delta. 
      var cur:int = getTimer(); 
      var delta:Number = (cur - lastTime)/1000.0; 
      lastTime = cur; 

      // Position equals velocity times time. 
      pos.x += speed.x * delta; 
      pos.y += speed.y * delta; 


      // Note that all DisplayObjects already have references to their 
      // parent containers called "parent"! 
      if (pos.y < 20) { 
       if (parent != null) parent.removeChild(this); 
       removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, step); 


超出和超出,+1 – Aaron 2010-08-17 03:15:45


我的代碼仍然有一個小問題,但爲了正確解決它,我必須解釋弱引用是如何工作的。我會保持原樣。 – Gunslinger47 2010-08-17 05:33:21


@ Gunslinger47。 +1。很好的答案。不過,我不太明白這個小問題。 – 2010-08-17 14:11:41