2013-04-22 135 views




我不認爲問題陳述是正確的(毫不含糊)。紅點周圍最小的多邊形可以由該點的西南頂點和該點以東的黑線段形成。 – 2013-04-22 07:36:37


我的意思是,最小的多邊形只由已經存在的線條構成。 – Skyler 2013-04-22 16:18:30


定義「最小」 – Cam 2013-05-01 06:08:27










然後,檢查多邊形是否包圍給定的點。 – WolframH 2013-04-22 12:23:07


@WolframH:是的,當然忘了補充一點。一個點可能在任何封閉多邊形之外。 – 2013-04-22 12:33:12


如果最近的線段位於不包含該點的不同多邊形中,該怎麼辦? – Skyler 2013-04-22 17:01:36





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在你的例子中你會考慮多少個多邊形 - 3或6?你是怎麼找到他們的? – WolframH 2013-04-23 11:05:57


有3 *最小*多邊形(不是其他多邊形的一部分)和恰好6段分別屬於兩個多邊形(兩個內部Π形折線)。 – 2013-04-23 12:56:32


@WolframH:當然有三個多邊形。如果您不知道哪些是多邊形,那麼您必須假定沒有多邊形包含另一個多邊形。但是如果兩個外部多邊形下降了一個像素的一部分(最外面的一個像素爲兩個部分),那麼您將得到不同的讀數。 – rici 2013-04-23 13:34:13


這真的只是@ N.M.的答案的實現。 這是我在賞金到期前得到了多少;它完全沒有經過測試。

def smallestPolygon(point,segments): 
    :param point: the point (x,y) to surrond 
    :param segments: the line segments (((a,b),(c,d)) , . . .) 
    that will make the polygon 
    (assume no duplicates and no intersections) 
    :returns: the segments forming the smallest polygon containing the point 
    connected = list(segments) 

    def endPointMatches(segment1,segment2): 
     Which endpoints of segment1 are in segment2 (with (F,F) if they're equal) 
     if (segment1 == segment2 or segment1 == segment2[::-1]): 
      return (False, False) 
     return (segment1[0] in segment2 , segment1[1] in segment2) 

    keepPruning = True 
    while (keepPruning): 
     keepPruning = False 
     for segment in connected: 
      from functors import partial 
      endPointMatcher = partial(endPointMatches,segment1=segment) 
      endPointMatchings = map(endPointMatcher,connected) 
      if (not and(*map(any,zip(*endPointMatchings)))): 
       keepPruning = True 

    def xOfIntersection(seg,y): 
     :param seg: a line segment ((x0,y0), (x1,y1)) 
     :param y: a y-coordinate 
     :returns: the x coordinate so that (x,y) is on the line through the segment 
     return seg[0][0]+(y-seg[0][1])*(seg[1][0]-seg[0][0])/(seg[1][1]-seg[0][1]) 

    def aboveAndBelow(segment): 
     return (segment[0][1] <= point[1]) != (segment[1][1] <= point[1]) 

    # look for first segment to the right 
    closest = None 
    smallestDist = float("inf") 
    for segment in filter(aboveAndBelow,connected): 
     dist = xOfIntersection(segment,point[1])-point[0] 
     if (dist >= 0 and dist < smallestDist): 
      smallestDist = dist 
      closest = segment 

    # From the bottom of closest: 
    # Go to the other end, look at the starting point, turn right until 
    # we hit the next segment. Take that, and repeat until we're back at closest. 
    # If there are an even number of segments directly to the right of point[0], 
    # then point is not in the polygon we just found, and we need to delete that 
    # connected component and start over 
    # If there are an odd number, then point is in the polygon we found, and we 
    # return the polygon 

方法。 我建議將輸入解釋爲PSLG,G,它由頂點和邊組成。然後你的問題簡化爲尋找被點p命中的G的面部。這是通過拍攝從某個方向的一條光線來完成的,從而找到臉部邊界的邊緣並沿某個方向穿過臉部的邊界。但是,第一次擊中的邊緣可能是一個不被p命中的面部,但它本身被p命中的面部所包圍。因此,我們可能需要沿着由p發出的光線進行搜索。

實施細節。 在下面的代碼中,我向東方向拍攝光線,並以順時針方向圍繞臉部運動,即在每個頂點處取下一個逆時針邊緣,直到我再次結束第一個頂點。生成的面將作爲G的頂點序列返回。

如果要返回simple polygon,則必須通過修剪G中的樹來清理輸入圖G,以便只保留簡單的面。

def find_smallest_enclosing_polygon(G, p, simple=False): 
    """Find face of PSLG G hit by point p. If simple is True 
    then the face forms a simple polygon, i.e., "trees" 
    attached to vertices are pruned.""" 

    if simple: 
    # Make G comprise simple faces only, i.e., all vertices 
    # have degree >= 2. 
    done = False 
    while not done: 
     done = True 
     for v in [v in vertices if degree(v) <= 1]: 
     # Remove vertex v and all incident edges 
     done = False 

    # Shoot a ray from p to the east direction and get all edges.  
    ray = Ray(p, Vector(1, 0)) 
    for e in G.iter_edges_hit(ray): 

    # There is no enclosing face; p is in the outer face of G 
    if e is None: 
     return None 

    # Let oriented edge (u, v) point clockwise around the face enclosing p 
    u, v = G.get_vertices(e) 
    if u.y < v.y 
     u, v = v, u 

    # Construct the enclosing face in clockwise direction 
    face = [u, v] 
    # While not closed 
    while face[-1] != face[0]: 
     # Get next counter-clockwise edge at last vertex at last edge. 
     # If face[-1] is of degree 1 then I assume to get e again. 
     e = G.get_next_ccw_edge(face[-2], face[-1]) 
     face.append(G.get_opposite_vertex(e, face[-1])) 

    # Check whether face encloses p. 
    if contains(face, p): 
     return face 

    return None 

複雜性。 設n表示頂點的數量。請注意,在PSLG中,邊的數量在O(n)中。修剪部分可能需要O(n^2)時間的方式在上面實現。但是,它可能是O(n)時間中的一個,它通過識別1次頂點並繼續遍歷這些頂點。


通過一些預處理,您可以建立一個數據結構,在O(log n)時間內通過經典的point location算法找到p命中的面,並且可以將結果多邊形預先存儲,以便簡單和/或非簡單的情況。
