我想在我的Open GL ES 1.1遊戲中使用頂點緩衝對象(VBOs)來改進我的複雜模型渲染。在閱讀了SO和這篇(http://playcontrol.net/ewing/jibberjabber/opengl_vertex_buffer_object.html)教程的幾篇文章之後,我仍然無法理解VBO以及如何在我的Cheetah 3D導出模型格式下實現它們。有人能給我舉一個實現VBO的例子,並用它來繪製給定數據結構的頂點並解釋語法嗎?我非常感謝任何幫助!iPhone Cheetah 3D OpenGL ES頂點緩衝區對象(VBO)示例
#define body_vertexcount 434
#define body_polygoncount 780
// The vertex data is saved in the following format:
// u0,v0,normalx0,normaly0,normalz0,x0,y0,z0
float body_vertex[body_vertexcount][8]={
{0.03333, 0.00000, -0.68652, -0.51763, 0.51063, 0.40972, -0.25028, -1.31418},
GLushort body_index[body_polygoncount][3]={
{0, 1, 2},
{2, 3, 0}
我在Pro OpenGL ES(Appress)的第9章的幫助下編寫了下面的代碼。我得到EXE_BAD_ACCESS與DrawElements命令,我不知道爲什麼。有人可以擺脫一些光線嗎?謝謝 -
// First thing we do is create/setup the index buffer
glGenBuffers(1, &bodyIBO);
// For constrast, instead of glBufferSubData and glMapBuffer,
// we can directly supply the data in one-shot
glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, body_polygoncount*sizeof(GLubyte), body_index, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// Define our data structure
int numXYZElements = 3;
int numNormalElements = 3;
int numTextureCoordElements = 2;
long totalXYZBytes;
long totalNormalBytes;
long totalTexCoordinateBytes;
int numBytesPerVertex;
// Allocate a new buffer
glGenBuffers(1, &bodyVBO);
// Bind the buffer object to use
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bodyVBO);
// Tally up the size of the data components
numBytesPerVertex = numXYZElements;
numBytesPerVertex += numNormalElements;
numBytesPerVertex += numTextureCoordElements;
numBytesPerVertex *= sizeof(GLfloat);
// Actually allocate memory on the GPU (Data is static here)
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, numBytesPerVertex * body_vertexcount, 0, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// Upload data to the cache (memory mapping)
GLubyte *vboBuffer = (GLubyte *)glMapBufferOES(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY_OES);
// Caclulate the total number of bytes for each data type
totalXYZBytes = numXYZElements * body_vertexcount * sizeof(GLfloat);
totalNormalBytes = numNormalElements * body_vertexcount * sizeof(GLfloat);
totalTexCoordinateBytes = numTextureCoordElements * body_vertexcount * sizeof(GLfloat);
// Set the total bytes property for the body
self.bodyTotalBytes = totalXYZBytes + totalNormalBytes + totalTexCoordinateBytes;
// Setup the copy of the buffer(s) using memcpy()
memcpy(vboBuffer, body_vertex, self.bodyTotalBytes);
// Perform the actual copy
// Activate the VBOs to draw
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bodyVBO);
// Setup drawing
// Setup pointers
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(vertexStruct), (char *)NULL + 0);
glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(vertexStruct), (char *)NULL + 12);
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, sizeof(vertexStruct), (char *)NULL + 24);
// Now draw the body
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, body_polygoncount,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (GLvoid*)((char*)NULL));
//glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, body_polygoncount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, nil);
我不能相信這是說明這個問題非常好給你,假設你已經知道如何頂點數組和OpenGL的其餘產品(其中你的** **你的OpenGL ES 1.1的遊戲建議提被發現沒有學習資源)。你也可以看[這裏](http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_vbo.html),但是從你的問題鏈接的教程看起來是合理的(我只瀏覽了它,雖然)。 – 2012-03-18 15:24:36
你有什麼麻煩?我們不只是爲你編寫代碼。數據結構和語法怎麼樣,你不明白嗎?只要儘可能明確,我們就可以制定出合理的答案。 – user1118321 2012-03-18 15:52:02
我貼我的代碼,我特別有麻煩呈現交織的數據與glDrawElements調用。我得到EXC_BAD_ACCESS,我會很感激一些幫助 - – PhilBot 2012-03-18 19:09:24