2015-05-01 35 views

我有一個方法在兩個不同的系統上的行爲不同的熊貓上使用數據幀。雖然試圖加載並與特定的源CSV我得到一個Windows Server計算機上的內存錯誤與RAM和16GB,但不是我的本地計算機只用12有更多內存的服務器上的熊貓MemoryError

def load_table(self, name, source_folder="", columns=None): 
    """Load a table from memory or csv by name. 

    loads a table from memory or csv. if loaded from csv saves the result 
    table to the temporary list. An explicit call to save_table is 
    necessary if the results want to survive clearing temporary storage 
    @param string name the name of the table to load 
    @param string sourceFolder the folder to look for the csv if the table 
     is not already in memory 
    @return DataFrame returns a DataFrame representing the table if found. 
    @raises IOError if table cannot be loaded 
    #using copy in these first two to avoid modification of existing data 
    #without an explicit save_table 
    if name in self.tables: 
     result = self.tables[name].copy() 
    elif name in self.temp_tables: 
     result = self.temp_tables[name].copy() 
    elif os.path.isfile(name+".csv"): 
     data_frame = pd.read_csv(name+".csv", encoding="utf-8") 
     self.save_temp(data_frame, name) 
     result = data_frame 
    elif os.path.isfile(name+".xlsx"): 
     data_frame = pd.read_excel(name+".xlsx", encoding="utf-8") 
     self.save_temp(data_frame, name) 
     result = data_frame 
    elif os.path.isfile(source_folder+name+".csv"): 
     data_frame = pd.read_csv(source_folder+name+".csv", encoding="utf-8") 
     self.save_temp(data_frame, name) 
     result = data_frame 
    elif os.path.isfile(source_folder+name+".xlsx"): 
     data_frame = pd.read_excel(source_folder+name+".xlsx", encoding="utf-8") 
     self.save_temp(data_frame, name) 
     result = data_frame 


def save_temp(self, data_frame, name): 
     """ save a table to the temporary storage 

     @param DataFrame data_frame, the data frame we are storing 
     @param string name, the key to index this value 
     @throws ValueError throws an error if the data frame is empty 
     if data_frame.empty: 
      raise ValueError("The data frame passed was empty", name, data_frame) 
     self.temp_tables[name] = data_frame.copy() 



服務器機器運行Windows Server 2012 R2,而我的本地計算機是Windows 7的


服務器爲2.20GHz與2個處理器,而我的本地機器是3.4GHz的 服務器:16GB內存 本地:12GB內存


編輯補充: 兩者都使用 大熊貓:0.16.0 numpy的:1.9.2 顯然是使用32位的蟒蛇,而我的本地機器是64位 2.7.8兩個


可能是愚蠢的問題都運行64位Python?他們正在運行什麼版本的numpy,熊貓? – EdChum


0.16.0兩臺機器上的熊貓,必須在本地檢查其餘的 – lathomas64


64bit,在服務器上檢查32bit。 – lathomas64



