我試圖找遍各地的答案,但無濟於事。 在調試模式下它工作得很好,但是當我把它在發行模式下,它給我的SDL project.exe在0x00DC1814這個我在發佈模式下運行時出現「訪問衝突讀取位置」錯誤 - C++
SDL_Surface *loadimage();
struct picture
int maxframe;
SDL_Surface *surface = NULL;
SDL_Rect rect;
std::string filepath;
SDL_Surface *background = NULL;
SDL_Surface *backbuffer = NULL;
SDL_Surface *holder = NULL;
std::vector<picture *> veck;
int main(int argc, char* argu[]){
background = SDL_LoadBMP("pics/bac.bmp");
if (background == NULL){
return false;
int height = background->h;
int width = background->w;
backbuffer = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);
SDL_WM_SetCaption("Yamada's first window", NULL);
//this was here to test if i could format a surface more then once in
//the same format kept in just in case
holder = SDL_DisplayFormat(background);
background = SDL_DisplayFormat(holder);
//this is where i get the error
veck[0]->surface = loadimage();
veck[0]->rect.w = veck[0]->surface->w;
veck[0]->rect.h = veck[0]->surface->h;
//if commented out this is where i get my second error
veck.push_back(new picture);
veck[1]->rect.x = 39;
veck[1]->rect.y = 49;
veck[1]->surface = veck[0]->surface;
veck[1]->rect.w = veck[0]->surface->w;
veck[1]->rect.h = veck[0]->surface->h;
veck[0]->rect.x = 500;
veck[0]->rect.y = 200;
//printing to screan
TTF_Font *font = NULL;
Mix_Chunk *sound = NULL;
picture *picture1;
//if commented out again this is where i get my third error in sound
sound = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/walking in grass.wav");
font = TTF_OpenFont("fonts/CaviarDreams.ttf", 100);
while (programisrunning()){
//do SDL stuff herre
int t;
std::cin >> t;
return 0;
SDL_Surface *loadimage(){
veck.push_back(new picture);
SDL_Surface* rawimage = NULL;
SDL_Surface* processedimage = NULL;
veck[0]->filepath = "pics/walk 3.png";
rawimage = IMG_Load(veck[0]->filepath.c_str());
if (rawimage == NULL){
errorreport("image 'walk 3.png' failed to load\n");
return false;
processedimage = SDL_DisplayFormat(rawimage);
if (processedimage == NULL){
errorreport("image 'walk 3.png' failed to process\n");
return false;
Uint32 colorkey = SDL_MapRGB(processedimage->format, 255, 255, 255);
SDL_SetColorKey(processedimage, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, colorkey);
// EDIt
if (processedimage == NULL)
errorreport("ERRRORORROROOR BUT WHY\n");
return processedimage;
我知道它不是做事情的最佳途徑,但這是我的測試項目在sdl中做東西。如果我註釋洞veck [0]的東西,然後我得到相同的錯誤,但在veck.pushback()進一步下降,如果我註釋掉所有vecks然後我得到聲音的錯誤。如果有幫助的話,我正在使用visual studio 2013。我不明白我做錯了什麼。
你永遠不會驗證可以返回NULL指針的loadimage返回。 – dkackman
爲什麼在'loadimage()'中使用'veck'?在我看來,你只需要一個字符串... – vu1p3n0x
@dkackman如果我把「if(processedimage == NULL)」在loadimage()返回之前它是一樣的 –