2012-06-09 51 views



看看「Separating axis theorem」:) –


它總是一個矩形嗎?什麼是旋轉軸?軸是否固定? –


我有一個旋轉的矩形和一個固定的,我需要知道它們是否相交 – Buron


  1. 對於兩個多邊形中的每條邊,檢查它是否可以用作分隔線。如果是這樣,你就完成了:沒有交集。
  2. 如果未找到分隔線,則表示有交點。
/// Checks if the two polygons are intersecting. 
bool IsPolygonsIntersecting(Polygon a, Polygon b) 
    foreach (var polygon in new[] { a, b }) 
     for (int i1 = 0; i1 < polygon.Points.Count; i1++) 
      int i2 = (i1 + 1) % polygon.Points.Count; 
      var p1 = polygon.Points[i1]; 
      var p2 = polygon.Points[i2]; 

      var normal = new Point(p2.Y - p1.Y, p1.X - p2.X); 

      double? minA = null, maxA = null; 
      foreach (var p in a.Points) 
       var projected = normal.X * p.X + normal.Y * p.Y; 
       if (minA == null || projected < minA) 
        minA = projected; 
       if (maxA == null || projected > maxA) 
        maxA = projected; 

      double? minB = null, maxB = null; 
      foreach (var p in b.Points) 
       var projected = normal.X * p.X + normal.Y * p.Y; 
       if (minB == null || projected < minB) 
        minB = projected; 
       if (maxB == null || projected > maxB) 
        maxB = projected; 

      if (maxA < minB || maxB < minA) 
       return false; 
    return true; 

欲瞭解更多信息,請參閱這篇文章:2D Polygon Collision Detection - Code Project



只需注意,如果一個多邊形完全包含在另一箇中,此代碼似乎不起作用。 – xioxox


@xioxox,你能給出一個給出錯誤結果的例子嗎?你可以分解這段代碼:http://ideone.com/H7DWOO –


看起來我在轉換爲C++時犯了一個錯誤。它現在可以運行 - http://pastebin.com/03BigiCn – xioxox



* Helper function to determine whether there is an intersection between the two polygons described 
* by the lists of vertices. Uses the Separating Axis Theorem 
* @param a an array of connected points [{x:, y:}, {x:, y:},...] that form a closed polygon 
* @param b an array of connected points [{x:, y:}, {x:, y:},...] that form a closed polygon 
* @return true if there is any intersection between the 2 polygons, false otherwise 
function doPolygonsIntersect (a, b) { 
    var polygons = [a, b]; 
    var minA, maxA, projected, i, i1, j, minB, maxB; 

    for (i = 0; i < polygons.length; i++) { 

     // for each polygon, look at each edge of the polygon, and determine if it separates 
     // the two shapes 
     var polygon = polygons[i]; 
     for (i1 = 0; i1 < polygon.length; i1++) { 

      // grab 2 vertices to create an edge 
      var i2 = (i1 + 1) % polygon.length; 
      var p1 = polygon[i1]; 
      var p2 = polygon[i2]; 

      // find the line perpendicular to this edge 
      var normal = { x: p2.y - p1.y, y: p1.x - p2.x }; 

      minA = maxA = undefined; 
      // for each vertex in the first shape, project it onto the line perpendicular to the edge 
      // and keep track of the min and max of these values 
      for (j = 0; j < a.length; j++) { 
       projected = normal.x * a[j].x + normal.y * a[j].y; 
       if (isUndefined(minA) || projected < minA) { 
        minA = projected; 
       if (isUndefined(maxA) || projected > maxA) { 
        maxA = projected; 

      // for each vertex in the second shape, project it onto the line perpendicular to the edge 
      // and keep track of the min and max of these values 
      minB = maxB = undefined; 
      for (j = 0; j < b.length; j++) { 
       projected = normal.x * b[j].x + normal.y * b[j].y; 
       if (isUndefined(minB) || projected < minB) { 
        minB = projected; 
       if (isUndefined(maxB) || projected > maxB) { 
        maxB = projected; 

      // if there is no overlap between the projects, the edge we are looking at separates the two 
      // polygons, and we know there is no overlap 
      if (maxA < minB || maxB < minA) { 
       CONSOLE("polygons don't intersect!"); 
       return false; 
    return true; 



值得注意的是,這是一個用於_convex_多邊形的通用算法,而不僅僅是矩形(對於矩形,由於您知道邊是平行的,所以可以減少邊和點的循環數)。 –


感謝Javascript – super


感謝,工作很好:http://jsfiddle.net/2VXXP/6/ – Alex



struct _Vector2D 
    float x, y; 

// C:center; S: size (w,h); ang: in radians, 
// rotate the plane by [-ang] to make the second rectangle axis in C aligned (vertical) 
struct _RotRect 
    _Vector2D C; 
    _Vector2D S; 
    float ang; 


// Rotated Rectangles Collision Detection, Oren Becker, 2001 
bool check_two_rotated_rects_intersect(_RotRect * rr1, _RotRect * rr2) 
    _Vector2D A, B, // vertices of the rotated rr2 
     C,  // center of rr2 
     BL, TR; // vertices of rr2 (bottom-left, top-right) 

float ang = rr1->ang - rr2->ang, // orientation of rotated rr1 
     cosa = cos(ang),   // precalculated trigonometic - 
     sina = sin(ang);   // - values for repeated use 

float t, x, a;  // temporary variables for various uses 
float dx;   // deltaX for linear equations 
float ext1, ext2; // min/max vertical values 

// move rr2 to make rr1 cannonic 
C = rr2->C; 
SubVectors2D(&C, &rr1->C); 

// rotate rr2 clockwise by rr2->ang to make rr2 axis-aligned 
RotateVector2DClockwise(&C, rr2->ang); 

// calculate vertices of (moved and axis-aligned := 'ma') rr2 
BL = TR = C; 
/*SubVectors2D(&BL, &rr2->S); 
AddVectors2D(&TR, &rr2->S);*/ 

BL.x -= rr2->S.x/2; BL.y -= rr2->S.y/2; 
TR.x += rr2->S.x/2; TR.y += rr2->S.y/2; 

// calculate vertices of (rotated := 'r') rr1 
A.x = -(rr1->S.y/2)*sina; B.x = A.x; t = (rr1->S.x/2)*cosa; A.x += t; B.x -= t; 
A.y = (rr1->S.y/2)*cosa; B.y = A.y; t = (rr1->S.x/2)*sina; A.y += t; B.y -= t; 

//// calculate vertices of (rotated := 'r') rr1 
//A.x = -rr1->S.y*sina; B.x = A.x; t = rr1->S.x*cosa; A.x += t; B.x -= t; 
//A.y = rr1->S.y*cosa; B.y = A.y; t = rr1->S.x*sina; A.y += t; B.y -= t; 

t = sina*cosa; 

// verify that A is vertical min/max, B is horizontal min/max 
if (t < 0) 
    t = A.x; A.x = B.x; B.x = t; 
    t = A.y; A.y = B.y; B.y = t; 

// verify that B is horizontal minimum (leftest-vertex) 
if (sina < 0) { B.x = -B.x; B.y = -B.y; } 

// if rr2(ma) isn't in the horizontal range of 
// colliding with rr1(r), collision is impossible 
if (B.x > TR.x || B.x > -BL.x) return 0; 

// if rr1(r) is axis-aligned, vertical min/max are easy to get 
if (t == 0) {ext1 = A.y; ext2 = -ext1; } 
// else, find vertical min/max in the range [BL.x, TR.x] 
    x = BL.x-A.x; a = TR.x-A.x; 
    ext1 = A.y; 
    // if the first vertical min/max isn't in (BL.x, TR.x), then 
    // find the vertical min/max on BL.x or on TR.x 
    if (a*x > 0) 
    dx = A.x; 
    if (x < 0) { dx -= B.x; ext1 -= B.y; x = a; } 
    else  { dx += B.x; ext1 += B.y; } 
    ext1 *= x; ext1 /= dx; ext1 += A.y; 

    x = BL.x+A.x; a = TR.x+A.x; 
    ext2 = -A.y; 
    // if the second vertical min/max isn't in (BL.x, TR.x), then 
    // find the local vertical min/max on BL.x or on TR.x 
    if (a*x > 0) 
    dx = -A.x; 
    if (x < 0) { dx -= B.x; ext2 -= B.y; x = a; } 
    else  { dx += B.x; ext2 += B.y; } 
    ext2 *= x; ext2 /= dx; ext2 -= A.y; 

// check whether rr2(ma) is in the vertical range of colliding with rr1(r) 
// (for the horizontal range of rr2) 
return !((ext1 < BL.y && ext2 < BL.y) || 
     (ext1 > TR.y && ext2 > TR.y)); 

inline void AddVectors2D(_Vector2D * v1, _Vector2D * v2) 
    v1->x += v2->x; v1->y += v2->y; 

inline void SubVectors2D(_Vector2D * v1, _Vector2D * v2) 
    v1->x -= v2->x; v1->y -= v2->y; 

inline void RotateVector2DClockwise(_Vector2D * v, float ang) 
    float t, cosa = cos(ang), sina = sin(ang); 
    t = v->x; 
    v->x = t*cosa + v->y*sina; 
    v->y = -t*sina + v->y*cosa; 



bool IsIntersecting(UIElement element1, UIElement element2) 
    Rect area1 = new Rect(

    Rect area2 = new Rect(

    Transform transform1 = element1.RenderTransform as Transform; 
    Transform transform2 = element2.RenderTransform as Transform; 

    if (transform1 != null) 

    if (transform2 != null) 

    return area1.IntersectsWith(area2); 


function isPolygonsIntersecting($a, $b) { 
    $polygons = array($a, $b); 

     for ($i = 0; $i < count($polygons); $i++) { 
      $polygon = $polygons[$i]; 

      for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < count($polygon); $i1++) { 
       $i2 = ($i1 + 1) % count($polygon); 
       $p1 = $polygon[$i1]; 
       $p2 = $polygon[$i2]; 

       $normal = array(
        "x" => $p2["y"] - $p1["y"], 
        "y" => $p1["x"] - $p2["x"] 

       $minA = NULL; $maxA = NULL; 
       for ($j = 0; $j < count($a); $j++) { 
        $projected = $normal["x"] * $a[$j]["x"] + $normal["y"] * $a[$j]["y"]; 
        if (!isset($minA) || $projected < $minA) { 
         $minA = $projected; 
        if (!isset($maxA) || $projected > $maxA) { 
         $maxA = $projected; 

       $minB = NULL; $maxB = NULL; 
       for ($j = 0; $j < count($b); $j++) { 
        $projected = $normal["x"] * $b[$j]["x"] + $normal["y"] * $b[$j]["y"]; 
        if (!isset($minB) || $projected < $minB) { 
         $minB = $projected; 
        if (!isset($maxB) || $projected > $maxB) { 
         $maxB = $projected; 

       if ($maxA < $minB || $maxB < $minA) { 
        return false; 
     return true; 


boolean isPolygonsIntersecting(Polygon a, Polygon b) 
    for (int x=0; x<2; x++) 
     Polygon polygon = (x==0) ? a : b; 

     for (int i1=0; i1<polygon.getPoints().length; i1++) 
      int i2 = (i1 + 1) % polygon.getPoints().length; 
      Point p1 = polygon.getPoints()[i1]; 
      Point p2 = polygon.getPoints()[i2]; 

      Point normal = new Point(p2.y - p1.y, p1.x - p2.x); 

      double minA = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; 
      double maxA = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; 

      for (Point p : a.getPoints()) 
       double projected = normal.x * p.x + normal.y * p.y; 

       if (projected < minA) 
        minA = projected; 
       if (projected > maxA) 
        maxA = projected; 

      double minB = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; 
      double maxB = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; 

      for (Point p : b.getPoints()) 
       double projected = normal.x * p.x + normal.y * p.y; 

       if (projected < minB) 
        minB = projected; 
       if (projected > maxB) 
        maxB = projected; 

      if (maxA < minB || maxB < minA) 
       return false; 

    return true; 

當我使用三角形作爲多邊形時,該算法不起作用。當沒有時,它檢測到交叉點。但是,它不起作用,當你不使用Double.MAX_VALUE和Double.MIN_VALUE時,而是使用null並檢查Markus Jarderot在他的例子中所做的null。 – Roland


對,我忘了'Double.MIN_VALUE'是最小可能**正數**,這就是爲什麼這個例子失敗。我認爲他們應該修改爲「POSITIVE_INFINITY」和「NEGATIVE_INFINITY」。 –


是的,這是有效的。非常感謝你的幫助! – Roland