2016-05-31 94 views



ball and wall collision



private static void UpdateEntities(PhysicsEntity a, PhysicsEntity b) 
     var collisionAngle = Math.Atan2(a.Position.Y - b.Position.Y, a.Position.X - b.Position.X); 
     var angleA = a.Velocity.Direction - collisionAngle; 
     var angleB = b.Velocity.Direction - collisionAngle; 

     var vAx = a.Velocity.Magnitude * Math.Cos(angleA); 
     var vAy = a.Velocity.Magnitude * Math.Sin(angleA); 
     var vBx = b.Velocity.Magnitude * Math.Cos(angleB); 
     var vBy = b.Velocity.Magnitude * Math.Sin(angleB); 

     var vfAx = ((vAx * (a.Mass - b.Mass) + 2 * b.Mass * vBx)/(a.Mass + b.Mass)) * a.Material.Elasticity; 
     var vfBx = ((vBx * (b.Mass - a.Mass) + 2 * a.Mass * vAx)/(a.Mass + b.Mass)) * b.Material.Elasticity; 
     var vfAy = vAy * a.Material.Elasticity; 
     var vfBy = vBy * b.Material.Elasticity; 

     var magA = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vfAx, 2) + Math.Pow(vfAy, 2)); 
     var magB = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vfBx, 2) + Math.Pow(vfBy, 2)); 
     var dirA = Math.Atan2(vfAy, vfAx) + collisionAngle; 
     var dirB = Math.Atan2(vfBy, vfBx) + collisionAngle; 

     a.Velocity.X = magA * Math.Cos(dirA); 
     a.Velocity.Y = magA * Math.Sin(dirA); 
     b.Velocity.X = magB * Math.Cos(dirB); 
     b.Velocity.Y = magB * Math.Sin(dirB); 




你的 「不動產」 的對象有一個'Velocity',這可以改變。這就像是涉及移動的速度嗎? – Beta


我不這麼認爲。不動的物體不應該在相反的方向上施加相同的力量嗎? (我不完全確定你的問題是爲了澄清,還是如果你想引導我回答) –


*「不應該?*你有兩個實體,'a'和'b'。哪一個是不動的,你爲什麼要設置它的速度? – Beta





private static void UpdateEntities(PhysicsEntity a, PhysicsEntity b) 
     var collisionAngle = Math.Atan2(a.Position.Y - b.Position.Y, a.Position.X - b.Position.X); 

     if (a.IsMoveable && b.IsMoveable) 
      var angleA = a.Velocity.Direction - collisionAngle; 
      var angleB = b.Velocity.Direction - collisionAngle; 

      var vAx = a.Velocity.Magnitude * Math.Cos(angleA); 
      var vAy = a.Velocity.Magnitude * Math.Sin(angleA); 
      var vBx = b.Velocity.Magnitude * Math.Cos(angleB); 
      var vBy = b.Velocity.Magnitude * Math.Sin(angleB); 

      var vfAx = ((vAx * (a.Mass - b.Mass) + 2 * b.Mass * vBx)/(a.Mass + b.Mass)) * a.Material.Elasticity; 
      var vfBx = ((vBx * (b.Mass - a.Mass) + 2 * a.Mass * vAx)/(a.Mass + b.Mass)) * b.Material.Elasticity; 
      var vfAy = vAy * a.Material.Elasticity; 
      var vfBy = vBy * b.Material.Elasticity; 

      var magA = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vfAx, 2) + Math.Pow(vfAy, 2)); 
      var magB = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vfBx, 2) + Math.Pow(vfBy, 2)); 
      var dirA = Math.Atan2(vfAy, vfAx) + collisionAngle; 
      var dirB = Math.Atan2(vfBy, vfBx) + collisionAngle; 

      a.Velocity.X = magA * Math.Cos(dirA); 
      a.Velocity.Y = magA * Math.Sin(dirA); 
      b.Velocity.X = magB * Math.Cos(dirB); 
      b.Velocity.Y = magB * Math.Sin(dirB); 
      var sign = Math.Sign(collisionAngle); 
      collisionAngle *= sign; 
      while (collisionAngle > Math.PI/2) 
       collisionAngle -= Math.PI/2; 
      collisionAngle *= sign; 
      if (a.IsMoveable) 
       Reflection(ref a, b, collisionAngle); 
       Reflection(ref b, a, collisionAngle); 


 private static void Reflection(ref PhysicsEntity movable, PhysicsEntity immovable, double collisionAngle) 
     if (Math.Abs(collisionAngle - Math.PI/2) < Universe.Epsilon) 
      // take the velocity vector, rotate it 180 degrees, scale it 
      movable.Velocity.X *= -1; 
      movable.Velocity.Y *= -1; 
     else if (Math.Abs(movable.Position.Y - immovable.Position.Y) < Universe.Epsilon || 
       (movable.Position.X > movable.CollisionPoint.X^movable.Position.Y < movable.CollisionPoint.Y)) 
      //take velocity vector, rotate CCW by 2*collisionAngle, scale it 
      var rotateAngle = 2 * collisionAngle; 
      var xPrime = movable.Velocity.X * Math.Cos(rotateAngle) - movable.Velocity.Y * Math.Sin(rotateAngle); 
      var yPrime = movable.Velocity.Y * Math.Cos(rotateAngle) - movable.Velocity.X * Math.Sin(rotateAngle); 
      movable.Velocity.X = xPrime; 
      movable.Velocity.Y = yPrime; 
      //take the vector, rotate it CCW by 360-2*collisionAngle, scale it 
      var rotateAngle = 2 * (Math.PI - collisionAngle); 
      var xPrime = movable.Velocity.X * Math.Cos(rotateAngle) - movable.Velocity.Y * Math.Sin(rotateAngle); 
      var yPrime = movable.Velocity.Y * Math.Cos(rotateAngle) - movable.Velocity.X * Math.Sin(rotateAngle); 
      movable.Velocity.X = xPrime; 
      movable.Velocity.Y = yPrime; 

     movable.Velocity.X *= movable.Material.Elasticity; 
     movable.Velocity.Y *= movable.Material.Elasticity; 