2017-05-01 191 views


Resample 1enter image description here

struct Point 
    float x, y; 

std::vector<Point> Points; 
int numPoints = 5; 

float positions[] = { 
0.0350462, -0.0589667, 
0.0688311, 0.240896, 
0.067369, 0.557199, 
-0.024258, 0.715255, 
0.0533231, 0.948694, 

// Add points 
int offset = 2; 
for (int i =0; i < numPoints; i++) 
    offset = i * 2; 
    Point pt; 
    pt.x = positions[offset]; 
    pt.y = positions[offset+1]; 


執行插值的最佳方法取決於數據的性質以及您需要的精度。我首先使用線性插值和樣條插值搜索來看看他們是否會做你需要的。 – RyanP


哪一本關於計算機圖形學的書是你用來學習這個主題的? –


如果我通過邊緣進行重新採樣,從當前點到下一個點很容易取代或lerp。我無法弄清楚的是整個曲線。 – sabotage3d




#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <vector> 
#include <cmath> 

struct Point { 
    double x, y; 

// Distance gives the Euclidean distance between two Points 
double Distance(const Point& a, const Point& b) { 
    const double dx = b.x - a.x; 
    const double dy = b.y - a.y; 
    const double lsq = dx*dx + dy*dy; 
    return std::sqrt(lsq); 

// LinearCurveLength calculates the total length of the linear 
// interpolation through a vector of Points. It is the sum of 
// the Euclidean distances between all consecutive points in 
// the vector. 
double LinearCurveLength(std::vector<Point> const &points) { 
    auto start = points.begin(); 
    if(start == points.end()) return 0; 
    auto finish = start + 1; 
    double sum = 0; 
    while(finish != points.end()) { 
     sum += Distance(*start, *finish); 
     start = finish++; 
    return sum; 

// Gives a vector of Points which are sampled as equally-spaced segments 
// taken along the linear interpolation between points in the source. 
// In general, consecutive points in the result will not be equidistant, 
// because of a corner-cutting effect. 
std::vector<Point> UniformLinearInterpolation(std::vector<Point> const &source, std::size_t target_count) { 
    std::vector<Point> result; 
    if(source.size() < 2 || target_count < 2) { 
     // degenerate source vector or target_count value 
     // for simplicity, this returns an empty result 
     // but special cases may be handled when appropriate for the application 
     return result; 
    // total_length is the total length along a linear interpolation 
    // of the source points. 
    const double total_length = LinearCurveLength(source); 

    // segment_length is the length between result points, taken as 
    // distance traveled between these points on a linear interpolation 
    // of the source points. The actual Euclidean distance between 
    // points in the result vector can vary, and is always less than 
    // or equal to segment_length. 
    const double segment_length = total_length/(target_count - 1); 

    // start and finish are the current source segment's endpoints 
    auto start = source.begin(); 
    auto finish = start + 1; 

    // src_segment_offset is the distance along a linear interpolation 
    // of the source curve from its first point to the start of the current 
    // source segment. 
    double src_segment_offset = 0; 

    // src_segment_length is the length of a line connecting the current 
    // source segment's start and finish points. 
    double src_segment_length = Distance(*start, *finish); 

    // The first point in the result is the same as the first point 
    // in the source. 

    for(std::size_t i=1; i<target_count-1; ++i) { 
     // next_offset is the distance along a linear interpolation 
     // of the source curve from its beginning to the location 
     // of the i'th point in the result. 
     // segment_length is multiplied by i here because iteratively 
     // adding segment_length could accumulate error. 
     const double next_offset = segment_length * i; 

     // Check if next_offset lies inside the current source segment. 
     // If not, move to the next source segment and update the 
     // source segment offset and length variables. 
     while(src_segment_offset + src_segment_length < next_offset) { 
      src_segment_offset += src_segment_length; 
      start = finish++; 
      src_segment_length = Distance(*start, *finish); 
     // part_offset is the distance into the current source segment 
     // associated with the i'th point's offset. 
     const double part_offset = next_offset - src_segment_offset; 

     // part_ratio is part_offset's normalized distance into the 
     // source segment. Its value is between 0 and 1, 
     // where 0 locates the next point at "start" and 1 
     // locates it at "finish". In-between values represent a 
     // weighted location between these two extremes. 
     const double part_ratio = part_offset/src_segment_length; 

     // Use part_ratio to calculate the next point's components 
     // as weighted averages of components of the current 
     // source segment's points. 
      start->x + part_ratio * (finish->x - start->x), 
      start->y + part_ratio * (finish->y - start->y) 

    // The first and last points of the result are exactly 
    // the same as the first and last points from the input, 
    // so the iterated calculation above skips calculating 
    // the last point in the result, which is instead copied 
    // directly from the source vector here. 
    return result; 

int main() { 
    std::vector<Point> points = { 
     { 0.0350462, -0.0589667}, 
     { 0.0688311, 0.240896 }, 
     { 0.067369, 0.557199 }, 
     {-0.024258, 0.715255 }, 
     { 0.0533231, 0.948694 } 

    std::cout << "Source Points:\n"; 
    for(const auto& point : points) { 
     std::cout << std::setw(14) << point.x << " " << std::setw(14) << point.y << '\n'; 
    std::cout << '\n'; 
    auto interpolated = UniformLinearInterpolation(points, 7); 
    std::cout << "Interpolated Points:\n"; 
    for(const auto& point : interpolated) { 
     std::cout << std::setw(14) << point.x << " " << std::setw(14) << point.y << '\n'; 
    std::cout << '\n'; 
    std::cout << "Source linear interpolated length:   " << LinearCurveLength(points) << '\n'; 
    std::cout << "Interpolation's linear interpolated length: " << LinearCurveLength(interpolated) << '\n'; 

您的解決方案工作得很好。只有一個問題是有一種方法來優化這部分'while(src_segment_offset + src_segment_length sabotage3d


@ sabotage3d這裏有一個冗餘的加法操作,我很確定優化器負責處理。但是,從我的頭頂來看,我看不到地圖可以在這裏提供幫助。你能讓我知道你在這裏使用地圖的想法嗎?謝謝。 –


@ sabotage3d也許你想到的是,通過連續源點的線性搜索可以被更優化的東西替代,比如鍵控查找? –




cumlen[0] = 0; 
for (int i=1; i < numPoints; i++) { 
    len = Sqrt((Point[i].x - Point[i-1].x)^2 + (Point[i].y - Point [i-1].y)^2) 
    cumlen[i] = cumlen[i-1] + len; 


plen = cumlen[numpoints-1]/numpieces; 

現在第二輪的長度 - 通過點列表走路,在適當的段插入新的點。爲numpieces > numPoints實際產出的

i = 0; 
for (ip=0; ip<numpieces; ip++) { 
    curr = plen * ip; 
    while cumlen[i+1] < curr 
    P[ip].x = Points[i].x + (curr - cumlen[i]) * (Points[i+1].x - Points[i].x)/
          (cumlen[i+1] - cumlen[i]); 
    ..the same for y 


enter image description here


僞代碼中有一些問題,我無法使其正常工作。如果我們想要減少原始片段的數量,這種方法也會起作用嗎? – sabotage3d


將代碼更改爲'while cumlen [i + 1]'。方法應該工作,如果numpieces MBo


對不起,我不明白最後一句話。新的觀點(圈子)在我的實施中位於舊的細分領域。 – MBo