如何設置一個計時器TextView?此代碼總是崩潰我的應用程序 final TextView textwel = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.welcometext);
Thread timer = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
// this should sleep for
我想創建某種計數時間,並通知我,當在不同的定時鬧鐘具有多種報警(定時): private List<SomeTime> timings; //can also be just the seconds to count
public void run() {
while(counting) {
//if any of the timings is reached do so
我試圖通過20次嘗試每循環睡眠3000毫秒來限制循環中進程的嘗試到60秒。調用Thread.sleep()並不是在正在運行的線程中暫停執行,相反,所有20次嘗試都是連續發生的。 private void pollWebServiceForToken() {
final int pollInterval = 3000;
new Thread() {
我試圖使文本框的顏色更改爲綠色,然後作爲確認方法淡化爲白色。這是我迄今的代碼: private void btnCommit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//do stuff
Color c = new Color();
for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++)
c = Co