我想在下面的圖片上顯示與圖形類似的圖形。我想實現類似於cos/sin的圖形,但是有一點隨機性。圖表不應超過(100)或低於(0)限制。 沒有隨機性,我們可以寫函數是這樣的:隨機平滑圖
我想在下面的圖片上顯示與圖形類似的圖形。我想實現類似於cos/sin的圖形,但是有一點隨機性。圖表不應超過(100)或低於(0)限制。 沒有隨機性,我們可以寫函數是這樣的:隨機平滑圖
internal struct SineWave
internal readonly double Amplitude;
internal readonly double OrdinaryFrequency;
internal readonly double AngularFrequency;
internal readonly double Phase;
internal readonly double ShiftY;
internal SineWave(double amplitude, double ordinaryFrequency, double phase, double shiftY)
Amplitude = amplitude;
OrdinaryFrequency = ordinaryFrequency;
AngularFrequency = 2 * Math.PI * ordinaryFrequency;
Phase = phase;
ShiftY = shiftY;
public class RandomCurve
private SineWave[] m_sineWaves;
public RandomCurve(int components, double minY, double maxY, double flatness)
m_sineWaves = new SineWave[components];
double totalPeakToPeakAmplitude = maxY - minY;
double averagePeakToPeakAmplitude = totalPeakToPeakAmplitude/components;
int prime = 1;
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < components; i++)
// from 0.5 to 1.5 of averagePeakToPeakAmplitude
double peakToPeakAmplitude = averagePeakToPeakAmplitude * (r.NextDouble() + 0.5d);
// peak amplitude is a hald of peak-to-peak amplitude
double amplitude = peakToPeakAmplitude/2d;
// period should be a multiple of the prime number to avoid regularities
prime = Utils.GetNextPrime(prime);
double period = flatness * prime;
// ordinary frequency is reciprocal of period
double ordinaryFrequency = 1d/period;
// random phase
double phase = 2 * Math.PI * (r.NextDouble() + 0.5d);
// shiftY is the same as amplitude
double shiftY = amplitude;
m_sineWaves[i] =
new SineWave(amplitude, ordinaryFrequency, phase, shiftY);
public double GetY(double x)
double y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_sineWaves.Length; i++)
y += m_sineWaves[i].Amplitude * Math.Sin(m_sineWaves[i].AngularFrequency * x + m_sineWaves[i].Phase) + m_sineWaves[i].ShiftY;
return y;
internal static class Utils
internal static int GetNextPrime(int i)
int nextPrime = i + 1;
for (; !IsPrime(nextPrime); nextPrime++) ;
return nextPrime;
private static bool IsPrime(int number)
if (number == 1) return false;
if (number == 2) return true;
for (int i = 2; i < number; ++i)
if (number % i == 0) return false;
return true;
也有隨機期間,我假設? – RBarryYoung
@RBarryYoung,是的。 –
public static double GetCosFunction(double d)
return Math.Cos(d) * 50 + 50;
我認爲你誤解了這個問題。他並沒有問如何繪製這個功能,而是在問如何讓這個功能更隨機。 – RBarryYoung
這是什麼意思「使功能更隨機」?功能清楚輸入和清除輸出。一個更隨機的函數怎麼可能只用一個叫做「cos(x)* 50 + 50」的表達式呢?請點亮我.. –
他想要一個類似於那個函數的函數,但是它有一些隨機性。 – RBarryYoung
因此,這裏是C#編寫的代碼,它可以與隨機輸入值是隨機的多。 我只是給你一些輸出值,看看你是否可以。 Amplite可以修改餘弦值和正弦值。最後加上偏移量(因此最小值始終爲0),並且縮放比例可以確保最大值爲100.正如您所看到的,可以將噪聲添加到(圖3,圖4)。
terr1:RandomTerrarain(1000,4,1,10,5,0); Figure 1
terr2:RandomTerrarain(1000,2,3,-10,5,0); Figure 2
private static Random rnd = new Random();
private double[] RandomTerrarain(int length, int sinuses, int cosinuses, double amplsin, double amplcos, double noise)
if (length <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", length, "Length must be greater than zero!");
double[] returnValues = new double[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
// sin
for (int sin = 1; sin <= sinuses; sin++)
returnValues[i] += amplsin * Math.Sin((2 * sin * i * Math.PI)/(double)length);
// cos
for (int cos = 1; cos <= cosinuses; cos++)
returnValues[i] += amplcos * Math.Cos((2 * cos * i * Math.PI)/(double)length);
// noise
returnValues[i] += (noise * rnd.NextDouble()) - (noise * rnd.NextDouble());
// give offset so it be higher than 0
double ofs = returnValues.Min();
if (ofs < 0)
ofs *= -1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
returnValues[i] += ofs;
// resize to be fit in 100
double max = returnValues.Max();
if (max >= 100)
double scaler = max/100.0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
returnValues[i] /= scaler;
return returnValues;
[圖5] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64369382/terr.png – kurtyka
看一看xkcd-style graphs,方法隨機噪聲添加到圖和平滑它的方式,使它看起來手繪,模仿xkcd cartoons的風格。雖然這不完全是你想要的,但我想簡單地將輸入圖設置爲零(例如,y = 0)並且將噪聲平滑參數調整爲更大的噪聲幅度,並且更大的平滑距離可能導致隨機圖你正在尋找。
爲了什麼目的?這有點太開放了...... – RBarryYoung
@RBarryYoung產生一個簡單的遊戲隨機地形。 – ewooycom
啊,好的。我記得,隨機地形最好生成爲f(0)和f(1)過程的組合...... – RBarryYoung