func localizeString(stringToLocalize:String) -> String
// Get the corresponding bundle path.
let selectedLanguage = self.getLanguage()
let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: selectedLanguage, ofType: "lproj")
// Get the corresponding localized string.
let languageBundle = Bundle(path: path!)
return languageBundle!.localizedString(forKey: stringToLocalize, value: "", table: nil)
func localizeUI(parentView:UIView)
for view:UIView in parentView.subviews
if let potentialButton = view as? UIButton
if let titleString = potentialButton.titleLabel?.text {
potentialButton.setTitle(localizeString(stringToLocalize: titleString), for: .normal)
else if let potentialLabel = view as? UILabel
if potentialLabel.text != nil {
potentialLabel.text = localizeString(stringToLocalize: potentialLabel.text!)
localizeUI(parentView: view)