2013-03-18 41 views

我想整合cocos3d在我的觀點之一。所以,我有一個正常的視圖控制器(MapEditorViewController)和觀點,在我的視圖控制器,(我創建了一個IBOutlet CCGLView *openGLView),其中我想cocos3d是在我的視圖控制器,我有一個方法setupCocos3D:Cocos3D - 你好的世界場景不顯示時,集成在uikit


- (void)setupCocos3D { 

    [[CCDirector sharedDirector] setOpenGLView:openGLView]; 

    // Create the customized CC3Layer that supports 3D rendering. 
    CC3Layer* cc3Layer = [HelloWorldLayer node]; 

    // Create the customized 3D scene and attach it to the layer. 
    // Could also just create this inside the customer layer. 
    cc3Layer.cc3Scene = [testScene scene]; 

    // Assign to a generic variable so we can uncomment options below to play with the capabilities 
    CC3ControllableLayer* mainLayer = cc3Layer; 

    // The 3D layer can run either directly in the scene, or it can run as a smaller "sub-window" 
    // within any standard CCLayer. So you can have a mostly 2D window, with a smaller 3D window 
    // embedded in it. To experiment with this smaller embedded 3D window, uncomment the following lines: 
    // CGSize winSize = CCDirector.sharedDirector.winSize; 
    // cc3Layer.position = ccp(30.0, 30.0); 
    // cc3Layer.contentSize = CGSizeMake(winSize.width - 100.0, winSize.width - 40.0); 
    // cc3Layer.alignContentSizeWithDeviceOrientation = YES; 
    // mainLayer = [CC3ControllableLayer node]; 
    // [mainLayer addChild: cc3Layer]; 

    // A smaller 3D layer can even be moved around on the screen dyanmically. To see this in action, 
    // uncomment the lines above as described, and also uncomment the following two lines. 
    // cc3Layer.position = ccp(0.0, 0.0); 
    // [cc3Layer runAction: [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration: 15.0 position: ccp(500.0, 250.0)]]; 

    // Attach the layer to the controller and run a scene with it. 

    [CCDirector sharedDirector].animationInterval = (1.0f/kAnimationFrameRate); 
    [CCDirector sharedDirector].displayStats = YES; 
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] enableRetinaDisplay: YES]; 

    [[CCDirector sharedDirector] runWithScene:mainLayer]; 


我有兩個文件testScenetestLayer (called HelloWorldLayer here)從hello world默認cocos3d項目複製。


* Constructs the 3D scene. 
* Adds 3D objects to the scene, loading a 3D 'hello, world' message 
* from a POD file, and creating the camera and light programatically. 
* When adapting this template to your application, remove all of the content 
* of this method, and add your own to construct your 3D model scene. 
* 1) To help you find your scene content once it is loaded, the onOpen method below contains 
* code to automatically move the camera so that it frames the scene. You can remove that 
* code once you know where you want to place your camera. 
* 2) The POD file used for the 'hello, world' message model is fairly large, because converting a 
* font to a mesh results in a LOT of triangles. When adapting this template project for your own 
* application, REMOVE the POD file 'hello-world.pod' from the Resources folder of your project. 
-(void) initializeScene { 

    // Create the camera, place it back a bit, and add it to the scene 
    CC3Camera* cam = [CC3Camera nodeWithName: @"Camera"]; 
    cam.location = cc3v(0.0, 0.0, 6.0); 
    [self addChild: cam]; 

    // Create a light, place it back and to the left at a specific 
    // position (not just directional lighting), and add it to the scene 
    CC3Light* lamp = [CC3Light nodeWithName: @"Lamp"]; 
    lamp.location = cc3v(-2.0, 0.0, 0.0); 
    lamp.isDirectionalOnly = NO; 
    [cam addChild: lamp]; 

    // This is the simplest way to load a POD resource file and add the 
    // nodes to the CC3Scene, if no customized resource subclass is needed. 
    [self addContentFromPODFile: @"hello-world.pod"]; 

    // Create OpenGL ES buffers for the vertex arrays to keep things fast and efficient, 
    // and to save memory, release the vertex content in main memory because it is now redundant. 
    [self createGLBuffers]; 
    [self releaseRedundantContent]; 

    // That's it! The scene is now constructed and is good to go. 

    // To help you find your scene content once it is loaded, the onOpen method below contains 
    // code to automatically move the camera so that it frames the scene. You can remove that 
    // code once you know where you want to place your camera. 

    // If you encounter problems displaying your models, you can uncomment one or more of the 
    // following lines to help you troubleshoot. You can also use these features on a single node, 
    // or a structure of nodes. See the CC3Node notes for more explanation of these properties. 
    // Also, the onOpen method below contains additional troubleshooting code you can comment 
    // out to move the camera so that it will display the entire scene automatically. 

    // Displays short descriptive text for each node (including class, node name & tag). 
    // The text is displayed centered on the pivot point (origin) of the node. 
// self.shouldDrawAllDescriptors = YES; 

    // Displays bounding boxes around those nodes with local content (eg- meshes). 
// self.shouldDrawAllLocalContentWireframeBoxes = YES; 

    // Displays bounding boxes around all nodes. The bounding box for each node 
    // will encompass its child nodes. 
// self.shouldDrawAllWireframeBoxes = YES; 

    // If you encounter issues creating and adding nodes, or loading models from 
    // files, the following line is used to log the full structure of the scene. 
    LogInfo(@"The structure of this scene is: %@", [self structureDescription]); 

    // ------------------------------------------ 

    // And to add some dynamism, we'll animate the 'hello, world' message 
    // using a couple of actions... 

    // Fetch the 'hello, world' object that was loaded from the POD file and start it rotating 
    CC3MeshNode* helloTxt = (CC3MeshNode*)[self getNodeNamed: @"Hello"]; 
    CCActionInterval* partialRot = [CC3RotateBy actionWithDuration: 1.0 
                  rotateBy: cc3v(0.0, 30.0, 0.0)]; 
    [helloTxt runAction: [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction: partialRot]]; 

    // To make things a bit more appealing, set up a repeating up/down cycle to 
    // change the color of the text from the original red to blue, and back again. 
    GLfloat tintTime = 8.0f; 
    ccColor3B startColor = helloTxt.color; 
    ccColor3B endColor = { 50, 0, 200 }; 
    CCActionInterval* tintDown = [CCTintTo actionWithDuration: tintTime 
                  red: endColor.r 
                 green: endColor.g 
                 blue: endColor.b]; 
    CCActionInterval* tintUp = [CCTintTo actionWithDuration: tintTime 
                 red: startColor.r 
                 green: startColor.g 
                 blue: startColor.b]; 
    CCActionInterval* tintCycle = [CCSequence actionOne: tintDown two: tintUp]; 
    [helloTxt runAction: [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction: tintCycle]]; 

#pragma mark Updating custom activity 

* This template method is invoked periodically whenever the 3D nodes are to be updated. 
* This method provides your app with an opportunity to perform update activities before 
* any changes are applied to the transformMatrix of the 3D nodes in the scene. 
* For more info, read the notes of this method on CC3Node. 
-(void) updateBeforeTransform: (CC3NodeUpdatingVisitor*) visitor {} 

* This template method is invoked periodically whenever the 3D nodes are to be updated. 
* This method provides your app with an opportunity to perform update activities after 
* the transformMatrix of the 3D nodes in the scen have been recalculated. 
* For more info, read the notes of this method on CC3Node. 
-(void) updateAfterTransform: (CC3NodeUpdatingVisitor*) visitor { 
    // If you have uncommented the moveWithDuration: invocation in the onOpen: method, you 
    // can uncomment the following to track how the camera moves, where it ends up, and what 
    // the camera's clipping distances are, in order to determine how to position and configure 
    // the camera to view the entire scene. 
// LogDebug(@"Camera: %@", activeCamera.fullDescription); 

#pragma mark Scene opening and closing 

* Callback template method that is invoked automatically when the CC3Layer that 
* holds this scene is first displayed. 
* This method is a good place to invoke one of CC3Camera moveToShowAllOf:... family 
* of methods, used to cause the camera to automatically focus on and frame a particular 
* node, or the entire scene. 
* For more info, read the notes of this method on CC3Scene. 
-(void) onOpen { 

    // Move the camera to frame the scene. You can uncomment the LogDebug line in the 
    // updateAfterTransform: method to track how the camera moves, where it ends up, and 
    // what the camera's clipping distances are, in order to determine how to position 
    // and configure the camera to view your entire scene. Then you can remove this code. 
    //[self.activeCamera moveWithDuration: 3.0 toShowAllOf: self withPadding: 0.5f]; 

    // Uncomment this line to draw the bounding box of the scene. 
// self.shouldDrawWireframeBox = YES; 

* Callback template method that is invoked automatically when the CC3Layer that 
* holds this scene has been removed from display. 
* For more info, read the notes of this method on CC3Scene. 
-(void) onClose {} 

#pragma mark Handling touch events 

* This method is invoked from the CC3Layer whenever a touch event occurs, if that layer 
* has indicated that it is interested in receiving touch events, and is handling them. 
* Override this method to handle touch events, or remove this method to make use of 
* the superclass behaviour of selecting 3D nodes on each touch-down event. 
* This method is not invoked when gestures are used for user interaction. Your custom 
* CC3Layer processes gestures and invokes higher-level application-defined behaviour 
* on this customized CC3Scene subclass. 
* For more info, read the notes of this method on CC3Scene. 
-(void) touchEvent: (uint) touchType at: (CGPoint) touchPoint {} 

* This callback template method is invoked automatically when a node has been picked 
* by the invocation of the pickNodeFromTapAt: or pickNodeFromTouchEvent:at: methods, 
* as a result of a touch event or tap gesture. 
* Override this method to perform activities on 3D nodes that have been picked by the user. 
* For more info, read the notes of this method on CC3Scene. 
-(void) nodeSelected: (CC3Node*) aNode byTouchEvent: (uint) touchType at: (CGPoint) touchPoint { 



// HelloWorldLayer.m 
// testCocos2d 
// Created by Etienne Noel on 2013-03-15. 
// Copyright __MyCompanyName__ 2013. All rights reserved. 

// Import the interfaces 
#import "HelloWorldLayer.h" 

// Needed to obtain the Navigation Controller 
#import "AppDelegate.h" 

#pragma mark - HelloWorldLayer 

// HelloWorldLayer implementation 
@implementation HelloWorldLayer 

* Override to set up your 2D controls and other initial state, and to initialize update processing. 
* For more info, read the notes of this method on CC3Layer. 
-(void) initializeControls { 
    [self scheduleUpdate]; 

#pragma mark Updating layer 

* Override to perform set-up activity prior to the scene being opened 
* on the view, such as adding gesture recognizers. 
* For more info, read the notes of this method on CC3Layer. 
-(void) onOpenCC3Layer {} 

* Override to perform tear-down activity prior to the scene disappearing. 
* For more info, read the notes of this method on CC3Layer. 
-(void) onCloseCC3Layer {} 

* The ccTouchMoved:withEvent: method is optional for the <CCTouchDelegateProtocol>. 
* The event dispatcher will not dispatch events for which there is no method 
* implementation. Since the touch-move events are both voluminous and seldom used, 
* the implementation of ccTouchMoved:withEvent: has been left out of the default 
* CC3Layer implementation. To receive and handle touch-move events for object 
* picking, uncomment the following method implementation. 
-(void) ccTouchMoved: (UITouch *)touch withEvent: (UIEvent *)event { 
[self handleTouch: touch ofType: kCCTouchMoved]; 




CHK你網狀或「https://github.com/ copperly/Perl的教程/斑點/主/ LIB/Perl的/教程/ HelloWorld.pod」 – Ayaz 2013-03-18 05:21:21




mainLayer.contentSize = CGSizeMake(2048, 1320); 
