Directional light shadows image
bool Scene::shadowtrace(Ray &ray, double t)
Object *obj = obj_list;
Light *lt = light_list;
Vector v1, v2; // hit -> light vector
Hit hit;
Vertex intersect = (ray.position(t));
intersect.plus(ray.D, -0.001); // offset intersection ever so slightly away from object, to avoid self-shadowing
v1.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
v2.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // initialise
while (lt != (Light *)0)
Ray shadowRay;
shadowRay.P = (intersect);
Vertex lightPos = Vertex(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
lt->getPosition(lightPos); // sets value of lightPos
if (lightPos.x > T_LIMIT) // If set absurdly high, we're dealing with a directional light
lt->getDirection(v1); // sets v1 to light direction (reversed)
shadowRay.D = v1; // set hit-to-light vector as shadowray direction
while (obj != (Object *)0)
if (obj->intersect(shadowRay, &hit) == true)
if (!((hit.t * hit.t) < 0.001)) // Self-shadow if very very small t number
return true; // ray hits an onject, and the object occurs before the light
obj = obj->next();
else // otherwise, it's a point light :)
v1 = (lightPos.minus(intersect)); // find vector from intersection to light
v2 = v1; // keep un-normalised version for preventing mis-shadowing from objects behind the light source
shadowRay.D = v1; // set ray direction to hit-to-light vector
while (obj != (Object *)0)
if (obj->intersect(shadowRay, &hit) == true)
if (!((hit.t * hit.t) > (v2.lengthSq()))) // Check hit.t against magnitude of (un-normalised) intersection-to-light vector
if (!((hit.t * hit.t) < 0.001)) // Self-shadow if very very small t number
{ // Used hit.t^2 to avoid having to SQRT the length. Is acceptable for comparisons
return true; // ray hits an onject, and the object occurs before the light
obj = obj->next();
lt = lt->next();
return false;
(鏈路用於與兩個燈的輸出[HTTPS:// PUU。 sh/ui6Ka/e81edc5f6e.jpg] - 因爲SO只會讓我在問題中發佈2個鏈接) – NOSHEDMANTIS