,我發現這個(修改一點點由我來適應) 它會返回intercetion X,Y否則,如果沒有發現intercetion它將返回-1,-1
Public Function intercetion(ByVal ax As Integer, ByVal ay As Integer, ByVal bx As Integer, ByVal by As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, ByVal dx As Integer, ByVal dy As Integer) As Point
'// Determines the intersection point of the line segment defined by points A and B
'// with the line segment defined by points C and D.
'// Returns YES if the intersection point was found, and stores that point in X,Y.
'// Returns NO if there is no determinable intersection point, in which case X,Y will
'// be unmodified.
Dim distAB, theCos, theSin, newX, ABpos As Double
'// Fail if either line segment is zero-length.
If ax = bx And ay = by Or cx = dx And cy = dy Then Return New Point(-1, -1)
'// Fail if the segments share an end-point.
If ax = cx And ay = cy Or bx = cx And by = cy Or ax = dx And ay = dy Or bx = dx And by = dy Then Return New Point(-1, -1)
'// (1) Translate the system so that point A is on the origin.
bx -= ax
by -= ay
cx -= ax
cy -= ay
dx -= ax
dy -= ay
'// Discover the length of segment A-B.
distAB = Math.Sqrt(bx * bx + by * by)
'// (2) Rotate the system so that point B is on the positive X axis.
theCos = bx/distAB
theSin = by/distAB
newX = cx * theCos + cy * theSin
cy = cy * theCos - cx * theSin
cx = newX
newX = dx * theCos + dy * theSin
dy = dy * theCos - dx * theSin
dx = newX
'// Fail if segment C-D doesn't cross line A-B.
If cy < 0 And dy < 0 Or cy >= 0 And dy >= 0 Then Return New Point(-1, -1)
'// (3) Discover the position of the intersection point along line A-B.
ABpos = dx + (cx - dx) * dy/(dy - cy)
'// Fail if segment C-D crosses line A-B outside of segment A-B.
If ABpos < 0 Or ABpos > distAB Then Return New Point(-1, -1)
'// (4) Apply the discovered position to line A-B in the original coordinate system.
'// Success.
Return New Point(ax + ABpos * theCos, ay + ABpos * theSin)
End Function
你究竟在尋找什麼?根據定義,平行線不會相交。 – Tyler 2010-05-11 02:53:41
平行線從不相交,除非距離爲0. 但由於它們的距離爲0,所以它們重疊。 但是,我的問題是關於線段。 拉伸線重疊,但線段保持未知。 所以我試着問一個解決方案來揭示未知。 – Judarkness 2010-05-11 03:08:04
Judarkness您可能需要稍微改進您的問題。如果我們正在檢查並行性,它們是否是線段又有什麼關係? – WhirlWind 2010-05-11 03:23:05