我正在嘗試開發一個簡單的光線追蹤器,並且獲得了球體,平面和圓錐體,但我面臨的問題是無法包裹頭部。 我嘗試了無限圓柱體的幾種不同的公式,並且所有那些應該考慮旋轉的人使得當使用不是0或1的旋轉並且僅在一個軸上時「退化」...例如:光線追蹤圓筒在旋轉時退化
enum e_bool test_intersect(double t[2], double *current_z)
enum e_bool retvalue;
retvalue = false;
if ((t[0] > DOUBLE_ZERO)
&& (t[0] < *(current_z) || double_equal(*(current_z), t[0])))
*(current_z) = t[0];
retvalue = true;
if (!double_equal(t[0], t[1])
&& (t[1] > DOUBLE_ZERO)
&& (t[1] < *(current_z) || double_equal(*(current_z), t[1])))
*(current_z) = t[1];
retvalue = true;
return (retvalue);
enum e_bool intersect_cylinder(t_primitive cp, t_ray r, double *current_z)
t_vec3 eye = vec3_substract(r.origin, cp.position);
double a = vec3_dot(r.direction, r.direction) - pow(vec3_dot(r.direction, cp.direction), 2);
double b = 2 * (vec3_dot(r.direction, eye) - vec3_dot(r.direction, cp.direction) * vec3_dot(eye, cp.direction));
double c = vec3_dot(eye, eye) - pow(vec3_dot(eye, cp.direction), 2) - cp.radius * cp.radius;
double t[2];
double delta;
delta = sqrt((b * b) - (4.0 * a * c));
if (delta < 0)
return (false);
t[0] = (-b - (delta))/(2.0 * a);
t[1] = (-b + (delta))/(2.0 * a);
return (test_intersect(t, current_z));
Here is the cylinder with a rotation of 1, 0, 0
Here it is with a rotation of 1, 1, 0