像素藝術在瀏覽器中非常困難,主要是由於缺乏通用瀏覽器支持「像素化」或「清晰邊緣」的圖像渲染。它應該是supported in CSS4。
目前CSS堆棧看起來是這樣,但它看起來好像Chrome的30和Opera 16已經打破了CSS解決方案的支持
-ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor;
見this answer通過@Phrogz,用test case。另見mozilla's documentation關於這個問題。現在普遍支持,一個JS的解決方案可能要暫時比如這裏看到的大文章drawing pixels is hard工作:
var resize = function(img, scale) {
// Takes an image and a scaling factor and returns the scaled image
// The original image is drawn into an offscreen canvas of the same size
// and copied, pixel by pixel into another offscreen canvas with the
// new size.
var widthScaled = img.width * scale;
var heightScaled = img.height * scale;
var orig = document.createElement('canvas');
orig.width = img.width;
orig.height = img.height;
var origCtx = orig.getContext('2d');
origCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
var origPixels = origCtx.getImageData(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
var scaled = document.createElement('canvas');
scaled.width = widthScaled;
scaled.height = heightScaled;
var scaledCtx = scaled.getContext('2d');
var scaledPixels = scaledCtx.getImageData(0, 0, widthScaled, heightScaled);
for(var y = 0; y < heightScaled; y++) {
for(var x = 0; x < widthScaled; x++) {
var index = (Math.floor(y/scale) * img.width + Math.floor(x/scale)) * 4;
var indexScaled = (y * widthScaled + x) * 4;
scaledPixels.data[ indexScaled ] = origPixels.data[ index ];
scaledPixels.data[ indexScaled+1 ] = origPixels.data[ index+1 ];
scaledPixels.data[ indexScaled+2 ] = origPixels.data[ index+2 ];
scaledPixels.data[ indexScaled+3 ] = origPixels.data[ index+3 ];
scaledCtx.putImageData(scaledPixels, 0, 0);
return scaled;
瀏覽器是不是圖像編輯器,你爲什麼會想到他們做的飛行放大圖像的好工作呢? – cimmanon