我沒有這個證明,但什麼首先想到的是做什麼用讓你的點的集合的convex hull
1. Get the convex hull of the group of points.
2. Initialize the variable smallest = infinity.
3. For each point P in convex hull do the following:
Find the point farthest away from P call it Q.
Set N1 = point to the left of P (counter-clockwise along convex hull).
N2 = point to the right of P (clockwise along convex hull).
L1 = line that intersects Q and is perpendicular to the line PQ.
L2 = line that intersects P and N1.
L3 = line that intersects P and N2.
A = area of the triangle thats formed by the intersections of L1,L2,L3.
If A < smallest, then set smallest = A.
4. Return smallest
class Triangle{
Point p1;
Point p2;
Point p3;
double Area;
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