2016-11-20 17 views

基本上我只是創建一個計時器是float timer += 1 * deltaTime,它會每秒添加1,但我在使用它時遇到問題。如何在Libgdx上製作精確的定時器?

if(timer < 2){ 
    //do something 

我想if語句上停止運行代碼時,定時器爲:2秒,買,因爲我不能這樣做,因爲if(timer != 2f)它甚至不會檢測2種秒鐘,因爲它的速度太快。這意味着我必須提出一個條件timer < 2f,這是不準確的,並總是給我無法衡量的結果。


你應該幾乎永遠不會比較花車和平等雙打,他們不是確切的數字。您向我們展示的一小段代碼對我來說看起來沒問題,您能描述一下「不準確的結果」是什麼意思嗎? –


我試圖製作一個自由落體模擬器,用戶可以輸入自由落體時間,因爲計時器不準確,那麼計算有時會關閉0.1 –


@Todd Sewell我想要if語句完全停止2秒 –





boolean stop = false; 

Timer.schedule(new Task() { 

    public void run() { 
     stop = true; 
}, 2f); 


render() { 

    if (!stop) { 

     // Freefall 


我打算建議一個單線程的替代方案,如果您有一個自定義Timer類來管理自由落體邏輯,如下所示。它觀察進展情況,如果它看到比持續時間更長的事物,它就會「隱藏」到內部邏輯中,以便您的邏輯僅執行指定的時間量(由於我們正在使用浮點數而在可配置的誤差範圍內) 。


package tech.otter.timing; 

* Created by john on 11/20/16. 
public class TimingExample { 
    public static void main(String... args) { 
     boolean complete = false; 

     Timer t = new Timer(15f) { 
      // You could implement your logic here. 
      void action(float delta) { 

     while(!complete) { 
      complete = t.update(getDeltaTime()); 

     assert t.progress < t.duration; 
     assert t.progress + t.errorMargin > t.duration; 

    * Simulates processing time by returning 0-100ms. 
    * @return The number of milliseconds that have allegedly elapsed since the last call. 
    public static float getDeltaTime() { 
     return (float)(Math.random()/10); 

    abstract static class Timer { 
     private float duration; 
     protected float progress; 
     private float errorMargin; 

     public Timer(float duration) { 
      this(duration, 0.0001f); 
     public Timer(float duration, float errorMargin) { 
      this.duration = duration; 
      this.errorMargin = errorMargin; 
      this.progress = 0f; 

     * Update the timer based on how long since the last call. 
     * @param delta The amount of time since the last call. 
     * @return Whether the timer's progressed has met the duration. 
     public boolean update(float delta) { 
      // This if-statement "caps" the delta so that we will never exceed the duration. 
      if(progress + delta > duration) { 
       delta = duration - progress; 
      progress += delta; 

      // Return "true" if the progress is equal to the duration (+/- a small margin just in case since we use floats). 
      return progress + errorMargin > duration && progress - errorMargin < duration; 

     * Override this method with your game logic. 
     * You should not call it directly. 
     * @param delta The amount of time that has elapsed since the timer was last updated. 
     abstract void action(float delta); 