我是Verilog和FPGA上的新手。所以如果我犯了什麼錯誤,請溫和。錯誤:HDLCompiler:806 ...「end」附近的語法錯誤
我努力讓自己在Verilog內的I2C協議,我打字這傢伙打字(一video on YouTube that explains how to make a I2C BUS protocol)
module step1(
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
output reg i2c_sda,
output reg i2c_scl
//goal is to write to device addres 0x50, 0xaa
localparam STATE_IDLE = 0;
localparam STATE_START = 1;
localparam STATE_ADDR = 2;
localparam STATE_RW = 3;
localparam STATE_WACK = 4;
localparam STATE_DATA = 5;
localparam STATE_STOP = 6;
localparam STATE_WACK2 = 7;
reg [7:0] state;
reg [6:0] addr;
reg [7:0] data;
reg [7:0] count;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1) begin
state <= 0;
i2c_sda <= 1;
i2c_scl <= 1;
addr <= 7'h50;
count <= 8'd0;
data <= 8'haa;
else begin
STATE_IDLE: begin //idle
i2c_sda <= 1;
state <= STATE_START;
end // end state idle
STATE_START: begin //start
i2c_sda <= 1;
state <= STATE_ADDR;
count <= 6;
end // end of state start
STATE_ADDR: begin // fisrt addres bit or the most significant adress bit
i2c_sda <= addr[count];
if (count == 0) state <= STATE_RW;
else count <= count - 1;
end // end of state ADDR
STATE_RW: begin // Read or Write opperation
i2c_sda <= 1;
state <= STATE_WACK;
end // end state RW
state <= STATE_DATA;
count <= 7;
end // end of state WACK
i2c_sda <= data[count];
if (count == 0) state <= STATE_WACK2;
else count <= count-1;
end // end of state DATA
STATE_WACK2: begin
state <= STATE_STOP;
end // end state WACK2
i2c_sda <= 1;
state <= STATE_IDLE;
end // end of state STOP
end// end of case
end // end of the else
end // end of if
ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "/home/yunta23/Documentos/Digital1/VideosYou/primero/step1/step1.v" Line 97: Syntax error near "end".
你的錯誤說,它是在97號線有80只在您發佈的代碼行。這使我們更難確定編譯器認爲錯誤在哪裏。請參閱[如何創建最小,完整和可驗證示例](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)。生成[MCVE](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)可能會導致您自行找到錯誤。 – Makyen 2014-12-07 03:46:09