import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.sql.*;
public class dbConn
// Member Variables
private String m_DBLoc = "jdbc:odbc:wipro";
private String m_DBDriver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
private ResultSet m_RS = null; // RecordSet Variable
private Connection m_conn = null;
public String setData(String name, String pwd, String fName, String lName, String email, String pno, String address, String state, int pin, String cno) {
String sqlInsSt = "INSERT INTO USER_TBS VALUES('"+name+"','"+pwd+"','"+fName+"','"+lName+"','"+email+"','"+pno+"','"+address+"','"+state+"',"+pin+",'"+cno+"')" ;
int n = 0;
if(m_conn == null) // if Connection has not been set
return "Connection failed" ;
try {
Statement s = m_conn.createStatement();
n = s.executeUpdate(sqlInsSt);
}catch (SQLException e) {
e.printStackTrace();} // if a SQL error occurs
if(n !=0)
return "Data inserted successfully" ;
return "Data insertion is failed" ;
public ResultSet getData() {
String sqlStatement = "SELECT pno FROM new_connection" ;
ResultSet temp = executeQuery(sqlStatement);
return temp;
// Method executeQuery -- for executing queries. Returns
// a ResultSet (RecordSet) kind of like in ADO
public ResultSet executeQuery(String stmt)
if(m_conn == null) // if Connection has not been set
m_RS = null;
{ try {
Statement s = m_conn.createStatement();
m_RS = s.executeQuery(stmt);
catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();} // if a SQL error occurs
// Method DBConnect -- must connect to the DB before a
// query can be executed. Returns an error message
// to be printed by the caller if there is an error.
public String DBConnect()
String retVal = ""; // there are no errors yet
//Connection conn = null;
try // try to connect to the database
{ Class.forName(m_DBDriver);
m_conn = DriverManager.getConnection(m_DBLoc,"scott","tiger");
// if the driver class isn't found
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {retVal = e.toString();
catch (SQLException e) {retVal = e.toString();
e.printStackTrace();} // if a SQL error occurs
return(retVal); // returns error messages or an empty string
// that the caller must print.
type Exception report
message Unable to compile class for JSP:
description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:
An error occurred at line: [15] in the generated java file: [H:\apache-tomcat-8.0.3\work\Catalina\localhost\hello\org\apache\jsp\telecom\_6\newconnexp_jsp.java]
Only a type can be imported. chandu.dbConn1 resolves to a package
An error occurred at line: 10 in the jsp file: /telecom/6/newconnexp.jsp
dbConn1 cannot be resolved to a type
8: <%!
9: ResultSet rs ;
10: dbConn1 db ;
11: String sConn;
12: public void jspInit() {
13: db = new dbConn1();
An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /telecom/6/newconnexp.jsp
db cannot be resolved to a variable
10: dbConn1 db ;
11: String sConn;
12: public void jspInit() {
13: db = new dbConn1();
14: sConn = db.DBConnect();
15: rs = null;
16: }
An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /telecom/6/newconnexp.jsp
dbConn1 cannot be resolved to a type
10: dbConn1 db ;
11: String sConn;
12: public void jspInit() {
13: db = new dbConn1();
14: sConn = db.DBConnect();
15: rs = null;
16: }
An error occurred at line: 14 in the jsp file: /telecom/6/newconnexp.jsp
db cannot be resolved
11: String sConn;
12: public void jspInit() {
13: db = new dbConn1();
14: sConn = db.DBConnect();
15: rs = null;
16: }
17: %>
An error occurred at line: 39 in the jsp file: /telecom/6/newconnexp.jsp
db cannot be resolved
37: String sInsState =null;
38: if(sConn.equals("")) {
39: sInsState = db.setData(uname, cname, occupation, purpose, gender, income, dob, address, state, pin);
40: }
41: %>
42: <%String x=sInsState;%>
使用* Prepared Statements *而不是像這樣一起修改你的查詢。這很容易 –
顯示您的jsp頁面,並且您不遵循Java命名約定,請遵循。 – Rembo
並學習如何正確縮進代碼 – developerwjk