module dff (CK,Q,D);
input CK,D;
output Q;
wire NM,NCK;
wire NQ,M;
nmos N7 (M,D,NCK);
not P3 (NM,M);
nmos N9 (NQ,NM,CK);
not P5 (Q,NQ);
not P1 (NCK,CK);
module s27(clk, in1, in2, GO, HO, AO, BO, CO, DO, EO, FO, a1, a2, a3, a4, o1, o2);
input clk, in1, in2;
output GO, HO, AO, BO, CO, DO, EO, FO, a1, a2, a3, a4, o1, o2;
wire AO, BO, CO, DO, EO, FO;
wire a1, a2, a3, a4;
wire o1, o2;
dff A(clk,AO,in1);
dff B(clk,BO,in2);
dff C(clk,CO,o1);
dff D(clk,DO,a1);
dff E(clk,EO,a2);
dff F(clk,FO,o2);
dff G(clk,GO,a3);
dff H(clk,HO,a4);
and AND2_1 (a1, AO, CO);
and AND2_2 (a2, CO, BO);
and AND2_3 (a3, AO, FO);
and AND2_4 (a4, FO, BO);
or OR2_1(o1, AO, BO);
or OR2_2(o2, DO, EO);
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module testbench;
parameter sOutFileName = "beSimOut.txt";
parameter nVectorWidth = 3;
parameter nVectorSpace = 1000;
parameter nSimCycle = 10;
/* simulation memory */
reg [nVectorWidth - 1:0] mSimMemory [nVectorSpace - 1:0];
/* simulation vector */
reg [nVectorWidth - 1:0] vSimVector;
/* bench variables */
integer nOutFile, nIndex;
/* connection variable declarations */
wire clk, in1, in2, G0, H0, A0, B0, C0, D0, E0, F0, a1, a2, a3, a4, o1, o2;
/* drive inputs */
assign clk = vSimVector[2];
assign in1 = vSimVector[1];
assign in2 = vSimVector[0];
/* simulation memory population routine */
task populateSimulationMemory;
for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < nVectorSpace; nIndex = nIndex + 1)
mSimMemory[nIndex] = { $random };
/* simulation */
/* start monitoring */
$monitor($time, ": clk = %b, in1 = %b, in2 = %b, GO = %b, HO = %b, AO = %b, BO = %b, CO = %b, DO = %b, EO = %b, FO = %b, a1 = %b, a2 = %b, a3 = %b, a4 = %b, o1 = %b, o2 = %b", clk, in1, in2, GO, HO, AO, BO, CO, DO, EO, FO, a1, a2, a3, a4, o1, o2);
/* populate simulation memory */
/* open dump file */
nOutFile = $fopen(sOutFileName);
if (nOutFile == 0)
$display("Can't open %s file for dumping. Exiting ...", sOutFileName);
/* simulate inputs */
for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < nVectorSpace; nIndex = nIndex + 1)
#nSimCycle vSimVector = mSimMemory[nIndex];
#1 $fclose(nOutFile);
nOutFile = 0;
/* instantiation */
s27 inst (.clk(clk), .in1(in1), .in2(in2), .GO(GO), .HO(HO), .AO(AO), .BO(BO), .CO(CO), .DO(DO), .EO(EO), .FO(FO), .a1(a1), .a2(a2), .a3(a3), .a4(a4), .o1(o1), .o2(o2));
/* dump */
always @(clk or in1 or in2 or GO or HO or AO or BO or CO or DO or EO or FO or a1 or a2 or a3 or a4 or o1 or o2)
if (nOutFile != 0)
$fdisplay(nOutFile, $time, ": clk = %b, in1 = %b, in2 = %b, GO = %b, HO = %b, AO = %b, BO = %b, CO = %b, DO = %b, EO = %b, FO = %b, a1 = %b, a2 = %b, a3 = %b, a4 = %b, o1 = %b, o2 = %b", clk, in1, in2, GO, HO, AO, BO, CO, DO, EO, FO, a1, a2, a3, a4, o1, o2);
哪個網絡特別是'X',你的投入,或內部網?你並沒有重置你的觸發器,所以它們在初始化時會是X,但是如果真的沒有環回,你聲稱它們應該在輸入傳播時收斂到已知狀態。 – Tim
@Tim是的,那正是我期待的。但是,網絡(輸入除外)都沒有收斂到特定的值。他們都給出了價值x。輸入(包括clk)均按預期給出0/1。 – Arani
我想只是檢查你的'dff',然後確保晶體管的行爲是正確的。您應該能夠看到哪個弧線不正確。 – Tim