2013-02-12 30 views


爲了讓它變得非常簡單我想說明,當我們接近尖端時,寬度是變化的,但高度是恆定的。 w,x,h是圖中顯示的變量。


3D plot


你試圖重現精確的圖表(包括箭頭)在Matlab - 有一定的維度變量?或者只是其中的一部分?你正在繪製的公式是什麼?這不是一個難題,但除非你非常清楚地指定,否則你不會喜歡答案... – Floris 2013-02-12 21:14:38



下面的代碼可以讓你很長的路要走,我想。見例如輸出: enter image description here


% plot ellipsoid in 3D 

% height and width of ellipsoid: 
e_h = 10; 
e_w = 3; 

% position where the "quivers" (arrows) go: 
q_offset = 2; % distance from axis 
q_scale = 0.5; % multiplier to give parabola some size 
q_spacing = 0.5; % distance between arrows 
q_height = 2.5; % height above XY plane where arrows are drawn 
N = 1000;  % number of points for drawing 

theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, N); % parameter to help drawing ellipse 
zerov = zeros(1, N);   % array of zeros that I will need 

% coordinates of main ellipse: 
x = e_w * sin(theta); 
y = zeros(size(x)); 
z = e_h * cos(theta); 

% plot main ellipse: 
plot3(x, y, z) 

% secondary plot 
y2 = q_scale*(e_w.^2 - x.^2) + 2; % offset parabola - what your plot looked like... 
hold on 
plot3(x, y2, zerov+q_height);  % plotting the parabola in the XY plane at height 
axis equal % make the plot dimensions isotropic 

% add quivers 
q_base = -e_w:q_spacing:e_w; % x coordinate; y and z are fixed 
q_length = (e_w.^2 - q_base.^2)*q_scale; % length of quiver - just an equation I chose 
q0 = zeros(size(q_base)); % another vector I will need multiple times 
q1 = ones(size(q_base)); % ditto 

% plot the arrows: the "-1" argument means "don't scale" 
quiver3(q_base, q0+q_offset, q_height*q1, q0, q_length, q0, -1) 