我們需要把它變成XLSX 123456(即作爲+整數)的情況下,價值的完全數字。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import xlsxwriter
import os
import datetime
import sys
excel_name = str(input("Please Enter Spreadsheet Name :\n").strip())
print("excel entered : " , excel_name)
df_header = ['DisplayName','StoreLanguage','Territory','WorkType','EntryType','TitleInternalAlias',
'Metadata', 'AltID', 'SuppressionLiftDate','SpecialPreOrderFulfillDate','ReleaseYear','ReleaseHistoryOriginal','ReleaseHistoryPhysicalHV',
first_pass_drop_duplicate = df_m_d.drop_duplicates(['StoreLanguage','Territory','TitleInternalAlias','LocalizationType','LicenseType',
'AltID','ReleaseHistoryPhysicalHV','RatingSystem','RatingValue','CaptionIncluded'], keep=False)
# We need to keep integer AltID as is
first_pass_drop_duplicate.loc[first_pass_drop_duplicate['AltID']] = first_pass_drop_duplicate['AltID'].apply(lambda x : str(int(x)) if str(x).isdigit() == True else x)
1. using `dataframe.astype(int).astype(str)` # works as long as value is not alphanumeric
2.importing re and using pure python `re.compile()` and `replace()` -- does not work
3.reading DF row by row in a for loop !!! Kills the machine as dataframe can have 300k+ records
raise KeyError('%s not in index' % objarr[mask])
KeyError: '[ 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711.\n 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711.\n 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711.\n 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711.\n 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711.\n 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711.\n 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711.\n 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711. 102711.\n 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337.\n 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337.\n 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337.\n 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337.\n 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337. 5337.\n 5337. 5337. 2124. 2124. 2124. 2124. 2124. 2124.\n 2124. 2124. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643.\n 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643.\n 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643.\n 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643. 6643.] not in index'
因此,你只需要將數值轉換爲'浮動'和非數值不是? – jezrael
我需要確保它將一個+整數視爲TEXT/STRING,並且不會在實際顯示在Excel中的末尾添加一個.0(小數點)。 – SanBan
所以你需要將所有值轉換爲'type'' string'?問題是'Excel'解析'int'值轉換爲'string'爲'float'? – jezrael