我目前決心在Lua完成一個問題,並且不知道從哪裏開始。我正在考慮從模數運算符開始。我正在尋找有經驗的Lua程序員關於如何編程的建議,主要是我如何計算問題的理論數學方面。三角形頂點 - Lua計算?
Source of the question... (http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~pbo/ACM/archive/00209.html)
感恩會顯示給任何人誰回答正確。 謝謝你。
我目前決心在Lua完成一個問題,並且不知道從哪裏開始。我正在考慮從模數運算符開始。我正在尋找有經驗的Lua程序員關於如何編程的建議,主要是我如何計算問題的理論數學方面。三角形頂點 - Lua計算?
Source of the question... (http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~pbo/ACM/archive/00209.html)
感恩會顯示給任何人誰回答正確。 謝謝你。
function get_left(max)
i = 0
j = 1
ls = {}
i = i + 1
j = j + i - 1
ls[i] = j
print (ls[i], " ls")
until j >= max
return ls
a = get_left(27)
if the point1 is between a[i] and a[i+1]
if then point2 is still between a[i] and a[i+1] it is on the same line
else if point2 is between a[i + n] and a[i + n + 1]
then if point2 is at a[i + n] + (a[i] - point1) + n + 1 its in a strait line right above it
else if point2 is at a[i + n] + (a[i] - point1) + n - 1 its in a strait line left above it
if for all points n or n*(-1) is equal the distance between the points is equal.