2016-04-22 21 views

我在NumPy中有幾張黑色(= 1)和白色(= 0)圖像。我想計算在所有2D方向上直線的次數Numpy Array:在一行中的計數值(來自圖像)



import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pylab as plt 
from matplotlib import gridspec 

background = np.zeros((60,60)) 

one = background.copy() # straight line 
one[10,5:30:1] = 1 
# Here I'd like to count 25 from both directions 

two = background.copy() # diagonal line, this stands for all angles the diagonal line could have, not just 45degrees! 
two[[range(10,35)],[range(5,30)]] = 1 
# Here I'd like to count 25 from both directions 

three = background.copy() # line with right angle 
three[10,5:15:1] = 1 
three[10:25:1,15] = 1 
# Here I'd like to count 10 from one end and 15 from the other 

gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,2) 
fig = plt.figure() 
line = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0]) 
diag = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,1]) 
angle = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,0]) 
line.imshow(one), line.set_title('Count 25 from both sides') 
diag.imshow(two), diag.set_title('Count 25 from both sides') 
angle.imshow(three), angle.set_title('Count 10 from one side and 15 from the other') 

enter image description here 我的問題是,我甚至不知道google一下。



當你說「所有二維方向」,你的意思是8「顯而易見」的方向,或者你想包括其他中間的方向嗎? (它們與8個基本方向的不同之處在於,對於那些相關像素的中心實際上是在一條直線上。) –


你想要的輸出到底是什麼?如果你在不同的方向上輸入不同長度的線,你只需要最長線的長度,或每個方向最長線的長度,或者所有線的長度,或者什麼? –


你能告訴我們你需要什麼? (例如,這可能會影響效率的重要性。) –






import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pylab as plt 
from matplotlib import gridspec 
from skimage.transform import probabilistic_hough_line 

background = np.zeros((60,60)) 

one = background.copy() # straight line 
one[10,5:30:1] = 1 
# Here I'd like to count 25 from both directions 

two = background.copy() # diagonal line, this stands for all angles the diagonal line could have, not just 45degrees! 
two[[range(10,35)],[range(5,30)]] = 1 
# Here I'd like to count 25 from both directions 

three = background.copy() # line with right angle 
three[10,5:15:1] = 1 
three[10:25:1,15] = 1 
# Here I'd like to count 10 from one end and 15 from the other 

four = background.copy() # line with one value out of place and a right angle 
four[10,5:8:1] = 1 
four[11,8] = 1 
four[10,9:15] = 1 
four[10:25:1,15] = 1 
# Here I'd like to count 10 from one side and 15 from the other side 

gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,2) 
fig = plt.figure() 
line_plt = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0]) 
diag = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,1]) 
angle = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,0]) 
angle_dirty = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,1]) 
line_plt.imshow(one), line_plt.set_title('Count 25 from both sides') 
diag.imshow(two), diag.set_title('Count 25 from both sides') 
angle.imshow(three), angle.set_title('Count 10 from one side and 15 from the other') 
angle_dirty.imshow(four), angle_dirty.set_title('Count 10 from one side and 15 from the other') 

# This function returns the List of lines identified, lines in format ((x0, y0), (x1, y0)), indicating line start and end. 
lines_one = probabilistic_hough_line(one, threshold=10, line_length=5, line_gap=3) 
# Now to the plotting on top of the original image 
for line in lines_one: 
    p0, p1 = line 
    line_plt.plot((p0[0], p1[0]), (p0[1], p1[1])) 

lines_two = probabilistic_hough_line(two, threshold=10, line_length = 5, line_gap = 3) 
for line in lines_two: 
    p0, p1 = line 
    diag.plot((p0[0], p1[0]), (p0[1], p1[1])) 

lines_three = probabilistic_hough_line(three, threshold=10, line_length = 5, line_gap = 3) 
for line in lines_three: 
    p0, p1 = line 
    angle.plot((p0[0], p1[0]), (p0[1], p1[1])) 

lines_four = probabilistic_hough_line(four, threshold=10, line_length = 5, line_gap = 3) 
for line in lines_four: 
    p0, p1 = line 
    angle_dirty.plot((p0[0], p1[0]), (p0[1], p1[1])) 

enter image description here