2012-05-14 68 views

我有一個網格,用戶可以在其上繪製矩形(實際上是房間中的房間)。由於房間不能相互交叉,因此在繪製第二個房間之前我會嘗試檢查衝突。到目前爲止,我設法檢查第二個矩形的'to-point'是否在第一個矩形內(=> return false)。但是當房間的邊界與另一個房間相交時,代碼也必須「返回:假」。jQuery/canvas:檢查矩形是否穿過另一個矩形

I have set up an example page here






您在每個語句調用的匿名函數中返回false :-) checkConflict函數總是返回true!看:

function checkConflict(fromx, fromy, tox, toy) { 
    $.each(rooms, function() { 
     var left1 = fromx; 
     var left2 = $(this)[0]; 
     var right1 = tox; 
     var right2 = $(this)[2]; 
     var top1 = fromy; 
     var top2 = $(this)[1]; 
     var bottom1 = toy; 
     var bottom2 = $(this)[3]; 

     if (bottom1 < top2) { return false; } 
     if (top1 > bottom2) { return false; } 
     if (right1 < left2) { return false; } 
     if (left1 > right2) { return false; } 
    return true; 


function checkConflict(fromx, fromy, tox, toy) { 
    var returnValue = true; 
    $.each(rooms, function() { 
     if (tox > this[0] && 
      tox < this[2] && 
      toy > this[1] && 
      toy < this[3]) 
     { returnValue = false; return false; } 

     if (fromx > this[0] && 
      fromx < this[2] && 
      fromy > this[1] && 
      fromy < this[3]) 
     { returnValue = false; return false; } 

    return returnValue; 

編輯: 我寫正確的代碼。我認爲這會更容易,但承諾是承諾...有可能重構代碼的方法,但現在頭痛已足夠:-D


function checkConflict(fromx, fromy, tox, toy) { 
    var returnValue = true; 
    $.each(rooms, function() { 

     var squareLeft = Math.min(parseInt(this[0]) ,parseInt(this[2])) , 
      squareRight = Math.max(parseInt(this[0]) ,parseInt(this[2])) , 
      squareTop = Math.min(parseInt(this[1]) ,parseInt(this[3])) , 
      squareBot = Math.max(parseInt(this[1]) ,parseInt(this[3])) ; 

     //drawing inside a shape 
     if ((fromx > squareLeft && fromx < squareRight && fromy > squareTop && fromy < squareBot) 
     && (tox > squareRight || tox < squareLeft || toy > squareBot || toy < squareTop)) { 
     returnValue = false; 
     return false; 

     // meet the bottom of the current square ? 
     if (fromy >= squareBot && // we are below this square 
       (toy < squareBot) && // and our destination is above the bottom of this square 
          fromx < squareRight && // we are drawing on the inner left side of this square 
          (tox > squareLeft || fromx > squareLeft) // and our destination is on the left of this square, or we started to draw on the right part of this square 
          fromx > squareLeft && // we are drawing on the inner right side of this square 
          (tox < squareRight || fromx < squareRight) // and our destination is on 
      returnValue = false; 
      return false; 

     // meet the top of a square ? 
     if (fromy <= squareTop && 
       (toy > squareTop) && 
          fromx < squareRight && 
          (tox > squareLeft || fromx > squareLeft) 
          fromx > squareLeft && 
          (tox < squareRight || fromx < squareRight) 
      returnValue = false; 
      return false; 

     // meet the left of a square ? 
     if (fromx <= squareLeft && 
       (tox > squareLeft) && 
          fromy < squareBot && 
          (toy > squareTop || fromy > squareTop) 
          fromy > squareTop && 
          (toy < squareBot || fromy < squareBot) 
      returnValue = false; 
      return false; 

     // meet the right of a square ? 
     if (fromx >= squareRight && 
       (tox < squareRight) && 
          fromy < squareBot && 
          (toy > squareTop || fromy > squareTop) 
          fromy > squareTop && 
          (toy < squareBot || fromy < squareBot) 
      returnValue = false; 
      return false; 

    return returnValue; 

每當檢測到衝突時,您也可以從內部函數執行「返回false」。這樣,循環立即停止,所以執行時間減少:) – pomeh


也相應地編輯了我的帖子 – jazzytomato


也不需要所有'$(this)[0]'類似的語句。在他的代碼中,'this'指向一個數組對象(它是來自'房間數組)的一個元素,所以你可以通過執行'this [0]'而不是'$(this)[0]''來直接訪問它的值。 :你不需要爲此創建一個jQuery對象。通過這樣做,您將刪除'8 * rooms.length' jQuery對象創建,這是巨大的。我知道這不是問題的一部分,但對我來說這是有道理的指出:) – pomeh
