我正在創建一個汽車模擬項目,並且遇到了問題。當我運行我的代碼時,汽車有時會相互超車。具有最佳速度功能的車輛跟隨模型 - 超車發生
def optimal_velocity_function(dx, d_safe, v_max):
vx_opt = v_max * (np.tanh(dx - d_safe) + np.tanh(d_safe))
return vx_opt
def euler_method(x, v, n_cars, h, tau, d_safe, v_max):
# Euler method used to solve ODE
# returns new position of car and its new velocity
dv = np.zeros(n_cars)
for j in range(n_cars - 1):
dv[j] = tau ** (-1) * (optimal_velocity_function(x[j+1] - x[j], d_safe, v_max) - v[j])
dv[n_cars - 1] = tau ** (-1) * (v_max - v[n_cars - 1]) # Speed of first car
v_new = v + h * dv
x_new = x + h * v_new
return [x_new, v_new]
def optimal_velocity_model(n, n_cars, d_0, v_0, h, tau, d_safe, v_max):
global x_limit, canvas, xx, vv
car_positions = np.linspace(0, n_cars, n_cars)
x = np.array(sorted(np.random.random(n_cars) + car_positions)) # Generation of cars with minimal distance
x = x * d_0
v = np.random.random(n_cars) + v_0 # Generating initial speeds around v_0
xx = np.zeros([n_cars, n]) # Matrix of locations
vv = np.zeros([n_cars, n]) # Matrix of velocities
for i in range(n):
xx[:, i] = x
vv[:, i] = v
[x, v] = euler_method(x, v, n_cars, h, tau, d_safe, v_max)
x_limit = xx.max() # Interval in which will cars be
非常感謝。 J.
爲什麼添加'+ np.tanh(d_safe)'?爲什麼你使用'tanh'呢?有沒有原因,或者你只是因爲功能看起來不錯才使用它?如果減少時間步長,問題是否也會發生? –